S. 954. An act for the relief of Robert Harold Wall. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. SENATOR EXCUSED Mr. GREEN was excused from attendance upon the Senate on tomorrow and Saturday, on his own request. TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN STATE BOUNDARIES AND TO NAT URAL RESOURCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 13) to confirm and establish the titles of the States to lands beneath navigable waters within State boundaries and to natural resources within such lands and waters, and to provide for the use and control of said lands and resources. The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed by Mr. HILL (for himself and others) to the amendment proposed by Mr. ANDERSON as a substitute for the part proposed to be inserted by the reported amendment, Pending debate, The following business was transacted by unanimous consent: ADMISSION INTO THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPEAN REFUGEES The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following communication from the President of the United States, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary: THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, April 22, 1953. The Honorable RICHARD M. NIXON, President of the Senate, Washington 25, D. C. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: We are all aware of the tragic developments of the past several years which have left countless thousands of individuals homeless refugees in the heart of Europe. In recent months the number of refugees has been increased by the steady flow of escapees who have braved death to escape from behind the Iron Curtain. These refugees and escapees searching desperately for freedom look to the free world for haven. In addition, the problem of population pressures continues to be a source of urgent concern in several friendly countries in Europe. It is imperative that we join with the other nations in helping to find a solution to these grave questions. These refugees, escapees, and distressed peoples now constitute an economic and political threat of constantly growing magnitude. They look to traditional American humanitarian concern for the oppressed. International political considerations are also factors which are involved. should take reasonable steps to help these people to the extent that we share the obligation of the free world. We Therefore, after consideration of all the points of view which have been presented, I recommend, within the framework of the immigration laws, the enactment of emergency immigration legislation for the special admission of 120,000 immigrants per year for the next 2 years. In order to help resolve this current immigration and refugee problem in the tradition of our American policy. I urge that the Congress give this recommendation its earliest consideration. Sincerely, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER. REPORTS ON FORT PECK PROJECT The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid befor the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the annual reports for the fiscal years 1951 and 1952 on operations under the Fort Peck Project Act of May 18, 1938; which with the accompanying reports, was referred to the Committee on Public Works. OFFICERS ON PERMANENT DUTY IN WASHINGTON, D. C., BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Director, Legislation and Liaison, Department of the Air Force, transmitting, pursuant to law, a quarterly report on the number of officers assigned to permanent duty in the executive element of the Air Force at the seat of government, for the period ended March 31, 1953; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated: A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, favoring the enactment of legislation whereby lands owned by the United States Government and under the control of the Armed Forces in Waianae, Oahu, be offered for sale or exchange to the city and county of Honolulu, T. H.; to the Committee on Armed Services. A resolution of the House of Representatives of the State of Missouri, favoring the enactment of legislation which will return to the several States amounts collected as unemployment tax by the Federal Government in excess of grants for administration costs of the unemployment insurance and employment service program; to the Committee on Finance. Mr. WILEY presented a resolution of the County Board of Supervisors, Milwaukee County, Wis., favoring the enactment of legislation providing for the construction of the St. Lawrence waterway; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. MCCARRAN presented a report of the Subversive Activities Control Board, requiring the Communist Party of the United States to register as a Communist-action organization under the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950; which was ordered to be printed as a Senate document. REPORT OF COMMITTEES Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1292) providing for the reconveyance to the town of Morristown of certain land included within the Morristown National Historical Park, in the State of New Jersey, reported it without amend ment and submitted a report (No. 159) thereon. Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (8. 380 to authorize the sale or lease by the State of Kansas of certain lands situated near Garden City, Kans., reported it with amendments and submitted a report (No. 160) thereon. Mr. SALTONSTALL, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom were referred the following bills, reported them each without amendment, and submitted reports thereon, as follows: S. 1545. