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Chairman GILMAN. Without objection, the amendment is considered as read. I'll now recognize the gentleman from New Jersey, the Subcommittee chairman on International Operations.

[The amendment appears in the appendix.]

Mr. SMITH. At the outset, Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you, and Mr. Lantos, and the 24 other cosponsors who have cosponsored H.R. 4309, the Torture Victims Relief Act of 1998.

Our Subcommittee favorably reported the bill, and this really is the product of several years' work in our Subcommittee, as Members of the Subcommittee know so well. We've had scores of hearings, and we've heard from torture victims, and those who speak for them, time and time again.

The need for this legislation is compelling. Torture is on the rise throughout the world, a tragic fact underscored in the State Department's "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices," and by reputable human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International.

Those who suffer horrific cruelty at the hands of despotic governments, military and/or police, usually bear scars-physically, emotionally, and psychologically-for the rest of their lives. For many, if not most, the ordeal of torture doesn't end when they are released from a gulag, a laogai, or a prison. Those victims-and there are millions of them around the world, and an estimated 400,000 survivors of torture living here in the United States-need help. To date, we have done far too little to assist these walking wounded.

This legislation tries, in a very small and modest way, to remedy that situation. Over the next 2 years the bill authorizes $6 million for the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, $12.5 million for domestic centers-there are currently 15, and $12.5 million for international torture victim centers there are currently about 175. All are seriously underfunded. As a matter of fact, the Denmark-based International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, known as the IRCT, estimates the worldwide need for assisting victims to be about $28 million and a very large portion of that is still unmet.

I would ask that my full statement be made a part of the record. Chairman GILMAN. Without objection.

[The prepared statement of Mr. Smith appears in the appendix.] Mr. SMITH. The bill also provides special training-just training-for Foreign Service officers in the identification of the evidence of torture, techniques for interviewing torture victims, and related subjects. And finally, the bill contains an expression of the sense of Congress that the United States shall use its voice and vote in the United Nations to support the investigation and elimination of the practices prohibited by the Convention Against Torture.

And I hope that everyone can support this.
Chairman GILMAN. Thank you, Mr. Smith. Mr. Hamilton.

Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Chairman, I support the bill, and I commend the sponsors of the bill. Torture is one of the most serious human rights abuses of our time. The long-term effects of torture on the survivors and their families are simply devastating, as Mr. Smith has said. This is a good bill, and it's a solid bill.

I do have a couple of questions I'd like put for the record to Mr. Smith, or whoever can respond. The bill earmarks development assistance in an international operations account, in order to increase funding for the centers that treat the victims of torture, and the U.N. fund for torture victims. Is that intended to be a hard earmark, or soft?

Mr. SMITH. It's a soft earmark.

Mr. HAMILTON. It's a soft earmark. And do you intend for any of the development assistance funded projects to be cut in order to increase this funding?

Mr. SMITH. The intent would be that it would not be, but there is always a prioritization. But the intent would be not to cut it.

Mr. HAMILTON. I understand the Administration has the concerns I've just expressed to you, and that's the reason for the question. The Administration supports the bill, or at least, they're not going to oppose it. I support the bill. I urge it's passage.

Chairman GILMAN. Thank you, Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Lantos.

Mr. LANTOS. I'll just take a moment, Mr. Chairman, to commend my friend from New Jersey. I urge the support of this legislation. Chairman GILMAN. Thank you. If there are any other Members seeking to be a cosponsor, please see Mr. Smith following the meeting.

This important measure I think does address a very critical area, and our efforts to combat human rights abuses and treatment of those individuals who suffer the effects of torture in the hands of governments, as a means of destroying dissent and opposition. And I commend the gentlemen from New Jersey, Mr. Smith and Mr. Lantos, the major sponsors of the bill. I think the resolution rightly recognizes the importance of treating victims of torture in order to combat the long-term devastating affects that torture's had on physical and psychological well being of those who have undergone pernicious forms of abuses.

Torture's an extremely effective method to suppress political dissent in those governments which lack a legitimacy of Democratic institutions to justify their power. Torture can provide a bulwark against popular opposition.

