DEPOSITED BY THE NITED STATES OF AMERICA 12-1-0 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Eighty-third Congress, First Session : : : : Beginning January 3, 1953 The FIRST SESSION of the EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS commenced this day, conformably to the Constitution of the United States, and the Senate met in its Chamber at the city of Washington. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1953 The Honorable ALBEN W. BARKLEY, Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, called the Senate to order, and the Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Harris, D. D., of Washington, D. C., offered prayer. RESIGNATION OF SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following communication addressed to him by Hon. RICHARD NIXON, Senator from the State of California, which, with the accompanying letter, was read and ordered to be placed on file: UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE, The honorable the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, United States Senate, Washington, D. C. DEAR MR. VICE PRESIDENT: I am enclosing a copy of my letter of resignation from the United States Senate, which, as you will note, is effective at the close of business January 1, 1953. With very best regards, Sincerely, RICHARD NIXON. RESIGNATION OF SENATOR FROM MAINE The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following communication addressed to him by Hon. OWEN BREWSTER, former Senator from the State of Maine, which, with the accompanying letter, was read and ordered to be placed on file: UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, December 23, 1952. Hon. ALBEN W. BARKLEY, DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I enclose copy of communication to the Governor of Maine notifying him of my resignation as United States Senator as of December 31, 1952. Respectfully, OWEN BREWSTER, United States Senator. DEATH OF SENATOR FROM CONNECTICUT Mr. JOHNSON of Texas announced the death of Hon. BRIEN MCMAHON, late a Senator from the State of Connecticut, which occurred on July 28, 1952, in Washington, D. C. SENATOR-ELECT FROM MICHIGAN The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the credentials of CHARLES E. POTTER, duly chosen a Senator by the qualified electors of the State of Michigan on November 4, 1952, to fill the vacancy in the term ending January 3, 1953, caused by the death of Hon. ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG; which were ordered to be placed on file. SENATOR-DESIGNATE FROM CONNECTICUT The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the credentials of WILLIAM A. PURTELL, duly appointed by the Governor of the State of Connecticut on August 29, 1952, to represent said State in the Senate of the United States until the vacancy therein caused by the death of Hon. BRIEN MCMAHON is filled by election as provided by law; which were ordered to be placed on file. SENATOR-ELECT FROM KENTUCKY The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the credentials of JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, duly chosen a Senator by the qualified electors of the State of Kentucky on November 4, 1952, to fill the vacancy in the term ending January 3, 1955, caused by the death of Hon. VIRGIL CHAPMAN; which were ordered to be placed on file. SENATOR-ELECT FROM NEBRASKA The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the credentials of DWIGHT GRISWOLD, duly chosen a Senator by the qualified electors of the State of Nebraska on November 4, 1952, to fill the vacancy in the term ending January 3, 1955, caused by the death of Hon. KENNETH S. WHERRY; Which were ordered to be placed on file. SENATOR-ELECT FROM CONNECTICUT The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the credentials of PRESCOTT BUSH, duly chosen a Senator by the qualified electors of the State of Connecticut on November 4, 1952, to fill the vacancy in the term ending January 3, 1957, caused by the death of Hon. BRIEN MCMAHON; which were ordered to be placed on file. SENATOR-DESIGNATE FROM CALIFORNIA The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the credentials of THOMAS H. KUCHEL, duly appointed by the Governor of the State of California on December 22, 1952, to represent said State in the Senate of the United States from January 2, 1953, until the vacancy therein caused by the resignation of Hon. RICHARD NIXON is filled by election as provided by law; which were ordered to be placed on file. CREDENTIALS OF SENATORS-ELECT FOR The credentials of the following Senators-elect, duly chosen by the qualified electors of their respective States for the term of 6 years beginning January 3, 1953, were laid before the Senate by the Vice President, and ordered to be placed on file: Mr. FRANK A. BARRETT, from the State of Wyoming; Mr. J. GLENN BEALL, from the State of Maryland; Mr. JOHN W. BRICKER, from the State of Ohio; Mr. HUGH BUTLER, from the State of Nebraska; Mr. HARRY FLOOD BYRD, from the State of Virginia; Mr. DENNIS CHAVEZ, from the State of