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OXONIENSIS is much displeased with us for having italicized the last words in the sentence page 871:-"As to Dr. Temple, strong are my feelings of gratitude to him as a master." We felt it due to ourselves and our readers to suggest this qualification in an anonymous communication, and we make no apology. It is our custom to make all anonymous contributors speak in harmony with the principles of our magazine. Indeed the cases are very few, in which the writers themselves, when they confidentially favour us with their names, do not request us as a favour to alter or amend according to our own judgment. Has "Oxoniensis" forgotten his own courteous letter to the Editor on these points?

MR. CARR'S reply to G. S., on verbal inspiration, is received; but we consider the discussion closed, each side having stated their views with admirable clearness. And during the last two years, we have scarcely published a number without something on the subject of inspiration.

AN OLD SUBSCRIBER would know why the children of excellent parents sometimes become as eminent in sin or in error as their parents were in holiness; and he points especially to one well-known instance. This is not a question for public discussion. Nor can we see that it is capable of any satisfactory answer. The imperfections of a good and wise parent will not account for it; for every parent is imperfect. The surprise which such a contrast creates is a proof that it is most unfrequent. In general, the promise of God standeth sure, and the seed of the righteous is blessed; the rest we must leave. Let pious parents never cease to pray, and if possible to believe; and after a long winter of sins, the child who has given the deepest anxiety may become their joy and crown of rejoicing.




&c. &c. &c.

American Civil War, 318, 398, 486, 807.
Assassination of President Lincoln, 485.
Best, Rev. T., Obituary of, 475.
Bible, the, shall we keep it? 161.
Bishoprics, increase of, 399.
Cattle disease, 725.

from, 888.

Prayer for deliverance

Charge of the Bishop of Calcutta and
Madras, 433.

Charge of the Bishop of Worcester, 642.
Cholera, apprehension of, 726.
Christian Missions and the Turkish
Government, 78.
Church in India, 433.

Church of England College at St. John's
Wood, 567.

Cities "desolate, without an inhabit-
ant," 42.

Clerical Subscription, 467.

Report of the
Royal Commission, 488.
Clerical Subscription in the Swiss
Churches, 348.

Colenso, Dr., and the Bishop of Cape
Town, 79.

Colliers of South Staffordshire, termi-
nation of strike, 79.

Commentary on the Epistle to the
Ephesians, 1, 93, 172.
Confession, Private, law of the Church
of England with respect to, 647.

Baptism and Canon Boyd, 800.
Berridge, Rev. J., original Letter of,


Bull, William, original Letter of, 719.
Burial Service: the excommunicate,

Charge of the Bishop of Salisbury,


Classes for young Ladies in Eccle-
siastical History and the Outlines
of Theology, 233.

Confirmation in the Diocese of Exe-
ter, 480.

Did St. Paul's books, parchments,
and cloak ever arrive at Rome? 72.
Funeral of Cardinal Wiseman, 311.
Inspiration, 716, 952.

—, verbal, whether the want
of is, or would be, a disadvantage,
Irving, Rev. E., on Grace at Meals, 640.
Jonah's Great Fish, 71.
Marriage, Law of, 953.

Newton, John, original Letter of, 639.
On the revelation of the lawless one,


Original Sin, 151, 395.
Parsonage Houses, 65.
Poor Benefices, 560.

Psalm xix., a new version of the first
part of, 950.

Public Schools, 149, 229.
Rev. xx. 4, on, 67.

Scott (Thomas) and the Dordt Sy-
nod, 152.

Scripture by rote, on misquoting, 67.
Simony question, 561.

Spurgeon, Mr., and Infant Baptism,


Stephen, Sir G., on the notice of his
father's life, 798.

The Coming of the Lord, 393.
Universal Redemption, 953.
Correspondents, Notices to, 80, 160,
240, 400, 488, 728, 888, 966.
Court of Final Appeal, 361.
Death of Archdeacon Hoare, 239.
Rev. H. V. Elliott, 239.
Rev. Canon Stowell, 883, 887.

[blocks in formation]

Education of Women, 794, 870.
Egypt and her future, 241.

Elliott, Rev. H. V., Obituary of, 303.
Encyclical letter of the Pope, 158.
Ephesians, Commentary on the Epistle
to, 1, 93, 172.

Evangelical Members of the Church of
England at the present day, Words of
caution in reference to the position
of, 206, 309.

Fenian Conspiracy in Ireland, 806, 888.
Gastein Convention, 807.

