Communistic propaganda matter, to prohibit the Page
transmittal of in the United States mails, or in interstate commerce for circulation or use in public schools-(See bills S. 1409, S. 1824.) Communists— Domination in unions, to establish effective means to determine, and to eliminate Communists from positions of influence and control in labor unions-See bill S. 1254.) Domination of certain unions, public policy and, report on, to print as a Senate document. Organization, to make it unlawful for a member of, to hold an office or employment with any labor organization, and to permit the dis- charge by employers of persons who are mem- bers of organizations designated as subversive by the Attorney General of the United States (See bill S. 23.)
Party and similar organizations, to outlaw-(See bill S. 200.)
Party in America, resolution favoring to outlaw and make membership in, unlawful.. Party of the United States, report of the Subver- sive Activities Control Board, requiring the. to register as a Communist-action organiza- tion under the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950............... Communists and subversive activities, resolution fav- oring the right and duty of Congress and the judiciary to investigate all, and to use every legitimate and constitutional means to drive them out of the Federal, State, and other in- strumentalities of government.... Community water supplies, resolution favoring the fluoridation of, and urging that fluoridation be adopted in all communities in the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts and commend- ing the local, State, and Federal departments of health in their efforts to make the above available...
Comptroller General of the United States— Communications from, transmitting-
Proposed legislation, draft of-
To expedite the payment of the Comptroller General of judgment rendered by the dis- trict courts and the Court of Claims against the United States, together with an analysis of current laws and proceedings governing payment of judgment against the United States....
![[blocks in formation]](,110,426,140)
Alaska Railroad, survey and review of the operations of the, fiscal year 1952. Alaska Road Commission, survey and review of, for fiscal year 1952... Audit of-
Bureau of Customs, Treasury Department, for fiscal year 1952, of the importation into the United States of Canadian wheat classified for customs purposes as "wheat, unfit for human consumption”. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, fiscal years 1951 and 1952........
Department of the Interior, Southwestern Power Administration, fiscal year 1952.... General Accounting Office, annual report of the, for fiscal year 1952... Illegal expenditures made by the Department of the Navy in connection with the suit brought by the United States against Fall- brook Public Utility District, and others, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Southern Division
Comptroller General of the United States-Con. Communications from, transmitting-Continued Reports by, on-
Office of Investigation, General Accounting Office, report of investigation by, covering the sale of Government-owned timber by the Forest Service, Department of Agricul- ture, and the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior_
Comptroller of the Currency, communication from, transmitting annual report, calendar year 1951 ___ Concepta, Sister (Ida Riegel)-(See bills S. 366, S. 1015.)
Conditional gifts to further the defense effort, draft of proposed legislation to authorize the ac- ceptance of‒‒‒‒‒ Confederate Reunion and Sons of Confederate Vet- erans Convention to be held in Mobile, Ala., June 9 through June 11, 1953, to authorize the attendance of the United States Marine Corps Band at the-(See bill S. 1764.)
Conference reports, requiring statements signed by a majority of conferees of each body to accom- pany (See S. Con. Res. 50.)
Committee to wait upon the President to inform him that the two Houses have completed the business of the session and are ready to ad- journ, to appoint-(See S. Res. 161.)
![[blocks in formation]](,548,417,209)
To increase the salaries of-(See bill S. 1663.) To prohibit the donation to or acceptance by, of contributions for services rendered or to be rendered as such Members or for reimburse- ment of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such Members-(See bill S. 177.)
To provide a 3-day period for the election of, and the appointment of electors of President and Vice President-(See bill S. 806.) To provide chapel facilities for-(See S. Con. Res. 14; H. Con. Res. 60.)
Notifying the President that the two Houses are ready to adjourn sine die-(See S. Res. 161.) Quorum-
To appoint committee to notify President of assembling of-(See S. Res. 1.)
Members on part of the Senate appointed____ Members on part of the House providing for.. Sine die adjournment of the first session of the Eighty-third, providing for-(See S. Con. Res.
53.) Taxation and borrowing powers of the, proposing
an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to the-(See S. J. Res. 61.)