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Army to convey certain Government-owned burial lots and other property in the Washington Parish Burial Ground, Washington, D. C., and to exchange other burial lots (Rept. No. 161); S. 1547. A bill to authorize payment for the transportation of household effects of certain naval personnel (Rept. No. 162); and S. 1548. A bill to provide for the ex change between the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico of certain lands and interests in lands in Puerto Rico (Rept, No. 163). Mr. CASE, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom were referred the following bills, reported them each without amendment, and submitted reports thereon, as follows: S. 1525. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the Tarrant County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 certain parcels of land in exchange for other lands and interests therein at the former United States Marine Corps Air Station, Eagle Mountain Lake, Tex. (Rept. No. 164); S. 1549. A bill to retrocede to the State of Virginia concurrent jurisdiction over certain highways within Fort Belvoir, Va. (Rept. No. 165); and S. 1641. A bill to retrocede to the State of Oklahoma concurrent jurisdiction over the right-of-way for United States Highways 62 and 277 within the Fort Sill Military Reservation, Okla. (Rept. No. 166). Mr. DUFF, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1544) to repeal the authority to purchase discharge from the Army. Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 167) thereon. Mr. HENDRICKSON, from the Committee on Armed Services, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1550) to authorize the President to prescribe the occasions upon which the uniform of any of the Armed Forces may be worn by persons honorably discharged therefrom, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 168) thereon. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times, and referred as follows: By Mr. CAPEHART: S. 1739. A bill to provide for continuation of authority for regulation of ex ports, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. BEALL: S. 1740. A bill to amend section 11 of the act of April 1, 1942, relating to retirement of judges of the Municipal Court for the District of Columbia, the Municipal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and title IX of the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. GREEN: S. 1741. A bill for the relief of Alexandra G. Bregianou; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. IVES: S. 1742. A bill for the relief of Edith Kahler; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. COOPER: S. 1743. A bill for the relief of the city of Corbin, Ky.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WILEY: S. 1744. A bill to create a Commission to be known as the Corregidor Bataan Memorial Commission; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. By Mr. KEFAUVER: S. 1745. A bill to provide that the sale or exchange of livestock held for draft, breeding, or dairy purposes necessitated by drought conditions shall be treated as an involuntary conversion for incometax purposes; to the Committee on Finance. EXPENSES FOR STUDY ON TENSIONS IN SATELLITE COUNTRIES OF SOVIET UNION Mr. WILEY, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported the following resolution (S. 105); which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration: Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign Relations is authorized to expend from the contingent fund of the Senate a sum not to exceed $1,200 for the purpose of reimbursing the Library of Congress for certain expenses incurred in connection with the preparation, for such committee, of a study entitled "Tensions in the Satellite Countries of the Soviet Union." INCREASE IN LIMIT OF EXPENDITURES BY COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION Mr. JENNER, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, reported the following resolution (S. 106); which was ordered to be placed on the calendar: Resolved, That the limit of expenditures authorized under Senate Resolution 333, 82d Congress, 2d session, agreed to June 12, 1952 (authorizing the expenditure of funds and the employment of assistants by the Committee on Rules and Administration, or any authorized subcommittee thereof, in carrying out the duties imposed upon it by subsection (o) (1) (D) of rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate), is hereby increased by $100,000. TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN STATE BOUNDARIES AND TO NATURAL RESOURCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the joint Mr. ANDERSON asked unanimous consent that he be permitted to make the following motion: That the Senate temporarily lay aside the unfinished business, and proceed to the consideration of Senate bill 1081, the Capehart bill, to provide authority for temporary economic controls; and that it be agreed that at the conclusion of action on said bill, there shall be not to exceed 1 hour's debate on the Hill amendment, to be followed at once by a vote on said amendment, and thereafter not to exceed 1 hour's debate on the Anderson substitute, to be followed at once by a vote on that amendment: Provided, That the time on said amendments shall be equally divided between the proponents and opponents thereof: And provided further, That no vote shall be taken on either amendment before Monday, April 27, 1953. and that debate upon the motion, if consent be given him to offer the motion be limited to 40 minutes, to be equally divided and controlled by him for the proponents and Mr. TAFT for