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List of

Authors, Composers, Publishers and Copyright Proprietors, to whom all
communications should be addressed, regarding reproductions of the copy-

righted numbers included in this book.

Ackley, Bentley D., 1018 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Bergstrom Music Co., 1020 Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Birchard Co., C. C., 221 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass.

Breitkopf & Hartel, Inc., 22 West 38th Street, New York City, N. Y.
Brewer Pub. Co., Orville, Auditorium Bldg., Chicago, I11.

Browne, Raymond A., 790 Dawson Street, New York City, N. Y.
Brown, Will C., Frankfort, Kansas.

Carlin Music Co., 33 N. Penn Street, Indianapolis, Ind.

Cary & Co., 13 Mortimer Street, London, Eng.

Coates, Mrs. Florence E., 2024 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Daly, Jos. M., 665 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

Daly Music Publishers, Inc., 665 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.
Daniels & Wilson, Inc., 233 Post Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Day, Holman F., 176 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass.

Excell, E. O., Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

Fletcher, R. L., Wheeling, W. Va.

Force, D. Edwin, 156 Monticello Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.
Force Music Co., D. E., Jersey City, N. J.

Graham, Roger, 143 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.

Hatzfeld, E., London, Eng.

Hays, Mrs. Will S., 927 S. Second Street, Louisville, Ky.

Henderson Music Pub. Co., Chas., Henderson Bldg., Corry, Pa.
Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, Inc., 11 Union Square, New York City, N. Y.


Hinds & Noble, 11 Union Square, New York City, N. у.

Hitchcock Pub. Co., 25 Ann Street, New York City, N. Y.
Huston, Frank C., 10 W. Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind.

Keith, E. Austin, Onset, Mass.

Koninsky Music Co., Troy, N. Y.

Krolage Music Co., Joseph, 424 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Leap, Glenn C., 729 W. 63rd Street, Chicago, Ill.

Legg Bros., Missouri Bldg., Kansas, Mo.

Ling, Henry J., Detroit, Mich.

Lorenz Pub. Co., 1123 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.
Luckhardt & Belder, 36 W. 40th Street, New York City, N. Y.
McKinley Music Co., 1501 E. 55th Street, Chicago, Ill.

Milburn Music Pub. Co., Skowhegan, Me.

National Music Co., 339 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Paxton & Co., W., 95 New Oxford Street, London, Eng.

Peerless Music Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Pond & Co., William A., 18 W. 37th Street, New York City, N. Y.
Presser Co., Theo., 1712 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Putz, Armand, Fort Winfield Scott, San Francisco, Cal.

Quincke & Co., W. A., 401 Majestic Theatre Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal
Rodeheaver Co., 440 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.

Root & Co., Frank K., Chicago, Il1.

Rossiter Music Co., Harold, 325 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Ill.
Rossiter, Will, 71 W. Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill.

Rowland, Magnolia Miller, 2357 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Schroeder, J. F., 10 E. 16th Street, New York City, N. Y.
Shaw, William F., 195 Burnside Street, Providence, R. I.

Silverwood, F. B., Los Angeles, Cal.

Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, Mass.

Standard Music Co., Box 387, Providence, R. I.

Stebbins, Geo. C., 19 Verona Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Triangle Music Pub. Co., 821 Gravier Street, New Orleans, La.
Tullar-Meredith Co., 265 West 36th Street, New York City, N. Y.
Vandersloot Music Pub. Co., Williamsport, Pa.

Volkwein Bros., 516 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Werner & Co., Edgar S., 43 E. 19th Street, New York City, N. Y.
Williams & King, 604 Gaiety Theatre Bldg., New York City, N. Y.
Williams & Rogers 604 Gaiety Theatre Bldg., New York City, N. Y.
Willis Music Co., 137 Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wright Music Co., Lawrence, & Denmark St., Charing Cross, London, Eng.


Come Fill the Cup

Come, fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring,
Your Winter garment of Repentance fling;
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To flutter-and the Bird is on the Wing.

I Sometimes Think

I sometimes think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears,
Drop't in her lap from some once lovely Head.

Myself When Young

Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint, and heard great argument,
But evermore came out by that same door
Where in I went.

I Sent My Soul

I sent my Soul through the Invisible,

Some secret of that After-Life to spell;
And by and by my Soul return'd to me

And answered "I myself am Heav'n and Hell."

Alas! That Spring Should Vanish!
Alas! That Spring should vanish with the Rose!
That Youth's sweet scented manuscript should close!
The Nightingale that in the branches sang,

Ah, whence and whither flown again, who knows.