To enable the, in aid of the common defense, to function effectively in time of emergency or disaster, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States-(See S. J. Res. 39.)
Witnesses before either House of, or their com- mittees, to amend the immunity provision relating to testimony given by-(See bill S. 16.)
Congress of 1754, held at Albany, N. Y., on June 24 of that year, creating a committee to assist in the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the (See S. J. Res. 99; H. J. Res. 290.) Congressional and Judicial Salaries, to provide for the creation of a Commission on-(See bill S. 2417.)
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Congressional appropriations, resolution favoring
Congressional committees-
Certain other officers and employees of the United States, and certain officials of political parties, to require to file statements disclosing the amount and sources of their incomes, the value of their assets, and their dealings in securities and commodities-(See bill S. 334.) Establishing rules of procedure in cases where a, in debate, makes derogatory remarks con- cerning a citizen of the United States-(See S. Con. Res. 11.)
To abolish the franking privilege of, and to require the payment of postage on all official mail sent by the Government of the United States (See bill S. 2503.)
To amend the Civil Service Retirement Act, with respect to the survivorship benefits granted to-(See bill H. R. 3073.)
Copy of civil-defense compact between Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mex- ico, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, Ohio, Arizona, California, and Colorado.... Interstate civil defense and mutual-aid compact, notification to the Senate of entrance into, with Ohio, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. Legislature of the State of-
Communications from, transmitting- Petitions, resolutions, and memorials from— Annual inspection and certification by the Coast Guard of all vessels, regardless of size, which carry passengers for hire, urging..
Atomic Energy Act, favoring the amending
of the, so as to eliminate any language which may be interpreted as providing for the extension of tax exemption to private contractors with the Atomic Energy Com- mission or to vendors of such contractors. Educational television, remonstrating against any assignment to commercial stations of the 3 channels now allocated to Connecticut for, and to ask an ex- tension for 2 years of the period for ac- ceptance of them...
Excise tax of 20 percent on purses, hand- bags, pocketbooks, wallets, and billfolds of a price not exceeding $10, favoring the elimination of-----
Federal Beach Erosion Board, favoring ac- tion to expedite completion of the reports of the
Conservation, resolution favoring, to integrate the sub- Page ject of, into the grade- and high-school sub- jects so that every child may learn the funda- mentals of conservation, and provide in the training of teachers a thorough understand- ing in the conservation of our natural re- sources...
Consolidated General Appropriation Act, providing for a-(See S. Con. Res. 8.) Constantina, Sister (Teresia Kakonyi.)-(See bill S.
Constellation, to provide for the repair and restora- tion of the frigate― See bill S. 2246.) Constitution of the United States-
Amendments proposed-
Appropriations, relating to-See S. J. Res. 30.) Candidates for President and Vice President— Providing for nomination of, and for elec- tion of such candidates, by popular vote- (See S. J. Res. 84.)
Providing for nomination of, by primary elec- tions (See S. J. Res. 17.)
Relating to the nomination and election of, and to succession to the office of President in the event of the death or inability of the President-See S. J. Res. 85.) Citizens of the United States who have attained the age of 18, to grant the right to vote—(See S. J. Res. 53; S. J. Res. 103.) Congress, to enable the, in aid of the common defense, to function effectively in time of emergency or disaster—(See S. J. Res. 39.) Election of President and Vice President— Providing for the direct popular-(See S. J. Res. 55.)
Providing for the election of-(See S. J. Res. 19.)
With respect to the-(See S. J. Res. 95.) Equal rights for men and women, relative to- (See S. J. Res. 49.)
Indian tribes, to restore the same rights to the. which are enjoyed by all citizens of the United States-(See S. J. Res. 4.) Jesus Christ, recognizing the authority and law of-See S. J. Res. 87.) Nomination and election of candidates for President and Vice President, relating to the. and to succession of the Office of President in the event of the death or inability of the President (See S. J. Res. 8.) President and Vice President, election of elec- tors of, in the several States, for the election of President and Vice President by such elec- tors, and, in certain cases, for the election of President and Vice President by the joint membership of the Senate and House of Representatives (See S. J. Res. 100.)
Private property, relative to the taking of—(See S. J. Res. 3.)