the opponents, The request being granted, Mr. ANDERSON offered his motion. On the question of agreeing to the motion, Johnson, Colo. Russell Johnson, Tex. Saltonstall Johnston, S. C. Schoeppel Kefauver Kennedy Kilgore Knowland Kuchel Langer Magnuson Malone Mansfield Martin Maybank McCarran McCarthy A quorum being present, Smathers Smith, Maine Thye Wiley The question being taken on agreeing to Mr. ANDERSON'S motion, It was determined Yeas ---- 21 in the negative___ Nays__ 61 The yeas and nays having been heretofore ordered, Senators who voted in the affirmative are Gore Anderson Humphrey Malone Green Hayden Hill Neely Pastore Tobey ORDER FOR RECESS On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That when the Senate concludes its business today, it take a recess until 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN STATE BOUNDARIES AND TO NATURAL RESOURCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 13) to confirm and establish the titles of the States to lands beneath navigable waters within State boundaries and to natural resources within such lands and waters, and to provide for the use and control of said lands and resources. The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed by Mr. HILL (for himself and others) to the amendment proposed by Mr. ANDERSON as a substitute for the part proposed to be inserted by the reported amendment. On motion by Mr. GOLDWATER, at 10 o'clock and 46 minutes p. m., The Senate, under its order of today. took a recess until 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953 Legislative day of Monday, April 6, 1953) The PRESIDENT pro tempore called the Senate to order at 11 o'clock a. m., and the Chaplain offered prayer. THE JOURNAL On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent, The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, April 23, 1953, was approved. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Bartlett, one of its clerks: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has passed the following bills, in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate: H. R. 4025. An act authorizing the appropriation of funds to provide for the prosecution of projects in the Columbia River Basin for flood control and other purposes; and H. R. 4507. An act to amend and extend the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, and for other purposes. HOUSE BILLS REFERRED AND PLACED ON CALENDAR The bills this day received from the House of Representatives for concurrence were read the first and second times by unanimous consent. Ordered, That the bill H. R. 4025 be referred to the Committee on Public Works; and That the bill H. R. 4507 be placed on the calendar. ORDER FOR RECESS TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN STATE BOUNDARIES AND TO NATURAL RESOURCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 13) to confirm and establish the titles of the States to lands beneath navigable waters within State boundaries and to natural resources within such lands and waters, and to provide for the use and control of said lands and resources. The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed by Mr. HILL (for himself and others) to the amendment proposed by Mr. ANDERSON as a substitute for the part proposed to be inserted by the reported amendment. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by the Comptroller General of the United unanimous consent, Ordered, That when the Senate concludes its business today, it take a recess until 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. States, transmitting, pursuant to law, an audit report of the National Capital Housing Authority for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1952; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. PAYMENT OF CERTAIN COST-OF-LIVING ALLOWANCES OUTSIDE THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Commerce, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to permit payment of certain cost-of-living allowances outside the continental United States at rates in excess of 25 percent of the rate of basic compensation; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. RELIEF OF CERTAIN PAYEES AND DISBURSING AND CERTIFYING OFFICERS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to provide for the relief of certain payees and disbursing and certifying officers, with respect to certain payments made in contravention of appropriation restrictions regarding citizenship status of Government employees; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a resolution of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island, urging Congress to lend its best efforts in matters involving tariffs and guard our American standard of living from the ruinous and destructitve effects of competition by cheap foreign labor; which was referred to the Committee the Committee on Finance. CHANGES OF REFERENCES On motion by Mr. SALTONSTALL, Ordered, That the Committee on Armed Services be discharged from the further consideration of the following bills, and that they be referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency: S. 1619. A bill to encourage the discovery, development, and production of tungsten ores and concentrates in the United States, its Territories, and possessions, and for other purposes; and S. 1620. A bill to encourage the discovery, development, and production of tungsten, manganese, chromite, mica, asbestos, beryl, and columbiumtantalum-bearing ores and concentrates in the United States, its Territories, and possessions, and for other purposes. BILLS INTRODUCED Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent and referred as