Victor Record 35441-Part 1

Wake for the Sun

Wake! for the Sun who scatter'd into flight,
The Stars before him from the field of night,
Drives night along with them from Heav'n and strikes
The Sultan's turret with a shaft of Light.


Book of Verse

A Book of Verse underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread-and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness-
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise now!

They Say the Lion

They say the Lion and the Lizard keep
The courts where Jamshyd gloved and drank deep
And Bahram, that great Hunter-the wild Ass
Stamps o'er his Head but cannot break his sleep.

Victor Record 35441-Part 2



In the gloaming! Oh, my darling!
When the lights are dim and low,
And the quiet shadows falling,
Softly come and softly go.

When the winds are sobbing faintly,
With a gentle unknown woe,
Will you think of me and love me,
As you did once long ago.

In the gloaming! Oh, my darling!
Think not bitterly of me!
Though I passed away in silence,
Left you lonely, set you free.
For my heart was crushed with longing,
What had been could never be,

It was best that we should part, dear,
Best for you and best for me.

Columbia Record 5425



You know, Mike, I didn't recognize you from where you was. You look to me like the back of a hack.

Is that so? I notice you admired my carriage.
By golly, I am certainly disgusted to see you again.
And I am the same and even more yet.

You're as pretty as ever, if not worse.

Myer, and you are the same old Myer; the same devil amongst the women. It certainly is good for nothing to see you again. You know it is already six months since I last saw you.

Is that so?

Yes, the last time I saw you, we were chucked out of that hotel.

Yes, because we could not pay our board bill. Well, that was your fault. When I told the landlord I expected money from home, why did you tell him I had no home? Oh, nonsense. You know I am in a new business. What business is that?

I am selling accidental insurance on commission. Could I sell you some? You see, for twenty-five cents you could be insured for three thousand dollars a week.

But, say, Mike, be senseless and take a friend's advice and stop that business. Accidental insurance is no good. I was insured in it once and nothing happened to me at all.

You are such a fool as ever. You see, it says on the policy slipper, it says for the loss of a leg you get one thousand dollars and if you lose an arm you get five hundred dollars and if you lose both legs and both arms you get fifteen hundred dollars, and for the loss of your head you get the full amount of the policy.

That is the trouble; by the time you have all the money coming to you, there is nothing left of you to enjoy it.

But suppose you die; wouldn't you be happy to know when you are dead there is something coming to you? You see, this paper also insures your life.

But when you die, life insurance is good, but believe me, when I tell you that fire insurance is better. Anyway, I am insured in my society, the Knights of Misery. This is the best. You see, it costs a dollar to become a membership, and when a brother dies all the other brothers are assinnated two dollars and pays. See how benefiting it is.

I ask you as one fool to another-is the Knights of Misery a good thing? You say you pay a dollar to get in and you pay out and pay out and in twenty years you would be owing yourself money.

Oh, it is a good thing for most of the members. Louis Dinkelspiel paid a dollar to join the lodge last week and


yesterday he was run over by a trolley car and lost his life and both his legs. Do you think he got the worst of it? Oh, well, he was one of the lucky ones.

Columbia Record 1220



In de ebening by de moonlight
When dis darkie's work was over,
We would gather 'round de fire,
"Till de hoe cake it was done.
Den we all would eat our supper,
After dat we'd clear de kitchen,
Dat's de only time we had to spare
To hab a little fun.

Uncle Dave would take de fiddle down

Dat hung upon de wall,

While de silv'y moon was shining clear and bright, How de old folks would enjoy it

Dey would sit all night and listen

As we sang in de ebening by de moonlight.


In de ebening by de moonlight,

You could hear us darkies singing,

In de ebening by de moonlight,

You could hear de banjos ringing,

How de old folks would enjoy it,

They would sit all night and listen,

As we sang in de ebening by de moonlight.

In de ebening by de moonlight,

When de watchdog would be sleeping,
In de corner near de fireplace

Beside de old arm chair,

What Aunt Chloe used to set

And tell de pickaninnier stories,

And de cabin would be filled wid merry coons from near and far,

All dem happy times we used to hab,

Will ne'er return again,

Eb'rything was den so merry, gay and bright,

And I neber will forget it,

When our daily toil was ober,

How we sang in de ebening by de moonlight. Used by permission of Hitchcock Publishing Co., owners of copyright.

Edison Blue Amberol Record 2457

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