SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate four communications from the President of the United States, together with letters from the Director of the Budget, transmitting, pursuant to law, the following: A supplemental estimate of appropriations for the legislative branch, United States Senate, for the fiscal year 1953, amounting to $55,000; A draft of a proposed provision pertaining to appropriations for the Veterans' Administration, fiscal year 1953; A draft of a proposed provision pertaining to appropriations for the Economic Stabilization Agency, fiscal year 1953; and A draft of proposed provision pertaining to appropriations for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, fiscal year 1953. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Appropriations and be printed. SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF ALIENWITHDRAWAL OF NAME The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Acting Commisioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United States Department of Justice, withdrawing a certain name from a report on the suspension of deportation of certain aliens for more than 6 months, heretofore transmitted to the Senate by the Attorney General; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated: Resolutions of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, as follows: A joint resolution favoring H. R. 2849, relating to the transfer to the Territory of Hawaii of certain lands in the vicinity of pier 1, Kahului Harbor, Kahului, Maui, for park purposes; and A joint resolution relating to the issuance of land patents in fee simple to certain lessees under 999-year homestead leases and amending Joint Resolution 12 of the 25th Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. A resolution of the Manhattanville Neighborhood Center, Inc., New York City, N. Y., favoring the administration's housing program for the construction of 35,000 low-cost public housing units in the next fiscal year; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. A resolution of the Kiwanis Club of Huntington Park, Calif., favoring the balancing of the budget without impairment of essential defense, and that tax reductions should come only when the budget is balanced; to the Committee on Finance. Mr. MARTIN presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, favoring the enactment of legislation to provide adequate safeguards in tariff and trade against 26100-s J-83—1———15 lowering of our American standard of living by unfair import competition, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. JOHNSTON of South Carolina presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of South Carolina, favoring the elimination of the Federal motor-fuel tax and leaving that area of taxation entirely to the States, and approving President Eisenhower's recommendation to establish a commission for the purpose of better defining Federal-State relations; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. DWORSHAK presented the following resolutions of the Idaho Cattlemen's Association, Pocatello, Idaho, which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; A resolution remonstrating against any form of direct Government support or subsidy for their products and heartily endorsing the stand of the Secretary of Agriculture. A resolution remonstrating against the enactment of price control legislation in the form of standby controls; and A resolution favoring world trade on the basis of fair and equitable competition, and remonstrating against products produced by cheap foreign labor that would endanger the living standards of American workingmen or the American farmers or stockmen. Mr. FREAR (for himself and Mr. WILLIAMS) presented a joint resolution of the Legislature of the State of Delaware, favoring the outstanding work now being accomplished by members as well as the leadership of the 4-H Clubs in the State, and congratulating the parents for the encouragement and and assistance they have given to make 4-H Club movement