follows: By Mr. FERGUSON (for himself, S. 1746. A bill to assist in relieving the current immigration and refugee problem by providing for the issuance of 240,000 special immigrant visas during the 2 fiscal years commencing July 1, 1953, and July 1, 1954; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. POTTER: S. 1747. A bill to amend the Universal Military Training and Service Act to limit the service of certain medical, dental, and allied specialists who have prior service of 1 year or more to 17 months; to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. TAFT: S. 1748. A bill to incorporate the National Fund for Medical Education; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. LANGER: S. 1749. A bill granting pensions to World War I veterans who have attained age 65; to the Committee on Finance. S. 1750. A bill to reclassify supervisory employees in the field service of the Post Office Department into step-rate grades comparable with those for other postal employees and employees in other Federal services, and to adjust inequities; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. S. 1751. A bill to prohibit false advertising or misuse of names indicating the various exchange services of the Armed Forces; S. 1752. A bill to establish good faith as a defense in certain cases; and S. 1753. A bill for the relief of Charles J. Abarno and others; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SALTONSTALL (by request): S. 1754. A bill to amend the Dependents Assistance Act of 1950, as amended, so as to provide punishment for fraudulent acceptance of benefits thereunder; to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. BARRETT: S. 1755. A bill for the relief of Fernando Pozza; and S. 1756. A bill for the relief of Hendrika Zijdenbos; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HUNT: S. 1757. A bill for the relief of Clair F. Bowman; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CARLSON: S. 1758. A bill for the relief of Cathalina Furukawa; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WATKINS: S. 1759. A bill to provide for the naturalization of persons serving in the Armed Forces of the United States after June 24, 1950; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. KNOWLAND: S. 1760. A bill to restore eligibility to certain citizens of Germany and Japan to receive benefits under the veterans' laws; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. MALONE: S. 1761. A bill to include the State of Nevada among the States authorized to negotiate a compact for the disposition, allocation, diversion, and apportionment of the waters of the Columbia River and its tributaries; to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPRINTING OF SENATE JOINT On motion by Mr. KEFAUVER, Ordered, That the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 18) to establish a commission to assist in making a proper and equitable settlement of the submergedlands problem, be reprinted with certain changes in its text. NATIONAL GOLF DAY Mr. FERGUSON submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 107); which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary: Whereas there is tremendous need for maintaining and increasing the facilities of the United Service Organization, better known as the USO, to serve our men and women in uniform and their families in this country and overseas; and Whereas there is also urgent need for maintaining and increasing the National Golf Fund for its worthy contributions to outstanding charitable causes; and Whereas the game of golf can be eminently beneficial to the financial needs of the USO and the National Golf Fund by one of the most unusual tournaments in the history of golf; and Whereas one of the world's outstanding golfers, while playing 18 holes at the Oakmont Country Club, Pittsburgh, Pa., Saturday, May 23, 1953, will be competing at the same time with hundreds of thousands of America's golfers on this country's 4,970 public and private fairways for contributions to be donated in entirety in equal shares to the USO and the National Golf Fund; Therefore be it Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that May 23, 1953, be observed as National Golf Day. TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN STATE BOUNDARIES AND TO NATURAL RESOURCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 13) to confirm and establish the titles of the States to lands beneath navigable waters within State boundaries and to natural resources within such lands and waters, and to provide for the use and control of said lands and resources. The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed by Mr. HILL (for himself and others) to the amendment proposed by Mr. ANDERSON as a substitute for the part proposed to be inserted by the reported amendment, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. IVES in the chair) recognized Mr. MORSE for debate; Whereupon Mr. TAFT made inquiry of the Presiding Officer whether Mr. MORSE had not spoken twice on the same question on the same day. The PRESIDING OFFICER stated that the Record disclosed that he had done so. Mr. MORSE, at 11 o'clock and 41 minutes a. m., was granted permission, by unanimous consent, to make his third speech on the pending question. During his remarks, The VICE PRESIDENT resumed the chair. Pending further remarks by Mr. MORSE, permission was given for him to yield for various requests covering routine matters without affecting his right to the floor. A quorum being present, The following business was transacted by unanimous consent: REPORT ON COOPERATION WITH MEXICO IN CONTROL AND ERADICATION OF FOOT-ANDMOUTH