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old man'shed tears at my distress; but said that it was not in his power to comply with my request, for his orders were from a higher quarter: he had. even been commanded to execute all the white prisoners in private; and, to keep them in close confinement, was as little as he could do. He ordered, however, that they should be allowed to go outside of the door to eat their rice; and, when inside, be placed as near the door as possible. I was afterward informed, from good authority, that the Queen's brother, Menthogyee, had ordered the Governor to destroy the white prisoners; but that the Governor, fearing they might be required by the King, dared not obey the command.

The situation of the white prisoners was now wretched in the extreme. The heat during the day was dreadful; indeed, the confined air deprived them of inclination for food, and their whole appearance was more that of the dead than of the living. I daily visited the Governor, and continued to entreat him to pity the foreigners: sometimes he appeared to feel for us, and seemed half inclined to listen to my request; but the fear of Mentho-gyee, doubtless, prevented.

It was now reported that the foreign troops had reached Donaboo; and was whispered about that Bundoolah was dead. No one, at first, ventured to say this openly: but the report was now conveyed officially to his Majesty, who was mute with disappointment, while the Queen smote her breast and exclaimed "Ama, Ama!" What was to be done now? Where could another General be found, and from what quarter could troops be raised? The Prince and Woongyees at the Burmese Camp had intimated the necessity of making peace; but this was too humiliating to be thought of for a mo'ment. "What!" said one of the Woongyees at Court, "shall we allow it to be recorded in a future history of the country, that our glorious King made a peace with strangers, and gave them part of his territory? No, we will die first!"

The Pagan Woongyee, who had been in disgrace for some time, now thought it a good opportunity to retrieve his character and regain his influence. He petitioned his Majesty to allow him to go at the head of a

new army; and positively assured the
King, that he would conquer the Eng-
lish, and drive them from Burmah.
He was immediately raised to the high-
est rank, and all power committed to
hitn. His first object was to manifest
his inveterate hatred to every foreign-
er; and those, who had for eleven
months escaped confinement, now fell
into his merciless hands, and were
thrown into prison. Among the num-
ber was Mr. Lonoogo, a Spanish gen-
tleman, who had for twenty years been
high in the King's favour, and had
done all in his power to alleviate the
sufferings of the foreign prisoners; but
he was now among them.

Mr. Judson had now been in close confinement, and in five pairs of fetters, for a month; and, with anguish indescribable, I saw him sinking under the weight of his sufferings. He was taken with a high fever. My distress and entreaties now prevailed with the Governor of the city to give a written order to remove Mr. Judson from the common prison, into a little bamboo room, six feet long and four wide. I also obtained an order to give him medicine, and visit him whenever I wished. I had removed into the Governor's compound, and was living in a bamboo house where the thermometer daily rose to 106: but thought myself happily situated to be near the prison, and allowed to visit Mr. Judson, who began now to hope that he should recover from the fever, as his situation was so much better than before.

But new and dreadful trials were yet before us. I had gone in, one morning. to give Mr. Judson his breakfast, and intended spending a few hours as usual, when the Governor, in great haste, sent for me. I was agreeably disappointed on appearing before him, to find that he had nothing in particular to communicate, and that he was uncommonly kind and obliging. He had detained me a long time, when a servant came in hastily, and whispered that the foreign prisoners had all been taken out, and he knew not where they were carried. Without speaking to the Governor, I ran down stairs into the street, hoping to catch a sight of them; but they were beyond the reach of my eye. I inquired of all whom I met, which way the white prisoners were gone; but no one knew. I returned again to the Governor, who de

