give you sleepy drinks; that your senses, unintelligent of our insufficience, may, though they cannot praise us, as little accuse us. Cam. You pay a great deal too dear for what's given freely. Arch. Believe me, I speak as my understanding instructs me, and as mine honesty puts it to utterance. Cam. Sicilia cannot show himself overkind to Bohemia. They were trained together in their childhoods; and there rooted betwixt them then such an affection, which cannot choose but branch now. Since their more mature dignities, and royal necessities, made separation of their society, their encounters, though not personal, have been royally attornied, with interchange of gifts, letters, loving embassies; that they have seemed to be together, though absent; shook hands, as over a vast; and embraced, as it were, from the ends of opposed winds. The heavens continue their loves! Arch. I think, there is not in the world either malice, or matter, to alter it. You have an unspeakable comfort of your young prince Mamillius; it is a gentleman of the greatest promise, that ever came into my note. Cam. I very well agree with you in the hopes of him: It is a gallant child; one that, indeed, physics the subject, makes old hearts fresh: they, that went on crutches ere he was born, desire yet their life, to see him a man. Arch. Would they else be content to die ? Cam. Yes; if there were no other excuse, why they should desire to live. Arch. If the king had no son, they would desire to live on crutches, till he had one. [Exeunt. SCENE II.-The same. A room of state in the palace. peace until You had drawn oaths from him, not to stay. Charge him too coldly: Tell him, you are sure, Leon. Well said, Hermione. Her. To tell, he longs to see his son, were strong: But let him say so then, and let him go; Yet of your royal presence To Polixenes.] I'll adventure The borrow of a week. When at Bohemia Enter LEONTES, POLIXENES, HERMIONE, MA- What lady she her lord. You'll stay? MILLIUS, CAMILLO, and Attendants. wat ry Pol. Nine changes of the wat'ry star have been The shepherd's note, since we have left our throne Without a burden: time as long again Would be fill'd up, my brother, with our thanks; Go hence in debt. And therefore, like a cipher, Leon. Stay your thanks awhile ; And pay them, when you part. Pol. Sir, that's to-morrow. I am question'd by my fears, of what may chance, Or breed upon our absence: That may blow No sneaping winds at home, to make us say, This is put forth too truly! Besides, I have stay'd To tire your royalty. Pol. No, madam. Her. Nay, but you will? Pol. I may not, verily. Her. Verily! You put me off with limber vows: But I, Though you would seek to unsphere the stars with oaths, Should yet say, Sir, no going. Verily, Not like a guest; so you shall pay your fees, When you depart, and save your thanks. How say you? My prisoner? or my guest? by your dread verily, One of them you shall be. Pol. Your guest then, madam: To be your prisoner, should import offending; Her. Not your gaoler then, But your kind hostess. Come, I'll question you Of my lord's tricks, and yours, when you were boys; Ere I could make thee open thy white hand, And clap thyself my love; then didst thou utter, I am yours for ever. You were pretty lordlings then. Pol. We were, fair queen, Her. It is Grace, indeed. Why, lo you now, I have spoke to the purpose twice: Two lads, that thought there was no more be- The one for ever earn'd a royal husband ; hind, But such a day to-morrow as to-day, And to be boy eternal. Her. Was not my lord the verier wag o'the two? Pol. We were as twinn'd lambs, that did frisk ithe sun, And bleat the one at the other: what we chang'd, Boldly, Not guilty; the imposition clear'd, Her. By this we gather, You have tripp'd since. Pol. O my most sacred lady, Temptations have since then been born to us; for In those unfledg'd days was my wife a girl; Your precious self had not then cross'd the eyes Of my young play-fellow. Her. Grace to boot! The other, for some while a friend. [Giving her hand to Polirenes. Aside. Leon. Too hot, too hot: To mingle friendship far, is mingling bloods. I have tremor cordis on me :-my heart dances; But not for joy,-not joy. -This entertainment May a free face put on; derive a liberty From heartiness, from bounty, fertile bosom, And well become the agent: it may, I grant: But to be paddling palms, and pinching fingers, As now they are; and making practis'd smiles, As in a looking-glass;-and then to sigh, as 'twere The mort o'the deer; O, that is entertainment Mam. Ay, my good lord. Why, that's my bawcock. What, hast smutch'd thy nose? They say, it's a copy out of mine. Come, captain, We must be neat; not neat, but cleanly, captain: And yet the steer, the heifer, and the calf, Are all call'd neat.