New Mexico; Mr. PRICE DANIEL, from the State of Texas; Mr. RALPH E. FLANDERS, from the State of Vermont; Mr. BARRY M. GOLDWATER, from the State of Arizona; Mr. ALBERT GORE, from the State of Tennessee; Mr. SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, from the State of Florida; Mr. IRVING M. IVES, from the State of New York; Mr. HENRY M. JACKSON, from the State of Washington; Mr. WILLIAM E. JENNER, from the State of Indiana; 3 Mr. JOHN F. KENNEDY, from the State of Massachusetts; Mr. HARLEY M. KILGORE, from the State of West Virginia; Mr. WILLIAM F. KNOWLAND, from the State of California; Mr. WILLIAM LANGER, from the State of North Dakota; Mr. GEORGE W. (MOLLY) MALONE, from the State of Nevada; Mr. MIKE MANSFIELD, from the State of Montana; Mr. EDWARD MARTIN, from the State of Pennsylvania; Mr. JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY, from the State of Wisconsin; Mr. JOHN O. PASTORE, from the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations; Mr. FREDERICK G. PAYNE, from the State of Maine; Mr. CHARLES E. POTTER, from the State of Michigan; Mr. WILLIAM A. PURTELL, from the State of Connecticut; Mr. H. ALEXANDER SMITH, from the State of New Jersey; Mr. JOHN C. STENNIS, from the State of Mississippi; Mr. STUART SYMINGTON, from the State of Missouri; Mr. EDWARD J. THYE, from the State of Minnesota; Mr. ARTHUR V. WATKINS, from the State of Utah; and Mr. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, from the State of Delaware. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH TO SENATORDESIGNATE AND SENATORS-ELECT The following-named Senator-designate and Senators-elect, whose credentials were this day laid before the Senate, appeared; and the oath of office prescribed by law having been administered to them by the Vice President, they took their seats in the Senate: Mr. FRANK A. BARRETT, from the State of Wyoming; Mr. J. GLENN BEALL, from the State of Maryland; Mr. JOHN W. BRICKER, from the State of Ohio; Mr. PRESCOTT BUSH, from the State of Connecticut; Mr. HUGH BUTLER, from the State of Nebraska; Mr. HARRY FLOOD BYRD, from the State of Virginia; Mr. DENNIS CHAVEZ, from the State of New Mexico; Mr. WILLIAM E. JENNER, from the State From the State of Idaho: of Indiana; Mr. JOHN F. KENNEDY, from the State of Massachusetts; Mr. HARLEY M. KILGORE, from the State Mr. WILLIAM F. KNOWLAND, from the Mr. THOMAS H. KUCHEL, from the State Mr. WILLIAM LANGER, from the State of Mr. GEORGE W. (MOLLY) MALONE, from Mr. MIKE MANSFIELD, from the State of Mr. EDWARD MARTIN, from the State of Mr. JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY, from the Mr. JOHN O. PASTORE, from the State Mr. FREDERICK G. PAYNE, from the Mr. CHARLES E. POTTER, from the State Mr. WILLIAM A. PURTELL, from the Mr. H. ALEXANDER SMITH, from the Mr. JOHN C. STENNIS, from the State Mr. STUART SYMINGTON, from the State Mr. EDWARD J. THYE, from the State of Mr. ARTHUR V. WATKINS, from the State Mr. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, from the State QUESTION OF QUORUM The VICE PRESIDENT directed the When Ninety-six Senators answered to their names, as follows: From the State of Alabama: Messrs. LISTER HILL and JOHN From the State of Arizona: Messrs. CARL HAYDEN and BARRY M. From the State of Arkansas: Mr. JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, from the From the State of California: Mr. PRICE DANIEL, from the State of Texas; Mr. RALPH E. FLANDERS, from the State of Vermont; Mr. BARRY M. GOLDWATER, from the State of Arizona; Mr. ALBERT GORE, from the State of Tennessee; Mr. DWIGHT GRISWOLD, from the State of Nebraska; Mr. SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, from the State of Florida; Mr. IRVING M. IVES, from the State of New York; Mr. HENRY M. JACKSON, from the State of Washington; Messrs. WILLIAM F. KNOWLAND and Messrs. EDWIN C. JOHNSON and Messrs. PRESCOTT BUSH and WIL- Messrs. JOHN J. WILLIAMS and Messrs. HENRY C. DworSHAK and From the State of Illinois: Messrs. PAUL H. DOUGLAS and From the State of Indiana: Messrs. HOMER E CAPEHART and From the State of Iowa: Messrs. BOURKE B. HICKENLOOPER and GUY M. GILLETTE From the State of Kansas: Messrs. ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL and From the State of Kentucky: Messrs. EARLE C. CLEMENTS and From the State of Louisiana: Messrs. ALLEN J. ELLENDER and From the State of Maine: Mrs. MARGARET CHASE SMITH and Messrs. JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER Messrs. HOMER FERGUSON and Messrs. EDWARD J. THYE and Hu- Messrs. JAMES O. EASTLAND and From the State of Missouri: Messrs. THOMAS C. HENNINGS, Jr., Messrs. JAMES E. MURRAY and MIKE From the State of Nebraska: Messrs. HUGH BUTLER and DWIGHT From the State of Nevada: Messrs. PAT MCCARRAN and GEORGE Messrs. H. ALEXANDER SMITH and Messrs. DENNIS CHAVEZ and CLIN- Messrs. IRVING M. IVES and HER- Messrs. WILLIAM LANGER and From the State of Ohio: Messrs. ROBERT A. TAFT and JOHN From the State of Oklahoma: Messrs. ROBERT S. KERR and MIKE From the State of Oregon: Messrs. GUY CORDON and WAYNE |