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NOTE.-For action on bills and resolutions see History of Bills and Resolutions, pages 611 to 747, inclusive, under number designated.


Abarno, Charles J.-(See bill S. 1753.)

Ablassmeier, Josef-(See bill H. R. 3526.)

Abou Joubran, Joubran A.-(See bill S. 1896.)
Abraham, John and Ann-(See bill H. R. 4439.)
Adachi, Chie-(See bill S. 1170.)

Adams, Col. Samuel J., and others-(See bill S. 2573.)
Administrative Procedure Act-


Section 11-(See bill S. 1708.)

To eliminate certain exemptions therefrom-
(See bill S. 18.)

Admissions tax-(See under Taxes and taxation.)
Adult illiteracy, to assist the States in the removal of,
by the development and maintenance of spe-
cial programs of basic elementary education
for adults-(See bill S. 544.)
Advance Seed Co., of Phoenix, Ariz.-(See bill S. 364.)

Aeronautical research facilities, to promote the

national defense by authorizing the construc-
tion of, and the acquisition of land by the Na-
tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
necessary to the effective prosecution of aero-
nautical research-(See bill S. 1805.)
Air Commerce Act of 1926, to amend to authorize

navigation of foreign, nontransport, civil air-
craft in the United States through reciprocity
and under regulations of the Civil Aeronautics
Board (See bill S. 1402.)


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C-119 airplane, contract award of the, report of
the Preparedness Subcommittee No. 1 (Air-
craft Procurement), of the Committee on
Armed Services on, to print as a Senate docu-
ment ____
Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary year of
controlled powered flight occurring during the
year from December 17, 1952, to December 17,
1953, to provide for proper participation by
the United States Government in a national-
(See S. J. Res. 42.)

Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938-
Amending-(See bill S. 12.)

International air carriers for the United
States, merger and consolidation of—(See
bill S. 7.)

Noncertificated air carriers and contract air
carriers, regulation of-(See bill S. 9.)
Section 403 (b) to permit the granting of free
or reduced-rate transportation to ministers
of religion-(See bill S. 472.)



Civil Aeronautics Administration-
Annual report of the Administrator of, of opera-
tions to promote development of improved
transport aircraft by providing for the opera-
tion, testing, and modification thereof, fiscal
year 1952-_-_-

In Alaska and other points outside the conti-
nental United States, annual financial report
of the Secretary of Commerce on the commis-
sary activities of_____.

Civil Aeronautics Board-

Chairman of, communications from, transmit-

Report of the Board, fiscal year 1952.
Reorganization Plan No. 10 of 1953 transferring
from the Postmaster General to the, that por-
tion of the present airmail payment func-
tions which relates to subsidy assistance_‒‒‒‒
Civil Air Patrol-
Act establishing, draft of proposed legislation
to further amend to authorize the furnishing
of equipment to the patrol_____.
Act to establish as a civilian auxiliary of the
United States Air Force and to authorize the
Secretary of the Air Force to extend aid to the
Civil Air Patrol in the fulfillment of its objec-
tives, to further amend-(See bills S. 2278,
S. 2279; H. R. 2274.)
National Executive Board of the, communica-
tions from, transmitting annual report of the
Air Patrol for the year 1952__
Resolution favoring increasing support for the__
Volunteer civilian members of the, draft of pro-
posed legislation to provide disability benefits
for, other than Civil Air Patrol cadets, who
have incurred injuries or disabilities including
those resulting from death, while on active
service in the performance or support of
operational missions of the Civil Air Patrol, by
extending to them the benefits of the Federal
Employees Compensation Act____.
Federal Airport Act-

Amending-to extend the time during which re-
quests may be made for reimbursement for
damages to public airports resulting from mil-
itary operations-(See bill S. 35.)
Operations of the Department of Commerce
under, report of the Secretary of Commerce
on, fiscal year 1952_____

First airplane flight at Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk,
N. C., to appoint a committee to attend the
celebration of the 50th anniversary of the-
(See H. J. Res. 241.)

Flight crews and aircraft dispatchers, to amend
title II of the Railway Labor Act so as to pro-
vide that all employees of an air carrier shall
be included in determining bargaining units
for-(See bill S. 1800.)

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