558 cases 558 read twice and referred__. 2547. A bill for the relief of Milan Kovacevicread twice and referred. 2548. A bill to facilitate the administration of the national forests and other lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture; to provide for the orderly use, improvement, and development thereof; to stabilize the livestock industry dependent thereon; and for other purposes read twice and referred.. 2549. A bill to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to cooperate with States and local agencies in the planning and carrying out of works of improvement for soil conservation, and for other purposesread twice and referred_ 2550. A bill to safeguard the health, efficiency, and morale of the American people; to provide for improved nutrition through a more effective distribution of food supplies through a food-allotment program; to assist in maintaining fair prices and incomes to farmers by providing adequate outlets for agricultural products; to prevent burdening and obstructing channels of interstate commerce; to promote the full use of agricultural resources; and for other purposesread twice and referred_ 2551. A bill to grant oil and gas in lands and to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue patents in fee on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont., to individual Indians in certain read twice and referred.. 2552. A bill to further amend section 13 of the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, to authorize the Federal land banks to make a bulk purchase of certain remaining assets of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporationread twice and referred_____ 2553. A bill for the relief of Joseh V. Crimi, father of the minor child Joseph Crimi read twice and referred.. 559 purposes 21. A joint resolution authorizing the President of the United States of America to proclaim October 11, 1953, General Pulaski's Memorial Day for the observance and commemoration of the death of Brig. Gen. Casimir Pulaskiread twice and referred....... 22. A joint resolution to designate the lake to be formed by the waters impounded by the Dickinson Dam in the State of North Dakota as "Edward Arthur Patterson Lake"-read twice and referred... 23. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to taxes on incomes, inheritances, and gifts— read twice and referred.... 24. A joint resolution designating the third Thursday in October as Agricultural Day read twice and referred.........- 25. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, relating to the qualifications of electors— read twice and referred.........- 33. A joint resolution making January 30 of each year a legal public holiday in commemoration of the birth of Franklin Delano Roosevelt read twice and referred... 34. A joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Army to receive for instruction at the United States Military Academy at West Point two citizens and subjects of the Kingdom of Thailand read twice and referred.. reported with an amendment (Rept. No. 618) considered, amended, read the third time. and passed.......... 35. A joint resolution authorizing and requesting the President to designate 1953 as the 50th Anniversary Year of Farm Demonstration Work read twice and referred.......... 36. A joint resolution granting the consent of Congress to the States of Maryland and Virginia and the District of Columbia to enter into a compact or agreement providing for joint planning in the building and improvement of roads leading in and out of the National Capital and in the beautification of roadsides and public parks within the metropolitan area of the National Capital, and joint execution of such plans— read twice and referred........... 37. A joint resolution to authorize the erection of a memorial to Sara Louisa Rittenhouse in Montrose Park, District of Columbia— read twice and referred.. 84 99 26. A joint resolution to extend certain authority of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Housing Administration to Guam and Hawaii 106 |