a success; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Mr. GILLETTE presented a concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Iowa, favoring the enactment of legislation designating February 15 in each year as Susan B. Anthony Day in commemoration of her sponsorship and support of woman suffrage, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. HUMPHREY presented a resolution of the Swift County Farmers Union, Benson, Minn., favoring the construction by the Federal Government of electric-power transmission lines from the hydroelectric plants on the Missouri River to eastern North Dakota and South Dakota, western Minnesota, and northwestern Iowa, that cheaper electric power may be available for the rural electric cooperatives in the State; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Mr. HUMPHREY presented the following memorials: A resolution of the Swift County Farmers Union, Benson, Minn., remonstrating against efforts to transfer to the States any of the existing rights of the Federal Government in oil resources beyond the tidelands; and A memorial of the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 49, St. Paul, Minn., remonstrating against any legislation giving tidelands oil to any individual State. Ordered, That they lie on the table. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. SMITH, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 42) to provide for proper participation by the United States Government in a national celebration of the 50th anniversary year of controlled powered flight occurring during the year from December 17, 1952, to December 17, 1953, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 171) thereon. Mr. LANGER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the following concurrent resolutions, reported them each with amendments, and submitted reports thereon, as follows: H. Con. Res. 29. A concurrent resolution favoring the granting of the status of permanent residence to certain aliens (Rept. No. 202); and H. Con. Res. 73. A concurrent resolution favoring the granting of the status of permanent residence to certain aliens (Rept. No. 203). Mr. LANGER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the following bills, reported them each without amendment, and submitted reports thereon, as follows: S. 52. A bill for the relief of Anny Del Curto (Rept. No. 172); S. 193. A bill for the relief of Toni Anne Simmons (Hitomi Urasaki) (Rept. No. 173); S. 207. A bill for the relief of Jimy Okuda (Rept. No. 174); S. 226. A bill for the relief of Keiko Tashiro (Rept. No. 175); S. 371. A bill for the relief of Georgia Andrews (Rept. No. 176); S. 448. A bill for the relief of William Junior Jami and Sachiko Suwa (Rept. No. 177); S. 607. A bill for the relief of Thomas Dale Fawcett (George Yamamoto) (Rept. No. 178); S. 674. A bill for the relief of Kikue Tsurukawa (Rept. No. 179); S. 1143. A bill for the relief of Teresa Lee Tipton (Kinuko Sakai) (Rept. No. 180); S. 1147. A bill for the relief of Karen Ruth Bauman (Rept. No. 181); S. 1228. A bill for the relief of Patric Dorian Patterson (Rept. No. 182); S. 1389. A bill for the relief of Ami Hanada (Margaret Ami McClung) (Rept. No. 183); S. 1390. A bill for the relief of Ann Marie Longworth and John Francis Longworth (Rept. No. 184); S. 1418. A bill for the relief of Linda Marlene Kolachny (Mariko Furue) (Rept. No. 185); H. R. 688. A bill for the relief of Takako Niina (Rept. No. 186); H. R. 748. A bill for the relief of Anneliese Else Hermine Ware (nee Neumann) (Rept. No. 187); H. R. 884. A bill for the relief of Stephanie Marie Dorcey (Rept. No. 188); H. R. 886. A bill for the relief of Aspasia Vezertzi (Rept. No. 189); H. R. 955. A bill for the relief of Paula Akiyama (Rept. No. 190); H. R. 1101. A bill for the relief of Daniel Robert Leary (Rept. No. 191); H. R. 1186. A bill for the relief of Astrid Ingeborg Marquez (Rept. No. 192); H. R. 1193. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Helga Josefa Wiley (Rept. No. 193); H. R. 1451. A bill for the relief of Mrs. James M. Tuten, Jr. (Rept. No. 194); H. R. 1704. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Suga Umezaki (Rept. No. 195); H. R. 1895. A bill for the relief of Jack Kamal Samhat (Rept. No. 196); H. R. 2353. A bill for the relief of Ema Shelome Lawter (Rept. No. 197); and H. R. 2624. A bill for the relief of Paola Boezi Langford (Rept. No. 198). Mr. LANGER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the following bills, reported them each with an amendment, and submitted reports thereon, as follows: S. 228. A bill for the relief of Irene Ezitis (Rept. No. 199); and S. 383. A bill for the relief of Francisa Egurrola (Rept. No. 200). Mr. LANGER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 731) for the relief of James Rennick Moffett, reported it with amendments, and submitted a report (No. 201) thereon. Mr. HENDRICKSON, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution (S. Res. 89) to study juvenile delinquency in the United States, reported it with amendments, and submitted a report (No. 170) thereon; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. Mr. BUSH, from the Committee on Banking and Currency, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1413) to amend the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended, reported it with an amendment, and submitted a report (No. 169) thereon. Mr. KEFAUVER, by unanimous consent, submitted his individual views as a member of the Committee on the Judiciary on the bill (S. 16) to amend the immunity provision relating to testimony given by witnesses before either House of Congress or their committees; which were ordered to be printed as part 2 of Report No. 153. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. CASE (by request): S. 1767. A bill to amend and extend the provisions of District of Columbia Emergency Rent Act of 1951; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. LANGER: S. 1768. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code so as to increase the in dividual exemption for income-tax purposes from $600 to $1,000; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. CARLSON: S. 1769. A bill to provide for the issuance of a special postage stamp in commemoration of the Young Women's Christian Association; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. DIRKSEN (by request): S. 1770. A bill for the relief of the Florida Dehydration Co.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. FREAR: S. 1771. A bill to authorize creation of small business insurance and investment corporations; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. S. 1772. A bill to provide for the transfer to the States of the money in the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, for the establishment and operation by the States of old-age insurance systems, and for the abolition of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska: S. 1773. A bill to amend section 1402 (a) of title 28 of the United States Code relating to the venue of civil actions against the United States; and S. 1774. A bill for the relief of Eleonore Baganz; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. LANGER: S. 1775. A bill for the relief of Hildegard M. Mills; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado: S. 1776. A bill to repeal those provisions of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 which reduce the amount of a railroad annuity or pension where the individual or his spouse is (or on proper application would be) entitled to certain insurance benefits under the Social Security Act; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. By Mr. SALTONSTALL (by request): S. 1777. A bill for the relief of Carlton Hotel, Inc.