H. Con. Res. 185, H.R. 4083, H.R. 633, and H.R. 4309: Markup Before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, Second Session, August 6, 1998U.S. Government Printing Office, 1998 - 65 pagini |
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Rezultatele 1 - 5 din 20
... HILLIARD , Alabama BRAD SHERMAN , California ROBERT WEXLER , Florida STEVE ROTHMAN , New Jersey BOB CLEMENT , Tennessee BILL LUTHER , Minnesota JIM DAVIS , Florida LOIS CAPPS , California RICHARD BURR , North Carolina. 3542. 11-5-98. ( II )
... HILLIARD , Alabama BRAD SHERMAN , California ROBERT WEXLER , Florida STEVE ROTHMAN , New Jersey BOB CLEMENT , Tennessee BILL LUTHER , Minnesota JIM DAVIS , Florida LOIS CAPPS , California RICHARD BURR , North Carolina. 3542. 11-5-98. ( II )
Pagina 1
... bills that we will be considering are H.R. 4083 , to make available to the Ukrainian Museum and the Archives the USIA tel- evision program , " Window on America " ; the second one , H.R. 633 , to amend the Foreign Service Act of 1980 ...
... bills that we will be considering are H.R. 4083 , to make available to the Ukrainian Museum and the Archives the USIA tel- evision program , " Window on America " ; the second one , H.R. 633 , to amend the Foreign Service Act of 1980 ...
Pagina 2
... bill further . Mr. SMITH . I think Mr. Lantos has explained it very well . This is the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . I think it will be very timely and fitting for us to have a floor discussion on this ...
... bill further . Mr. SMITH . I think Mr. Lantos has explained it very well . This is the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . I think it will be very timely and fitting for us to have a floor discussion on this ...
Pagina 3
... bill before the Committee . The clerk will report the title of the bill . Ms. BLOOMER . H.R. 4083 , a bill to make available to the Ukrain- ian Museum and Archives the USIA television program , " Window on America " . Chairman GILMAN ...
... bill before the Committee . The clerk will report the title of the bill . Ms. BLOOMER . H.R. 4083 , a bill to make available to the Ukrain- ian Museum and Archives the USIA television program , " Window on America " . Chairman GILMAN ...
Pagina 4
... bill was drafted in close consultation with the USIA , who provided expert advice that assisted us in advancing this legislation , and we appreciate the agency's assistance . The question is now on the Hamilton amendment . All in favor ...
... bill was drafted in close consultation with the USIA , who provided expert advice that assisted us in advancing this legislation , and we appreciate the agency's assistance . The question is now on the Hamilton amendment . All in favor ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
105TH CONGRESS actuarial present value amend the Foreign annuity BEREUTER bill BLOOMER BRARY Chairman GILMAN Committee on International CONGR OF CONGRESS CONGRE CONGRESS CONGRE LIBRARY CONGRESS LIBRARY CONGRESS TH CONGRESS THE LIB CONGRESS THE LIBRARY Declaration of Human Diplomatic Security effects of torture election enactment ESS CONGRE ESS THE LIBRARY F CONGRESS Federal law enforcement fiscal year 1999 Foreign Service Act GRESS HAMILTON Human Rights individual insert the following International Operations Lantos law enforcement officers LIB THE LIBRARY LIBA LIBR LIBRA CONGRES LIBRARY CONGRESS LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY OF CONG LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIBRARYO Operations and Human priated pursuant RARY RESS Smith special agent SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL subsection THEO tion Tom Lantos torture survivors Torture Victims Relief treatment centers Ukrainian Museum United Nations United States Code Universal Declaration USIA television program victims of tor victims of torture Victims Relief Act Whereas the Universal Window on America
Pasaje populare
Pagina 11 - In 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations; the Declaration, without creating enforcible legal obligations, gives further expression to the legal conscience of mankind.
Pagina 12 - Now, therefore, be it 3 1 Resolved by the House .of Representatives (the Senate 2 concurring), That the Congress — 3 (1...
Pagina 7 - I am going to abbreviate these remarks and I would ask that my full statement be made a part of the record.
Pagina 12 - ... to be subjected to retroactive laws; freedom of movement within one's state and freedom to leave or return to it; the right of asylum; the right to a nationality; the right to found a family; the right to privacy; the right to own property, to social security and to work; the right to form and join trade unions; the right to an adequate standard of living, to education, and to rest and leisure; and the right to participation in the cultural life of the community.
Pagina 1 - And it happens to be the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations.
Pagina 14 - ... freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile; the right to a fair trial and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal; the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty; freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home or correspondence; freedom of movement...
Pagina 4 - The chair recognizes the gentleman from New Jersey, the chairman of the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, Mr. Smith, for 5 minutes.
Pagina 42 - The head of the agency, when in his judgment the public interest so requires, may exempt such an employee from automatic separation under this subsection until that employee becomes 60 years of age.
Pagina 12 - Rights sets forth fundamental human rights including the right to life, liberty, and security of person; freedom of religion; freedom of opinion and expression; freedom of assembly...
Pagina 12 - ... self-government through free elections; freedom from slavery and torture; the right to a fair trial and to equality before the law; presumption of innocence until proved guilty...