-Still virginalling Observing Polixenes and Hermione, Upon his palm?-How now, you wanton calf? Art thou my calf? Mam. Yes, if you will, my lord. Leon. Thou want'st a rough pash, and the shoots that I have, false To be full like me :-yet, they say, we are Most dear'st! my collop!-Can thy dam?may't be? Affection! thy intention stabs the centre: Thou dost make possible, things not so held, Communicat'st with dreams;-(How can this be?) With what's unreal thou coactive art, And fellow'st nothing: Then 'tis very credent, Thou may'st co-join with something; and thou dost; (And that beyond commission; and I find it.) And that to the infection of my brains, And hardening of my brows. Pol. What means Sicilia? Her. He something seems unsettled. What cheer? cheer? how is't with you, best brother? Exeunt Polixenes, Hermione, and Attendants. Or I am much deceiv'd, cuckolds ere now; arm, That little thinks she has been sluic'd in's ab No barricado for a belly; know it; boy? Mam. I am like you, they say. What! Camillo there? Cam. Ay, my good lord. Leon. Go play, Mamillius; thou'rt an honest [Exit Mamillius. man. Camillo, this great sir will yet stay longer. When you cast out, it still came home. Leon. Didst note it? Cam. He would not stay at your petitions; made His business more material. Leon. Didst perceive it ? They're here with me already; whispering, rounding, Sicilia is a so-forth: 'Tis far gone, When I shall gust it last.-How came't, Ca millo, That he did stay? Cam. At the good queen's entreaty. Leon. At the queen's, be't: good, should be pertinent; But so it is, it is not. Was this taken derstand Leon. Satisfy The entreaties of your mistress?-satisfy ?Let that suffice. I have trusted thee, Camillo, With all the nearest things to my heart, as well And his pond fish'd by his next neighbour, by | Mychamber-councils: wherein, priest-like, thou Hast cleans'd my bosom; I from thee departed | With the pin and web, but theirs, theirs only, sence, Thy penitent reform'd: but we have been Deceiv'd in thy integrity, deceiv'd In that which seems so. That would unseen be wicked? is this nothing? Why, then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing; Cam. Be it forbid, my lord! Leon. To bide upon't;-Thou art not honest: or, If thou inclin'st that way, thou art a coward; Which hoxes honesty behind, restraining From course requir'd: Or else thou must be counted And tak'st it all for jest. Cam. My gracious lord, I may be negligent, foolish, and fearful; It was my folly; if industriously I play'd the fool, it was my negligence, Against the non-performance, 'twas a fear 'Tis none of mine. Leon. Have not you seen, Camillo, (But that's past doubt: you have; or your eyeglass Is thicker than a cuckold's horn ;) or heard, (For, to a vision so apparent, rumour Cannot be mute,) or thought, (for cogitation Resides not in that man, that does not think it,) My wife is slippery? If thou wilt confess, (Or else be impudently negative, The covering sky is nothing; Bohemia nothing; My wife is nothing; nor nothing have these nothings, If this be nothing. Cam. Good my lord, be cur'd Of this diseas'd opinion, and betimes; Leon. Say, it be; 'tis true. Cam. No, no, my lord. Leon. It is; you lie, you lie : I say, thou liest, Camillo, and I hate thee; Cam. Who docs infect her? Leon. Why, he that wears her like her medal, hanging About his neck, Bohemia; who-if I that, Which should undo more doing: Ay, and thou, His cup-bearer, whom I from meaner form Have bench'd, and rear'd to worship; who may'st see Plainly, as heaven sees earth, and earth sees heaven, How I am galled,-might'st bespice a cup, Cam. Sir, my lord, I could do this; and that with no rash potion, But with a ling'ring dram, that should not work Maliciously like poison: But I cannot Believe this crack to be in my dread mistress, So sovereignly being honourable. To have nor eyes, nor ears, nor thought,) then I have lov'd thee, say, My wife's a hobbyhorse; deserves a name Cam. I would not be a stander-by, to hear My sovereign mistress clouded 80, without Leon. Is whispering nothing? blind Leon. Make't thy question, and go rot! Dost think, I am so muddy, so unsettled, To appoint myself in this vexation? sully The purity and whiteness of my sheets, Which to preserve, is sleep; which being spotted, Is goads, thorns, nettles, tails of wasps? Give scandal to the blood o'the prince my son, Who, I do think is mine, and love as mine, Without ripe moving to't? Would I do this? Could man so blench? Cam. I must believe you, sir; I do; and will fetch off Bohemia for't: Provided, that, when he's remov'd, your highness Will take again your queen, as yours at first; Even for your son's sake; and, thereby, for sealing The injury of tongues, in courts and kingdoms Known and allied to yours. |