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BEALL: S. 1778. A bill to authorize certain modifications in the existing project for Ocean City Harbor and Inlet, and Sinepuxent Bay, Md.; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. MARTIN (for himself and S. 1779. A bill to provide for the permanent approval of certain State plans for aid to the blind under title X of the Social Security Act, as amended; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. JOHNSTON of South S. 1780. A bill to amend the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. NEELY (for himself, Mr. LONG, and Mr. GILLETTE): S. 1781. A bill to authorize emergency appropriations for the purpose of erecting certain post-office and Federal court buildings, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. HUMPHREY: S. 1782. A bill to furnish emergency food aid to Pakistan; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. By Mr. YOUNG: S. 1783. A bill for the relief of Leonard J. Moen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. POTTER: S. J. Res. 72. Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain vessels to citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, to provide for the rehabilitation of the interisland commerce of the Philippines, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. COAUTHORS OF SENATE BILL 1746 On motion by Mr. FERGUSON, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the name of Mr. SMITH of New Jersey be added as coauthor of the bill S. 1746) to assist in relieving the current immigration and refugee problem by providing for the issuance of 240.000 special immigrant visas during the 2 fiscal years commencing July 1. 1953, and July 1, 1954. GRANTING OF STATUS OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE TO CERTAIN ALIENS Mr. LANGER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported the following concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 25) and submitted a report No. 204) thereon: Resolved by the Senate the House of Representatives concurring), That the Congress favors the suspension of deportation in the case of each alien hereinafter named, in which case the Attorney General has suspended deportation for more than 6 months: A-4735353. Aaron, Joseph Louis or Joseph Luis Aaron. A-7824615. Ackerman, Carolina McDowell or Carolina Peralta or Carolina Peralta McDowell or Carolina McDowell. A-6330113. Amso, Khalid Iskander alias John Amso. A-7983248, Anderson, George Newton. A-3261198. Atteyeh, Zehia Najm or Victoria Atteyeh. 0604-3332, Bain, Kenneth Bruce. V-49807, Beard, Harold Edwin. A-3868913, Bell, Joseph Lee. A-8001026. Ben-Kiki, Salomon or Shlomo. A-6721110, Borenstein, Dyna or Dyna Bernstein (nee Kozuchowicz). A-6808238, Bradaschia, Alberta or Al berta Bradaschia Hatch. A-8031622, Brando, Antonio. A-4387675, Browne, Sam. A-9005941. Bulieris, Nick. A-7279873, Cantu-Ornelia, Tomas. A-6661961, Carlson, Mary Theodora or Mary Theodora Rawlence. A-4764334, Carnegie, Gladys Lucille Campbell. P. R. 905495, Chen, Kuang Tsao or Joe K. Chen. A-6849873, Mun, Chiew Chen or Mun Chiew Chen. A-7249012, Chu, Phoebe Fei. A-3471204, Colohan, Mary. A-5866573, Costakis, Michael Zacha rias. V-688517, D'Amico, Italo. A-2539803, De Balle, Carmen Esparas Viuda. A-4145753, Di Cola, Giuseppe Schiano. A-7983028, De Grace, Clifford. A-4534672, De Guoy, Suzanne Elizabeth or Suzanne Philipine Pullig. A-2870961, De Iglesias, Francesca Villamil (nee Duran). A-3378820, De Licon, Josefa Corral or Josefa Corral. A-7028578, Denes, Mary Ann. A-2458189, Dominguez, Lauro or Lara Dominguez or Lauro Dominguz. A-3036747, Dono Avelino Dglesias or Avelino Iglesias or Avellino Iglesias. A-3324246, Dorducoff, Carl. A-9694533, Durand, Lucion. A-7985557, Fernandez, Maria Antonia Gelpi y Diaz Fernandez. A-7903349, Fernandez, Roberto Boluffer or Roberta Bolufer Fernandez or Roberta Fernandez. A-2486285, Fischer, Alexander or Alex Fischer. A-5043636, Formoso, Domingo (Gonzalez). A-5151582, Fornalewicz, Stanley Francis or Stanley Francis Foreman or Stanley Francis Kwiatkowski. A-1005408, Fortier, Albert Arthur or Joseph Jean Baptiste Albert Arthur Fortier or Albert Fortier. A-6846619, Foster, William Molson or William Marshall Farrell. A-6300474, Franye, Miriam Gwenda. A-4100276, Garneau, Arline Marie (nee Pare or Perry). A-5741626, Geddes, Eileen