DISEASE The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Under Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting. pursuant to law, a report on the cooperation of the United States with Mexico in the control and eradication of footand-mouth disease, for the month of March 1953; which with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following petitions, etc., which were referred as indicated: A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Iowa, favoring the enactment of legislation designating February 15 in each year as Susan B. Anthony Day in commemoration of her sponsorship and support of woman suffrage; to the Committee on the Judiciary. A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of South Carolina, favoring the elimination of the Federal motor-fuel tax and leaving that area of taxation entirely to the States, and approving President Eisenhower's recommendation to establish a commission for the purpose of better defining FederalState relations; to the Committee on Finance. Concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, as follows: A concurrent resolution urging that immediate consideration be given to the drought-relief measures already introduced by the Delegate to Congress from Hawaii; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; and A concurrent resolution favoring the enactment of the so-called Offshore Shipping Service Act to prevent interruption of ocean commerce between Hawaii and continental United States; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. BILLS INTRODUCED Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times, and referred as follows: By Mr. IVES: S. 1762. A bill for the relief of S. A. Healy Co.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. TOBEY (by request): S. 1763. A bill to amend section 4482 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (46 U. S. C. 475) relating to life preservers for river steamers; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. HILL (for himself and Mr. S. 1764. A bill to authorize the attendance of the United States Marine Corps Band at the Confederate Reunion and Sons of Confederate Veterans Convention to be held in Mobile, Ala., June 9 through June 11, 1953; to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. ANDERSON: S. 1765. A bill to amend section 39 of himself and others) to the amendment proposed by Mr. ANDERSON as a substitute for the part proposed to be inserted by the reported amendment, Pending debate On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That when the Senate completes its business today, it take a recess until 11 o'clock a. m. on Monday next. Pending debate, RECESS On motion by Mr. TAFT, at 3 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m., The Senate, under its order of today, took a recess until 11 o'clock a m. on Monday next. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1953 (Legislative day of Monday, April 6, 1953) The VICE PRESIDENT called the Senate to order at 11 o'clock a. m., and the Chaplain offered prayer. THE JOURNAL On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent, The Journal of the proceedings of Fri the Trading With the Enemy Act of Oc-day, April 24, 1953, was approved. tober 6, 1917, as amended; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WATKINS: S. 1766. A bill to establish the Office of Commissioner of Refugees; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSION OF HOUSING AND RENT ACT, AS AMENDED On motion by Mr. TAFT, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the pending joint resolution, Senate Joint Resolution 13, be temporarily laid aside and that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the bill (H. R. 4507) to amend and extend the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, and for other purposes; that debate thereon be limited to 1 hour and be equally divided and controlled by Mr. CAPEHART and Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. The Senate thereupon proceeded to consider the said bill; and no amendment being made, After debate. Ordered, That it pass to a third read ing. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. TITLE TO LANDS BENEATH NAVIGABLE WATERS WITHIN STATE BOUNDARIES AND TO NATURAL RESOURCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 13) to confirm and establish the titles of States to lands beneath navigable waters within State boundaries and to natural resources within such lands and waters, and to provide for the use and control of said provide for the use and control of said lands and resources. The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed by Mr. HILL (for QUESTION OF FORUM Mr. HUMPHREY raised a question as to the presence of a quorum; Whereupon The VICE PRESIDENT directed the roll to be called; When Eighty-eight Senators answered to their names, as follows: Aiken Anderson Barrett Beall Bennett Bricker Bush Butler, Md. Ives Neely Hayden Hendrickson Hennings McClellan Millikin Hickenlooper Hoey Holland Monroney Morse Mundt Murray Humphrey Pastore Hunt Payne Potter Clements Cooper Johnson, Tex. Cordon Kefauver Saltonstall Johnston, 8 C. Schoeppel Smathers Knowland Kuche! Langer Lehman Long Magnuson Malone Mansfield Martin Maybank McCarran McCarthy A quorum being present, Smith, Maine Smith, N. J. Smith, N. C. Sparkman Watkins Welker Williams Young SENATORS EXCUSED The following-named Senators were excused from attendance upon the Senate for the period indicated: Mr. CHAVEZ for this week, and Mr. GREEN for today, on the request of Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. The following business was transacted by unanimous consent: |