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clared that he was perfectly ignorant of their fate; and that he did not know of their being taken out of prison till a few moments before. This was all false; as he had evidently been detaining me, to avoid witnessing the scene that was to follow. He also said, with a meaning countenance, "You can do no more for your husband: take care of yourself." This was a day never to be forgotten. I retired to my little bamboo house, and endeavoured to obtain comfort from the only true source; but my mind was in such a distracted state, that I could not steadily reflect on any thing. This one thought occupied my mind to the exclusion of every other that I had seen Mr. Judson for the last time, and that he was now probably in a state of extreme agony. In the evening I heard that the prisoners were sent to Ummerapoorah; but what was to be their fate was not yet known. The next day I obtained a pass from Government to follow Mr. Judson, with my little Maria, who was then only three months old; and, with one Bengalee servant, set out on my journey. We reached the Government House at Ummerapoorah; and were informed that the prisoners had been sent off two hours before to Oung-pen-lay (a place similar to Botany Bay,) whither I immediately followed. I found Mr. Judson in a most wretched state. He had been dragged out of his little room the day before: his shoes, hat, and clothes, excepting his shirt and pantaloons, had been taken from him, and in his feeble state of health, and in the hottest part of the day, had been literally driven ten miles with a rope tied round his waist. His feet were torn in such a manner, that, for six weeks, he was unable to stand. He was nearly exhaust ed with pain and fatigue, when a servant of Mr. Gauger's who had followed his master, took from his head his turban, gave part of it to Mr. Judson, who hastily wrapped it about his feet, which enabled him to proceed without sinking. He and Dr. Price were now chained together; and, with the other prisoners, put inside of a small wood prison almost gone to decay. We af-. terward were informed that the Pagan Woongyee had sent the foreigners to this place, with a design to sacrifice them, in order to secure success in his

contemplated expedition; but the King, suspecting him of treasonable intentions, caused him to be executed before he had time to accomplish his designs.

I here obtained a little room from one of the jailors where I passed six months of constant and severe suffering. Mr. Judson was much more comfortably situated than when in the city prison, as he had only one pair of fetters; and, when recovered from his fever and wounds, was allowed to walk in the prison enclosure. But I was deprived of every single convenience ; and my health, which had enabled me to bear severe trials hitherto, now began to fail. I was taken with one of the country disorders; and, for two months, was unable to go to Mr. Judson's prison. Our little Maria, who had just recovered from the small pox, was near starving to death, as I could neither obtain a nurse nor a drop of milk in the village. But our Merciful Father preserved us all, through these dreadful scenes; and, at the expiration of six months, an order arrived for the release of Mr. Judson, and I was allowed to return to our house in town."

Mr. Judson was now kept a prisoner at large for nearly two months; employed as an interpreter to the king. He was then sent, with Dr. Price, to the English camp on an embassy, where they had an opportunity of disclosing their situation to the General who demanded and obtained their liberation, on the 21st of February, 1826, after an imprisonment of nearly two years.

"We have," says Mrs. J. in conclusion of her interesting letter, "safe. ly arrived in Rangoon, and once more find ourselves in the old Mission House! What shall we render to the Lord for all His mercies!

We intend going to one of the places retained by the English Government, and endeavour once more to collect a little Church around us.

Burmah will yet be given to Jesus for His inheritance! We are not discouraged, but think our prospects brighter than ever. We shall have as many Schools as we can support at Mergui or Tavoy, to which places the Burmese population are flocking in



Spain and Portugal.-By the latest English papers, we have received the following interesting intelligence--that Portugal has been invaded by Spanish troops, in conjunction with Portuguese rebels, who had taken refuge in Spain; and that the Princess Regent of Portugal has applied to England for assistance. This fact was communicated to Parliament by the King in the following message.

"His Majesty acquaints the House of Lords, that his Majesty has received an earnest application from the Princess Regent of Portugal, claiming, in virtue of the ancient obligations of alliance and amity subsisting between his Majesty and the crown of Portugal, his Majesty's aid against an hostile aggression from Spain.

His Majesty has exerted himself for some time past, in conjunction with his Majesty's ally, the King of France, to prevent such an aggression; and repeated assurances have been given by the Court of Madrid, of the determination of his Catholic Majesty neither to commit, nor to allow to be committed, from his Catholic Majesty's territory, any aggression against Portugal.