Melvin or Eileen Morgan or Eileen McFadden. A-3792149, Geier, Wilhelm Herman. A-6096912, Geli, Josephine Alvarez. A-6868022, Georgieff, Anna (Gheorgieff) (nee Hrankova). A-8117185, Gesso, Ugo Del. A-4255428, Gill, Caroline Beatrice (nee Carolina McLean). A-7469710, Giordano, Bianca Rosa (nee Nocerino or Bianca Rea). A-7797183, Girdharry, Reginald Os wald. A-5070402, Gitter, Reinhold Curt. A-7828315, Haghani, Parvin. mitre. A-9736801, Henriques, Oscar. A-7878948, Herrera, Fernandez Rodriquez or Fernanda Herrera-Rodriguez. A-7978949, Herrera, Argelia Rodriguez, or Argelia Herrera-Rodriguez. A-7137159, Hill, Katharina Anna (nee Turner). A-3971073, Huie, Gladys Moy. A-7027264, Huie, Moy Ling. A-1407913, Ilicin, Sander or Alexander Ilicin. V-1139290, Jessel, Enrique De Alba or Henry Jessel. A-6243597, Jones, Joan Lee. A-6882344, Karagovalis, Nicolas Le mony. A-6972968, Kastrinakis, Maria Panagiotis. A-2622980, Kolley, Edith May (nee Valkenier). A-2159935, Koo, Freeman or Freeman Fuchang Koo. A-7427796, Koo, Edith Tsai. A-7967850, Lafayette, Stanford. A-7967047, Liang, Ping Yee. 0500-41402, Liang, Alice Kao (nee Alice Shih Hsien Kao or Shih Hsien Kao). A-6695786, Lin, Yip Sho or Julia Yip Tong. A-7184964, Liu, Tso-Chow. Frank Makovski. A-6735994, Malone, Annie Woods, formerly Lyons (nee Woods or Higgins). A-2582450, Markantonatos, Nester. A-7127470, Marks, Helen Korakis (nee Helen Aristotelis Koarkis). A-1427560, Martelle, Theresa (nee Theresa Guay). A-5552771, Matheson, Flora Gilchrist. A-7980256, Martinez-Castaneda, Felix. A-7371947, McKenzie, Herman Augustus or "Rhod." A-9695087, Meeuwissen, Jacobus F. A-7203595, Mekjian, Massis or Movses Makkajian or Mike Nakjian. A-6671901, Miah, Aflak or Akbar Mohamed. A-9765120, Minardi, Emanuele. A-1770131, Modny, Nikoloj or Nick Modny alias Joe Pastuszenko. A-3469757, Moy, Harry May or Harry Kasim. A-3603606, Muniz, Stella or Estrella Muniz (nee Iglesias). A-3448885, Negro, Giovanni. A-6561438, Nepil, Jessie Chatman. A-7042936, Nevarez, Maria Lidia Nieves or Minerva G. Nevarez or Maria Lidia Romo or Maria Lidia Hernandez (nee Maria Nieves Lidia Hernandez). A-4726959, Nuzzo, Antonio or Tony Nuzzo. A-9777484, Orellana, Francisco or Francisco Beltran Orellana. A-3581790, Osley, Christna see Foltin). A-6477498, Paap, Antonie Herbert. A-9281816, Panagis, Efstathios or Efstathios Panos or Stathis Penogis or Stathis Panos. A-6819642, Papa, Gaetano. A-8088748, Parker, Elizabeth Claras or Claris or Clarice (nee Butt or Betty). A-503518, Perrotta, Ernesta Ilda. A-9825457, Pervanidis, Leonidas or Leonides Pervandis or Louis Pervandis. V-949373, Pichardo, Maria del Carmen Villegas Calvo. A-2009652, Pilotti, Sisto. A-7351119, Pirak, Hirell Mary or Hirell Mary Williams. A-7110851, Pizzimenti, Cristoforo. A-5701817, Prapas, Ionnis or John Athanisou or Ioannis Athanasiou Prapas. A-8035647, Preciado, Maria Gloria or Gloria Preciado, or Gloria Ravago Preciado. A-2485355, Quagliata, Pietro Joseph. A-2585291, Quiones, Iris Iglesias. A-2505027, Rapanos, Pamaquiatiz Andreou or Pete Rapanos Andrews. A-5609429, Rasmussen, Carl or Carl Adolph Kreutzfeldt. A-7119207, Retrain, Pierre Paul. A-7457067, Rintchen, Adam Adolf. A-4545300, Ristich, Bozidar or Bozidar Ristitsch. A-7197877, Robatscher, Johann Heinrich or John Henry Depew. A-3135198, Roberts, Ertie Helen formerly Schauer (nee Turpin). A-7491693, Rock, Margaret Anderson (nee Lawrence). A-7821674, Fernandez, Ada Pilar Alonso Y or Oda Rodriguez. A-7809785, Rodriguez, Evelio Pena. (nee Sondergaard). A-5509279, Sabatelli, Andrea Ranella. A-7469758, Saliba, Helene Elias. A-7915587, Salas-Salik, Maria Teresa. A-7274202, Sandate, Ambrosio. A-7274201, Mani, Josefa or Josefa Mani de Sandate. A-7934680, Sandoval, Jesus Maria Za pata. A-7985793, Scafidi, Maria Lombardo (nee Maria Lombardo). A-6178369, Schermerhorn, Angelita Odulio. A-7457021, Sefcik, Frantiska (Frances). A-2783222, Semedo, John Moreira. A-6313369, Servin-Maya, Manuel Silvestre or Delfino Madrono Velasquez. A-4246347, Shen, Chao Lin or Leo Shen. A-1186681, Shen, Mei