Qualifications of electors, relating to the—(See S. J. Res. 25.)
Right to vote, to grant to citizens of the United States who have attained the age of 18-(See S. J. Res. 64.)
Sixteenth amendment, taxes on incomes, pro-
Constitution of the United States-Continued Amendments proposed-Continued
To assure the equal application thereof, to indi- viduals of both sexes-(See S. J. Res. 111.) Treaties and executive agreements, relative to the making of—(See S. J. Res. 1.) Treaties, relating to the legal effect of certain- (See S. J. Res. 43.)
XVI, relative to taxes on incomes, inheritances, and gifts (See S. J. Res. 23.) Amendments to, requiring a yea-and-nay vote on the passage of joint resolutions proposing— (See S. Res. 144.) Article V, resolution favoring the calling of a con- vention by Congress for proposing an amend- ment to, or as such a convention may deem appropriate to amend said article, to provide an additional independent mode of proposing amendments to the Constitution by the sev- eral States____
Full faith and credit clause of the, to further im- plement the-(See bill S. 39.)
Memorial favoring a proposed amendment to the, to change the method of electing the President and Vice President of the United States___ Memorial urging the passage of House Joint Reso- lution 57, proposing an amendment to the, relating to treaties and international agree- ments__.
Proposed amendment relative to the making of treaties and executive agreements, resolutions favoring----- ___ 185, 202, 424
Resolution favoring the calling of a convention by
Congress for proposing an amendment to article V of the, or as such convention may deem appropriate to amend said article, to provide an additional independent mode of proposing amendments to the Constitution by the several States_____ Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, proceed- ings on December 15, 1952, in the Exhibition Hall of the National Archives Building, at the enshrining of the_----.
Copper, import taxes on, to continue until the close of June 30, 1954, the suspension of certain (See
Construction contracts made by executive agencies, to prescribe policy and procedure in connection with-(See bill S. 848.)
Consumer commodity prices and margin spreads under the economic stabilization program, report of the Joint Committee on Defense Production on ----
Consumer Interests, to create a Select Committee on- (See S. Res. 38.)
Consumer (ultimate), interests of, directing certain Senate committees to investigate the effect upon, of major legislation within their juris- diction, and authorizing them to recommend remedial legislation if necessary-(See S. Res. 128, S. Res. 129, S. Res. 130, S. Res. 131, S. Res. 132, S. Res. 133, S. Res. 134.)
Conte, Silverio Salvatore-(See bill S. 103.) Continental Shelf, rentals, royalties, and other sums
payable under leases of the, resolution favor- ing to provide that all, shall be appropriated exclusively as grants in aid to elementary, sec- ondary, and higher education___. Contract Settlement Act of 1944-
To authorize the payment of fair compensation to persons contracting to deliver certain strategic or critical minerals or metals in cases of failure to recover reasonable costs-(See bill S. 1963.)
Rules of the Senate, notices of proposed motions to suspend‒‒‒‒‒‒
Corn and feed grain prices, resolution favoring the support of, upon a flexible basis and to au- thorize the liquidation of the surplus corn and feed grain now in the hands of the Govern- ment at prices which the livestock industry and other purchasers are able to pay‒‒‒‒‒‒ Corn and wheat-
To increase allowances for carryover and acreage allotments for the 1954 crops of-(See S. J. Res. 79)
To increase allowances for carryover and acreage allotments for, to establish a special contin- gency reserve-(See bill S. 2102.)
Corn-marketing quotas, to amend the Agricultural Page Adjustment Act of 1938, with respect to the date of the proclamation of-(See H. J. Res. 321.)
Cornelius, Arthur Alexander and Frank Thomas— (See bill S. 2051.)
Cornelius, Esther—(See bill S. 1512.)
Corregidor Bataan Memorial Commission, to create a Commission to be known as the-(See bill
Cosande, Pedro Boulin-(See bill S. 2581.)