Accordingly, I urge support for the measure.

Is there any other Member seeking recognition? If not, the question is on agreeing to the Subcommittee amendment in the nature of a substitute.

As many as are in favor, signify in the usual manner.
Opposed, in the usual manner.

The Subcommittee amendment is approved. The gentleman from Nebraska, Mr. Bereuter, is recognized to offer a motion.

Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Chairman, I move that the pending measure be reported favorably to the House.

Chairman GILMAN. The question is on the motion of the gentleman from Nebraska. As many as are in favor, signify in the usual manner.

Opposed, signify by saying no.

The ayes have it. Without objection, the chief of staff is authorized to make conforming, technical, and grammatical to the text. Without objection, the chairman is authorized to make requests under Rule 20 of the House rules with respect to this bill or a companion measure in the Senate.

If there's no other

Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Chairman.

Chairman GILMAN. Mr. Hamilton.

Mr. HAMILTON. I have a question. Where does the Cuba bill stand? It was supposed to be on the suspension calendar, but I haven't seen it yet.

Chairman GILMAN. We've requested to be on the suspension calendar this week. Only three measures were taken on the list.

Mr. HAMILTON. I hope the Chair will follow through and be sure it gets on the calendar when we return.

Chairman GILMAN. We'll be pleased to do that, Mr. Hamilton.
Mr. HAMILTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Chairman GILMAN. Are there any other

Mr. ROHRABACHER. Where is the resolution condemning Mr. Milosovich as a war criminal stand? After all, apparently they've discovered the bodies of 350 children in Kosovo.

Chairman GILMAN. If I might respond, we've had some questions by Mr. Burton on it. He was trying to resolve that this afternoon, and I am hoping that Mr. Hamilton will consider a decision so that we can make a UC request.

Mr. HAMILTON. That considered, I haven't seen it.

Chairman GILMAN. Would you make sure that Mr. Hamilton has a copy of it, please?

Mr. Smith.

Mr. SMITH. I initiated this resolution on the House side, and it has a very broad bipartisan standing order. Members of the Helsinki Commission are on it on both sides of the aisle. And it has already passed on the Senate side.

Mr. HAMILTON. Is Mr. Burton making a change to it?

Chairman GILMAN. No, he's taking a look at it to see if he can go along on a UC.


Chairman GILMAN. Yes. Thank you very much.

Mr. SMITH. I have another question, Mr. Chairman, if I could. We asked that H. Con. Res. 59 be put in the markup today. Can we expect that it will be marked up when we get back? That's the one that Stewart Eizenstat had spoken to today very eagerly, about confiscated properties. I've had hearings on that issue in the Committee and on the Helsinki Commission. And it would be very worthwhile if we were to speak out collectively through a resolution-in Europe, it could have a big impact.

Chairman GILMAN. I would welcome that. We will put that as a high-priority item when we get back. Would the staff make note of that, please.

Any other? Yes, Mr. Bereuter.

Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Chairman, I've been sitting in this room a long time over the years, and I think these doors are the noisiest and clumsiest.


When we have foreign guests here, it's really disruptive. If you would like, I will volunteer to go to Chairman Thomas and to the Architect of the Capitol after we adjourn this year, and give you alternatives about replacement.

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Chairman GILMAN. I'd welcome it don't take it out of our budg


Mr. LANTOS. Would you accept an amendment?

Chairman GILMAN. I want to thank our colleagues for coming. The meeting stands adjourned.

[Whereupon, at 3:27 p.m., the Committee was adjourned, subject to the call of the Chair.]




H. CON. RES. 185

Expressing the sense of the Congress on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recommitting the United States to the principles expressed in the Universal Declaration.


NOVEMBER 7, 1997

Mr. LANTOS (for himself, Mr. PORTER, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. HALL of Ohio, Mr. LEACH, Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. NORTON, Mr. SNYDER, and Ms. PELOSI) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations


Expressing the sense of the Congress on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recommitting the United States to the principles expressed in the Universal Declaration.

Whereas on December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, after it was adopted by the General Assembly without a dissenting vote;

Whereas the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was modeled on the Bill of Rights of the United States Con


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