Yu (nee Mei Yu Kuo). A-8057920, Sigala-Munoz, Francisco. A-4878546, Sims, Stephen A. Stephen Augustus Simms or Stephen A. Simms. A-3975551, Spampanato, Paolino or Aophonse Cadabrese or Aophonse Cacabrese. A-7287964, Stanimiroff, Reina Vanko. A-4799492, Stasinowsky, Rudolf Gustave Wilhelm. A-7858052, Stephensen, Ison George. nazi). A-6440257, Szender, Bela or Bela Aldebert Szender or Gedalia Szender. A-7194649, Tabella, Enrichetta (nee Di Pietrantonio). A-7890470, Vela, Jose Ramon. A-5623999, Voight, Agnes Voight, Agnes Kirsten formerly Hansen (nee Schiellerup or Agnes Knice Larson). A-6507631, Vonikis, Anthy (nee Piti laki). A-1853256, Voskidis, Theodore John or Voskides or Voshides. A-7858034, Vuoso, Aniello. A-1914023, Vuskovich, Marin or Mario A-5638949, Watanabe, Hikomune. A-5897490, Wilson, Helena Altagracia. A-6377726, Yu, Shao Chi. A-6379007, Yu, Shao Chen. A-6318229, Zaferopoulous, Sophia G. or Sophia Zaferopoulos (nee Palapanibou). A-5449289, Zito, Luigi. A-7274121, Zournitzes, Anna. A-1006866, Zuczek, Jan Sylvester. A-6254131, Acevedo, Teodoro Juvenal Tovet or Teodoro Juvenal Jovet Acevedo or Juvenal Jovet Acevedo. A-6253545, Agarwal, Jagdish Chandra. A-8010575, Alamo, Frances Francisca Gonzalez. A-6857626, Amiri, Leon Barukh. A-4680359, Angell, William Donald Henry. A-5503168, Auriemma, Silvio or Sylvia Auriemma or Silvio D. Auriemma or Silvio Aueriemma. A-2251718, Barba, Antonio. A-6604420, Barnett, Bertram Leopold alias Albert Lobbom or Lobbon. A-3171773, Bauseler, August. A-4551468, Benvenuti, Angelo. A-5595112, Binternagel, Alfred or Fred Nagel. A-4773375, Black, Wilfred Constan A-7957148, Borges, Fabio Augusto Eschalante. A-1934944, Bosotina, Tome or Toma or Tom Basotina. A-4496021, Boss, Karl Heinrich. A-6712461, Brokke, Cornelis Jacobus or "Cees" or C. Y. Brokke. A-1136301, Bronner, Otto Robert alias Otto Brunner alias Oskar Rudolf Bronner alias Jacob Hoffman. A-1375004, Bullough, Elizabeth alias Lillian Bullough. A-9765191, Byer, Louis Ernest. 0606-48769, Cartwright, Harcourt Lemorn. A-6744363, Cavalieri, Lucit Teresa formerly Menzel (nee Papasso). A-5014299, Chen, Jean Ting or MaryJean Vung-Hwa Ting. A-5612168, Ching, Chin Shew or Shew Ching Chin now Chin Ginn. A-4752956, Chow, Ah Kin or Ah Kin Chu or Ah Kin Chow Yuan. A-6317969, Chow, Wah. A-5928406, Choy, Cheung. A-6027136, Chu, Charles Chi-Jung or Chi-Jung Chu or Charles J. Chu. A-2645479, Cirillo, Francesco or Frank Cirillo or Jack Cirillo. A-5945831, Clark, Lester. A-5240615, Clarke, Esther Amanda formerly Draggan (nee Vernon). A-3029860, Colias, Angelo or Evangelos Koliaroudis. A-7357188, Crawford, Hertha Asta (nee Koeppen). A-7357188, Crawford, Beatrix Doris formerly Koeppen. A-4710105, Cruz, Avelino Manuel. A-7173939, Cruz, Jaime Quiason or Jimmy Cruz. A-3693528, Cutri, Giuseppe or Joseph Cutri. A-5621852, Davis, Charles Norman or Jack Charles Davis. A-5406055, DeAlessandri, Luigi. A-5876270, DeAngelis, Joseph or Giuseppe DeAngelis. A-6856237, De Carrizalez, Angelina Garcia. A-1470875, Demopoulos, Pete or Pete Demas. A-5319885, Djado, Lenus Louse. A-4339977, Donna, Ciro Di. A-7203709, Duncan, Clifford Uriah alias James H. Heron or Herron. A-2414136, Duran, Julio Martinez or Julio M. Duran. A-7983292, Eredita, Filippo. A-4258607, Eskenas, Victoria or Victorias Levi or Levy. A-5348477, Falzone, Arcangelo alias Angelo Falzone. A-6815008, Ferguson, Joyce Irene (nee Castle). A-7050951, Fierro, Felix. A-7050952, Fierro, Angela. A-7050953, Fierro, Alejandro. A-6866925, Gabbay, Jacob Noonoo. A-8091833, Garcia, Heriberto Llagostera y. A-8091655, Garcia-Santiago, Santos. A-8091927, Garcia, Paula Lozano de. A-5061341, Garim, Henrique David Fernandez. A-9635529, Georgiafentis, Michael Ioannis. A-5583799, Gerner, Balthazar or Bill Gerner. A-2505610, Gianino, Domenico M. A-4088546, Giovanopoulos, Athanasios. A-5131379, Goldhammer, Renee formerly Ronai (nee Regina Rezsin Roth). A-6385785, Gomez, Jose alias Jose Gomez y Cantero. A-6969999, Gonzalez-Ramos, Jose. 0300-356606, Goskin, Hudson or Hudson Gaskin. A-7646264, Grey, Doris