Cost-of-living allowances, to permit payment of cer- tain, outside the continental United States at rates in excess of 25 percent of the rate of basic compensation-(See bill S. 1803.) Draft of proposed legislation favoring.. Cotton-
Length of staple of, presented for entry into the United States, providing that the, be deter- mined in accordance with the official stand- ards of the United States as established by the Secretary of Agriculture-(See bill S. 2412.) Presented for entry into the United States, pro- viding that it be classified by the Department of Agriculture-(See bill S. 2402.) Cotton-marketing quotas, to amend certain provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, relating to (See bill H. R. 6665.)
Cotton Products Identification Act of 1953, to enact— (See bill S. 91.)
Council of Economic Advisers, Reorganization Plan No. 9 of 1953 providing reorganizations in the. Countryman, Mrs. Frank McLaughlin-(See bill S. 479.) Court of Claims-(See under Courts of the United States.)
Court of Military Appeals, to provide that the judges of the, shall hold office during good behavior- (See bill S. 1459.)
Courts of the United States-
Administrative Court of the United States, to im-
prove the administration of justice by the cre- ation of an—(See bill S. 14.)
Administrative Office of the United States Courts-
Communications from, transmitting—
Proposed legislation, drafts of—
Bankruptcy Act, to amend, so that referees serving the District of Columbia shall not be required to reside in such District.......... To revise the procedure in the district courts of the United States, relating to the disposition of the wages and effects of deceased and deserving seamen... United States Commissioners who are re- quired to devote full time to the duties of the office, to provide that they may be allowed their necessary office expenses.. Report by, on, annual report of the Director fiscal year 1952, together with reports of the annual and special meetings of the Judicial Conference of the United States held in 1952....
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Courts of the United States-Continued Court of Claims—
Communications from, transmitting— Case of Central Railroad Company of New Jersey v. The United States, copy of the findings of fact of the court in the......... Corrected copy of................ Judgment of the court in the case of J. D. Motlow, and Thomas Motlow, Administra- tors of the Estate of Lem Motlow, Deceas- ed, and Ophelia Motlow v. The United States.....
Report by, on dismissal by the court of the case of V. A. Verhet v. The United States... Statement of all judgments rendered by the Court of Claims for the year ended Octo- ber 3, 1952, the amount thereof, the parties in whose favor rendered, and a brief synop- sis of the nature of the claim.......... Conferring jurisdiction upon to hear, examine. adjudicate, and render judgment on certain claims of individual Navaho Indians against the United States-See bill S. 108.) Eleventh judicial circuit, to provide for the crea-
tion of an, comprised of Alaska, Idaho, Mon- tana, Oregon, and Washington—(See bill S. 2579.)
Federal courts, to establish uniform qualifications for jurors in the-See bill S. 961. ) Judges of the United States courts and United States attorneys—
Resolution favoring passage of legislation relat- ing to the increase of salaries of............ To increase the salaries of-See bill S. 1663.) Judges of the United States, to increase the sal- aries of—(See bills S. 5, S. 1163.) Justices and judges traveling while attending court or transacting official business at places other than their official stations, to increase to $15 per day the limit on subsistence expenses allowed to― See bill S. 32.)
Stay of execution or sentence in connection with a habeas corpus proceeding or other proceeding collaterally attacking the conviction of any person, to limit in certain cases the power of a single justice or judge of the United States to grant (See bill S. 2373.)
Authorizing to make and publish rules for pro- cedure on review of decisions of the Tax Court of the United State(See bills S. 856, S. 965.) Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to the composition and jurisdiction of the-See S. J. Res. 44.) Resolution opposing the passage of any legisla- tion which would circumvent the decision of the....
Tax Court decisions, making provision for judicial review of certain—‹See bill S. 984. ) Tax Court of the United States—
To amend the Internal Revenue Ccde with re- spect to the retirement of judges of the-See bill H. R. 5256.)
To authorize the Supreme Court of the United States to make and publish rules for procedure on review of decisions of the-See bill S. 856. › United States district courts-
To provide for a jury commission for each of. and to prescribe its duties-(See bill S. 959.) To provide for jury trials in condemnation pro- ceedings in-(See hill S. 30.)
Coussoulis, Lillian Kontou-(See bill S. 437.) Cox, Edward Eugene, announcement of the death of the late Representative and proceedings thereon...
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