But his Majesty has learnt with deep concern, that, notwithstanding these assurances, hostile inroads into the territory of Portugal have been concerted in Spain, and have been executed under the eyes of Spanish authorities by Portuguese Regiments, which had deserted into Spain, and which the Spanish government had repeatedly and solemnly engaged to disarm and disperse.

His Majesty leaves no effort unexhausted to awaken the Spanish government to the dangerous consequences of this apparent connivance.

His Majesty makes this communication to the House of Lords with the full and entire confidence, that the House of Lords will afford to his Majesty their cordial concurrence and support in maintaining the faith of treaties, and in securing, against foreign hostility, the safety and independence of the kingdom of Portugal-the oldest ally of Great Britain."

An answer to this message was immediately moved in the House of Lords, thanking his Majesty for his gracious communication, and expressing the hope which they entertained

that the measures adopted by his Majesty's government would awaken the King of Spain to a sense of his danger, and have the effect of preventing a recourse to arms, while at the same time their Lordships were ready to afford his majesty their cordial concurrence and support, in maintaining the independence of Portugal.

There seems to have been great unanimity of feeling in the English Cabinet, with regard to the course to be pursued, on this subject; and their measures have been prompt and decided. The decision of ment was taken on the day following governthat in which they received the intelligence from Portugal-on the third day the sanction of his Majesty was obtained-and on the fourth, the British troops were on their march for Portugal.

Greece.-The latest official intelligence gives strong hopes of their future success. They have of late gained several considerable advantages both by land and sea; and there has been much disaffection and revolt among the Turkish troops. The stormy passions of the Moslem, however, still rage in all their fury, and the vengeance of the barbarian Sultan, as will appear by the article below, gathers strength from the waste of blood.

"Some days after the fire which broke out on the 11th inst. in the newly erected fire-tower of the old Seraglio, the spies of the Seraskier discovered that in the residence of the guards of the Imperial Dormitory, which likewise belongs to the Janissaries, some meetings were held, and arms collected. The Aga Pasha or dered 2500 newly disciplined troops to march against that part, and had 3000 Janissaries belonging to the former tribes of Janisaries taken into custody. About 1500 of them instantly suffered death: the rest were embarked for Asia. It appeared from their confes sion, that a far more extensive conspiracy had been hatched, which had originated with the fugitive Janissaries and their dependents. Already had 1000 Janissaries, in disguise, secretly entered the capital, and a large number were assembled in its vicinity on the Asiatic side, who had recruited themselves on their way through Ni, comedi, to the number of 4,000. During a fresh conflagration, which had

been planned to occupy the Sultan's attention, these Janissaries were, in conjunction with other discontented men, to effect the overthrow of the present system. As soon as the Sultan was apprised of this plan, he took the most energetic measures, and annihilated all the hopes of the conspirators, at a single blow. But notwithstanding this first triumph of the Grand Seignor, the utmost consternation and fear of the future is visible on all countenances, and the Seraskier himself, who was to have been the first to suffer, is said to be in the greatest inquietude."

The pub ic sympathies, both in this country and in Europe, are much excited for the suffering Greeks, and very liberal exertions are making to supply them with the necessaries of life.


demeanour, &c. The price of a license in New-York is fixed at $1000, at Albany and Troy $500, at Schenectady $200, and says that at Buffalo, Rochester, and Utica, it shall not be less than $200, at the discretion of the judges of the county courts, and leaves it to such judges to regulate the price of licenses in other counties.

The House of Representatives of Maryland, have passed a bill regulating lottery offices. It requires venders in Baltimore to pay $1000 a year for their licenses, and those in other places $100. It also requires an oath and a bond of $10,000 to prevent the sale of tickets in lotteries not authorized by the state, and the breach of the laws relating thereto. $1000 is also to be paid by persons advertising the sale of tickets in lotteries out of the state.