Arlene. A-5067363, Hall, Charles Vanderbilt or Victor Hall or Charles Hall. A-5818422, Hanke, Kurt George. A-5756500, Harms, William. A-5957168, Hartanian, Dero or Har tinian. A-1086276, Hartanian, Sarah or Seranoosh Hartanian (nee Kupenian or Afarian). A-6447841, Heim, Stanley Harasim. A-7457206, Heng, Fong or Fang Heng. A-7982086, Hernandez-Avila Gonzalo. A-4986529, Hernandez, Tovar Jesus. A-4283577, Hirai, Harumitsu. A-5963051, Hoglund, Kristina Elizabeth K. A-4547366, Howard, Emma alias Emma Josephine Klein (nee Zoeller). A-3524739, Hurdle, Alexander Rudolph. A-8117874, Hurtado-Alejandro, Isabel. A-8078948, Gallardo-Gonzalez, Maria Natividad alias Natividad Ybarra. A-7903746, Hurtado-Gallardo, Ruben. A-8078946, Hurtado-Gallardo, Miguel. A-3490499, Hymowitz, Sophie formerly Sophie Avrutik (nee Sophie Nedner). A-1040403, Ito, Kenjiro. A-7070971. Jacome-Sanchez, Jorge alias Roberto Sanchez-Barrera. A-5285361, Jerome, Nick or Nicola Di Girolamo. A-7247972, Kallenbach, Rudolf Wer ner. A-7211044, Kania, Julian. A-3474366, Kariotis, Demetrios George alias James Pappas. A-9527023. Karistianos, Ioannis Antonios alias John Karistianos. A-6163393, Kaszuba, Stefan. A-7189458, Kendall, Beatrice Paule (nee Pellitt). A-6188419, Keuker, Frances Else Siem sen. A-2516855, Khalil, Joseph or Joe Khalil, or Joseph Cahil or Joseph Cahil or Joseph Kahill or Joseph Khalill. A-6758378, Kirpalani, Mohan Santdas. A-6205992, Kokorelis, Demitrios George. A-2584801, Koutroukis, Athansios or Tom. A-6261617, Kouzounis, Smara. A-6838411, Kwan, Cho Shun or C. S. Kwan or Cho Shun Kuan. A-4115327, Kwan, Margaret Mo-Hing or Margaret Kwan (nee Margaret HoHing Yeung). A-2212514, Kypreos, Zaharias E. or Zaharias Ephemius Kypreos. A-5028348, Lamela, Jose. V-633237. Lampert, Tadersz. A-4493520, Leberman, Solomon or Sol omon Greenbaum. A-3852009, Lee, Wah or Lee Wah. A-5813667, Levitan, Ryfka alias Beatrice Levitan alias Reba Rosenberg. A-6038654, Loo. Ah Ping. A-7042323. Lorenz. Anna or Anne Catherine Lorenz or Annie Lawrence. A-5643477, Lorenzetti, Livio. A-6727269. Loureiro, Felzia Bettencourt Sancho. A-7450693, Luci Maria (nee Ambesi). A-8117478, Lum. Mun Kit alias Lin Wen Cheich. A-3040466, Mahovtas, John Evangelo or Ioannis Evangelo Mahovtas. A-3369242, Margitic, Daniel Vladimir. A-4553066, Martin, Joseph Marks. A-4493878, Martin, Eva. A-6141122, Martinez, Roberto or Roberto Morales. A-3778804, Martinolich, John. V-259045. Matyskiel, Sophia. A-9747072, Mavridis, Sotirios or Sotirios Themistocles Mavridis. A-5379506, Nakawatase, Tatsuo. A-1772242, Nanos, Harry Christos or Hariloas Christos Nanos or Harry Christ Nick Harris or Nick Harris. A-5191574, Norcia, Michele or Michael or Michael Prestigiacomo or James Milone. A-5443936. Norcia, Rosalia Mustacchia or Rosalia Mustacchia or Margherita Mustacchia. A-6558360, Novelli, Gino. A-2916644, Mendes, Paaixano or Paxao Mendes. A-6407308, Meyer, Majer or Mayer Spatz. A-7096140, Meyer, Nanno. A-9620180, Millarson, Leonard Paul or Leonard P. Millarson. A-7841702, Mohamed, Dost. A-9025342, Moraglis, Michaelis Ste fanos. A-4887284, Munter, Johann Karl Bernard alias Bernard Werner. A-8065048, Olivares-Saucedo, Angel or Juan Montanez or Angel Olivares. A-7135763, Omlie, Ricardina Lozano (nee Cacho). A-1928134, Opitz, Paul Rudolf. A-6921230. Ortega, Alfonso or Alfonso Ortega Marin. V-905040, Ortiz, Monina Dones or Monina Dones de Ortiz. T-1617259, Ostolaza, Edith Cortez alias Edith Cortez Cortez or Edith Cortez Heredia. A-7251144, Ozyurt, Muhittin. A-6326925, Ozyurt, Perihan. A-9520851, Pahk, Karl Friedrich. A-2343423, Pai, Hua Shen or Livy Hua. A-2337535, Hua, Lily Kuh Veng Chao or Kuh Ving Chao. A-4290983, Palmer, Sara alias Sadie Palmer. A-3714760, Papiannou, Vasilios or William Basil. A-9765441, Parascandolo, Salvatore. A-5702983, Pearson, Mary (nee Aune Maria Vassi or Mary Vassi). 1300-51121, Perez, David Cobb. A-5379724, Peterson, Axel Wilhelm or Axel Vilhelm Petterson or Axel William Peterson. A-9290128, Pineault, Laureat or Andre Albert Laureat Pineault. 