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pointed by the doctor. Strictly attend to his orders. When persons take medicine with reluctance, bear with them. Tell them how necessary they are to their recovery. Try to keep them easy both in body and mind, place them in such a posture as you think will give them least pain. If you have to watch them by night then you ought to sleep in the day. If they are dangerously ill, then two persons ought to set with them. They must not be left alone in order to guard against drowsiness. One should lay down while the other watches for a certain period, and the person taking rest should only be called on absolute necessity. Keep the room and the house as quiet as possible. Speak with kindness to those whom you may be called to attend. Their pain may make them cross, impatient and restless, but then there is a greater need for your forbearance and sympathy. Only think how you would like to be treated if you were in their place, and treat them in the same man


2. A few words to those NURSES who have the care of INFANTS, that are not yet weaned from the breast,

If they have children of their own it will re quire some sacrifice to do justice to the children. of a stranger, but this may be done and has been done, I believe, without any injury to their own children. It is the duty of mothers to choose such as are healthy and able to af ford plenty of nourishment to their infants. She ought to be a careful, clean, good natured woman. She ought to love the child that is under her care, because the helpless state of an Infant has a peculiar claim to the compassion and tenderness of a Nurse. Children must not be suffered to lay and cry for a long time, Crying strains their nerves and often causes inflammations. A child never continues to cry long without some cause, which may easily be discovered by a careful Nurse. That Nurse who can hear a child lay and cry till it is nearly spent itself, without endeavoring to please and quiet it, must be cruel indeed. She is unworthy to be trusted with a human creature. Beware of endeavouring to supply the want of milk by wines and spirituous li quors. Goat's milk is much to be preferred to any thing of this kind. Never give a child


any thing to lull it to sleep, give the child exercise in the open air, and that will make the child sleep without any thing else, if it is well and in health. Spirits, strong liquors and things given to make children sleep, are certain poison, and yet they are often given by those who have the character of being very good Nurses. Always keep an Infant clean and dry, and never drive in any eruptions of the skin which you may happen to discover. Do not be alarmed, do not endeavor to stop any eruption without first asking advice. Never frighten the child in order to make it cease from crying. Never conceal any disease which a child may have, or any accident which may happen to children on account of your own carelessness or inattention. Better mention it at once to the parents of the child, than to suffer the child to be lame or injured for life, because you dare not mention because you will be blamed.*

3. A few words to those NURSES who have the care of CHILDREN after they are weaned. They are called NURSE MAIDS in England be



*See Buchan's Domestic Medicine, pages 19

cause they have the charge of the children in the NURSERY, which is a room that is set apart for the use of the children in every large family, where servants are employed. A nurse maid's place is I belive considered an easy one, but it is a very important one. There is reason to fear that many young girls when they obtain such a place, think but little of the importance of the charge they undertake. How much good a well disposed well educated Nursery maid may do. How much good a pious Nursery maid may do to the children under her care. She ought to be one that loves children, good tempered and having a large stock of patience on hand, or she will assuredly become a bankrupt before twelve months have passed away. Children soon become attached to the person who has the care of them, who is willing to please them as far as they can, and who always attend to their real wants. Never leave them alone, especially when you are walking out with them. You kuow not what may befall them in your absence. Do not buy any fruits or sweetmeats for them which you know that their parents disapprove of. Never take them to the houses of any of your acquain


tance, lest they should see or hear any thing that is improper. Children are generally fond of pictures; if therefore you buy any thing to please them, let it be such pictures as you can explain to them, such as will yield some important lesson of instruction. Birds or Beasts, these you can describe to them. Scripture pictures will afford you an excellent op portunity of explaining to them a few of the plainest and most interesting parts of the Bible. As they grow older, pictures with a short description underneath, will be very suitable. In teaching them their letters, should that be a part of your office, tell them that these letters are the beginning of the names of things which they have seen and are well ac quainted with. Either the names of their parents, themselves, their brothers and sisters, or friends. That these letters stand for certain Birds or Aminals with which they are acquainted, or of certain things which they love. Thus you will make a pleasure for them to learn, and an easy and delightful work for you to teach. See that you are industrious and as

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