The American Colonization Society held its annual meeting in the capitol at Washington on the 20th of January, when, the weather being very unfavourable, it was adjourned to a subsequent day. The adjourned meeting was very respectably attended, and was of such a character as to show that the society is rapidly and widely gaining strength in the American com

Lotteries.-The New-York Legislature have passed a bill prohibiting the sale of foreign lottery tickets in that state; the sale of shares of tickets in lotteries authorized in this state, removes any manager who shall violate the law, and deprives dealers in tickets of their license, together with penalties on any person who shall violate the law; and in addition declares that they shall be deemed guilty of a mis-munity.


Dec. 20.-The Rev. JAIRUS BURT, over the Congregational Church in Canton. Sermon by the Rev. Sylvester Burt of Great Barrington, Mass.

Dec. 20.--The Rev. JOHN N. BROWN, as Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Malden, Mass. Sermon by the Rev. Henry Jackson of Charlestown.

Dec. 24.-The Rev. GILBERT R. LIVINGSTON, Over the First Reformed Dutch Church in Philadelphia. Sermon by President Milledoler, of Rutger's College.

The Rev. Moses WELCH, over the Congregational Church at Plastow, N. H. Sermon by the Rev. Samuel Gile, of Milton.

Dec. 27.-The Rev. MOSES P. GROSVENOR, as pastor of the Church

and Society in Haverhill, Mass. Sermon by the Rev. Justin Edwards, of Andover.

Jan. 3.-The Rev. JOHN TODD, as Pastor of the new church in Groton, Mass. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Beecher, of Boston.

Jan. 3.-The Rev. STEPHEN ALONzo LOPER, Over the Congregational Church in Hampden, Me. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Blood, of Bucksport.

Jan. 10.-The Rev. J. B. WATERBURY, as Colleague Pastor with the Rev. Joseph Lyman, at Hatfield, Ms. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Sprague of West Springfield.

Jan 10.-The Rev. NATHAN SHAW, over the Congregational Church in Scockbridge, Mass. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Lee.

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THIS phraseology is not employed to insinuate that these practical duties are of minor importance at any time. They are always "in season" where souls are to be called to repentance, or saints to be guided in the path to duty and to heaven. But if there is any peculiarity of circumstances in which they are especially seasonable, I believe it is the peculiarity which a revival exhibits.

I foresee at once two objections that may arise in the minds of some, to the position I have now advanced;"such topics, if made prominent at such a time, will divert the attention of inquiries from the grand object of immediately securing their salvation; or else will make them converts to nothing better than selfrighteousness." As I shall notice these objections in the sequel, it may be sufficient here to observe, that they lie only against an improper mode of presenting these duties. They have long been present to my mind; and perhaps, may have exerted an influence in preventing me from urging these duties in the manner which I now believe not only proper but highly important. And a fear that superficial objections of some kind, or an inattention to the subject in some of its important bearings, may prevent others from suitably presentVOL. I.-No. III.


[No. III.

ing these duties while God is pouring out his spirit, is my inducement now to snatch a moment, amid many cares, to express the result of my thoughts upon it. And never did I more wish I had the time and talent requisite to do justice to an important topic, with which the salvation of souls, and the lasting welfare of Zion, are intimately connected.

I believe it expedient to inculcate these duties in public and private at such a season,

1. Because Christ inculcated them, with great force and frequency, on minds in a similar condition. To the young ruler, "not far from the kingdom of Heaven," but still unconverted, he said, Go, and sell all that thou hast and give to the poor, and come and follow me. While this was an appropriate test of his pretended readiness to keep all the commandments, it must also be regarded as divine authority for presenting the requisitions of Christian benevolence as a condition of salvation to such as inquire what they must do to be saved. However diversity in eircumstances may affect the extent to which duty calls us to part with property, to feed the famishing bodies or save the perishing souls of men, yet the principle is the same. Self-denial, a hearty renunciation of the world, and a complete devotion of property, time, influence, all to Christ, are as requisite now to discipleship as they were when he gathered the little, but devoted band, around his

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