IRISH MELODIES, NATIONAL AIRS, SACRED SONGS, Ballads, Songs, &c. BY THOMAS MOORE, ESQ. This splendid Edition comprises the whole of JERSEY: PRINTED, PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY COLLINS & PAYN, ROYAL SALOON. 1828. } DEDICATION. TO THE Marchioness Dowager of Donegal. It is now many years since, in a Letter prefixed to the Third Number of the Irish Melodies, I had the pleasure of inscribing the Poems of that work to your Ladyship, as to a person whose character reflected honour on the country to which they relate, and whose friendship had long been the pride and happiness of their Author. With the same feelings of affection and respect, confirmed if not increased by the experience of every successive year, I now place those Poems in their present new form under your protection, and am, With perfect sincerity, your Ladyship's ever attached friend, Paris, June 10, 1827. 3941026 THOMAS MOORE. |