0400-41461 (1), Planchart, Carlotta Patricia. 0400-41461 (2), Planchart, Anthony Delano. A-7392105, Prete, Aldo Del. A-6782132, Psichoulis, Dimitrios. Harry Puglionisi. A-6178516, Reid, Cristeta. A-8022369, Rivera-Torres, Manuel. A-6210868, Rodas-Shaw, Guillermo Ricardo. A-7123414, Ruggiero, Giovanni or John. A-7190295, Sabattini, Mario Enrico. A-2998912, Sameshima, Hideshi or Hideshi Samejima. A-1690341, Sarantis, Pantelis G. A-6931610, Schiraldi, Maria Rosaria (nee Politano alias Rosaria M. Politano or Maria Rosaria Politano Schiraldi). A-4801844, Schulze, Johann Gustav. V-241911, Schwarz, Alter or Schwarc. A-1603961, Seemann, Rudolf Christian Johannes. A-1804137, Seemann, Gertraut Luise. A-7043714, Seemann, Johannes Wil helm. A-3898264, Sinodinos, Spiros. A-7463352, Slatwinski, Lucrecia (nee Lucrecia Sanchez). A-6268939, Smith, Maria Luisa. A-6458390, Solomon, Theresa Talmadge (nee Theresa Naftaly Assayas or Teresa Naftaly Talmadge). 0300-297931, Soon, Eng Hung alias Toby Eng. A-6442554, Spielmann, Frederic Bed rich. A-6442553, Spielmann, Lieselotte. A-6194562, Syriopoulos, Constantine. A-2432704, Tang, Seetoo Ngan. A-1515444, Tartaras, Constanino Eftimiou. A-5967450, Teshima, Hisashi. A-7139299, Theirault, Sigrid Waltraut (nee Pfeiffer). V-1271056, Thomas, Marie Louis Denise (nee Minos). A-5327052, Wick, Oscar Albert. A-6897056, Wizenfeld, Szmul Najer. A-7280925, Wizenfeld, Dina. A-2658704, Wong, Chai Bong alias Edward Goon alias William Wong. A-6407197, Wong, Hing. A-1536915, Wu, Ching Te or Carl Ching Te Wu. A-2250015, Wu, Annie Chen Hua or Nee Yang. A-3515048, Yantsis, Evangelos Soterios or Vangels Sotir Yantsis. A-9549332, Yasa, Nikola Yakov or Nikola Jasa. A-6752686, Yuen, Wai Loo or Wai Loo Sung or Woo Nei Lu. A-6394812, Yureklier, Iskender. A-7115540, Zaccarelli, Gianfianco or Gianfranco Mandrelli. A-7115541, Zaccarelli, Pier Giorgio or Pier Giorgio Mandrelli. A-5040923, Zaimas, Nicholas or Nicholas John Zaimas formerly Nicholaos or Nicholos Ioanou Zaimas alias Nicola John Nick. A-8037882, Zazzera, Yolanda or Maria Chiesa or Iolanda Mazza. A-7955260, Abraham, Angela Mahbub (nee Zeidan). A-7898445, Aguilera y Julve, George Segundo. A-9764566, Amin, Nural. A-6919766, Antzakas, Angelo Augus A-7209364, Carrillo, Juan Brigido or John Brigido Carrillo Androve. A-8091983, Cavaioli, Elizabeth McKenna formerly Elizabeth Miller Matezie (nee Elizabeth Miller McLean McKenna). A-7415668, Celli, Nemmo Ciccone. A-3743650, Chang, Yuen. A-7061804, Chen, Huan Yung. A-6851558, Chen, Suzy Chin-Sheng Wang. A-3530400, Chin, Dot. A-5626906, Cicero, Nicolo Lo. A-7126636, Crosthwaite, Tatians Eugene formerly Tatiana Pavlichenko. A-5214813, Decandia, Spiro. A-4979175, De Torres, Braulia Lira (nee Braulia Lira-Paz). A-1435361, Dilalos, Georgios Aristidis. A-5014254, Dimeglio, Giuseppina. A-2685933, Dominguez, Amelia (nee Legaspi alias Barbara Pla). A-4603643, Dudine, Joseph. A-6441301, Duffy, Catherine Mary. A-3341729, Dulka, Pauline (nee Zado reska). A-7039633, Etrada-Ojeda, Benito. A-7415752, Fernandez, Jose or Ralph G. Fernandez or Jose Carlos Manuel Fernandez-Gonzalez. A-6492907, Fiallo-Suazo, Luis Omar. A-6492908, De Fiallo, Carmela Tavares. A-5909702, Flores-Arredondo, Tomas. A-7098674, Fortunis, Athena Louis or Athina Michael Nicholopoulou, or Athena Fortunes or Athena Adams. A-7491007, Gall, Stephen John. A-5783226, Gee, Chin. A-8091922, Gong, Hoy Sing alias Gong Hoy Sing alias Hay Sing Gong. A-2992721, Grego, Umberto or Umberto Greco. A-4769402, Guidici, Louis or Luigi Zudich. A-9764869, Guishard, James Selwin. A-7050396, Harangi, Antonia (nee Yu A-3434275, Kolodny, Anna. 0300-300475, Lai, Fred Wing or Lai Wing Lai or Lai Wing Fook. A-3372916, Lafkas, Efstathios Kostas or Steve Lafkas. A-5000379, Lajacona, Gilda Margaret (nee Geltrude Salamone). A-8117867, Lee, Jack or Wah Jack Youngh. A-7983074, Leon, Maria Rincon y Padilla. A-2153959, Lin, Ho Kwin alias Harry Ho. A-6327712, Lomibao, Socorro Zenaida. A-3575659, Loy, Yip Sing alias Frank A-3432597, Lukanowski, Paul. A-3179195, MacKenzie, John, Loy. |