General Election, results of, 645.
God, the Sovereignty of, 945.
Harvest Thanksgiving Service, 648.
Herods, the five, 299.

Italian Lakes and Pennine Valleys, 743.
Italy, Prospects of, 965.

Jamaica, Insurrection in, 962.

Jerusalem at the close of the New Tes-
tament History, 53.

Jerusalem and her factions up to the
great siege, 197.

Jerusalem, the Siege of: the sixteenth

decisive battle of the world, 269.
"Jewish Chronicle" and Dr. M'Neile,


Jottings about the Vicar of Bexley in
Kent, 626.

Judgment of Lord Chancellor of Ireland

on bequest to Dominican Friars,


Kent, Miss Constance, and the Road
murder, 487.

Trial of, 646.

Lent Lectures, 319.
Lincoln, President, assassination of, 485.
Literature, Sensational, 809.
Manning, Archbp., Pastoral of, 582.
Mexico, the future of, from a Church
point of view, 11.
Missionary Prospects, 317.

Moses, the transmission of the Books
of, 707.

Moslem Mission, 238.
New Zealand war, 78.

Notices of New Books, 73, 154, 234,
314, 396, 485, 563, 642, 721, 802,
884, 955.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Popery, the growth of, and the apathy
of England, 487.

Preachers and Hearers, 464.
Psalms li. and cxviii., 649.
Psalms, Thoughts on the, 889.

Public Affairs, View of. 76, 158, 238,
398, 485, 566, 645, 725, 806, 886, 962.

Angus's Handbook of English Lite-
rature, 927.

Bampton Lectures for 1864, 898.
Bisset's Omitted Chapters in the
History of England, 502.
Blakeney's Book of Common Prayer,


Boyd on Baptism and Baptismal Re-
generation, 498.

Casper's "Footsteps of Christ," 737.
Cobbe's Essays on the Pursuits of
Women, 542.

Elliott's Hora Apocalypticæ, 184, 310.
Fergusson's Site of the Holy Sepul-
chre and the Temple at Jerusalem,


Forster's Biography of Sir John
Eliot, 212.

Forster's Israel in the Wilderness,


Hebert's Clerical Subscription, 467.
Lewin's Siege of Jerusalem, 197.
Life of Lieut-General "Stonewall"
Jackson, 120.

Merivale's Boyle Lectures for 1864,


Mill's Examination of Sir W. Hamil-
ton's Philosophy, 757.

Mills' Three Months' Residence at
Nablous, &c., 597.
Montagu's (Lord Robert) Four Expe-

riments in Church and State, 833.
Moore's Hulsean Lecture, 281.
Napoleon's Life of Julius Cæsar, 679.
Pusey's Lectures on the Prophet
Daniel, 128.

Robinson's Physical Geography of
the Holy Land, 597.
Tristram's Land of Israel, 912,
Wainwright's Christian Certainty,569.
Righteousness and Law, 701.

Roman Catholic Church in Italy, the
State of, 81.

Roman Catholic Oath Bill, 320.
Rome, State of, 77.

Sabbath, How can we best prove the
perpetuity of, in opposition to modern
objections, 692.

Seals, the Seven, 862.

Sensational Literature, 809.
Simony, the laws of, 488, 561.

Stowell, Rev. Canon, death of, 883, 887.
Taylor, Isaac, 845.

The sixteenth decisive battle of the
world the siege of Jerusalem, 269.

The question of the day: Shall we keep
the Bible? 161.

Theology of the Nineteenth Century,


Theology, on the means of promoting
the study of, 556.

Thoughts on the Psalms, 889.
Unbelievers, on the tone to be adopted
with, by Christian men, 852.
Universalism, 757.

Women, the Education of, 542, 794, 870.
Wilberforce and his Contemporaries,

18, 103, 247, 330, 401, 515, 610, 661,
Wiseman, Cardinal, Funeral of, 311.
Words of caution in reference to the
position of the Evangelical Members
of the Church of England at the
present time, 206.


Adams, Mr., 888.

Aiken, Dr., 767.

Airay, Dr., 73.

Alford, Dr., 75.
Angus, Dr., 927.
Arnold, Dr., 149, 151,

187, 378, 538, 558, 936.
Babington, Thomas, 247.
Bagot, Bishop, 400.
Bagot, Rev. D., 1,93, 172.
Barry, Rev. D. T., 885.
Bentham, Jeremy, 879.
Bernard, Rev. T. D., 898.
Berridge, Rev. J., 882.
Best, Rev. Thos., 475.
Bickersteth, Rev. E. H.,


Bingham, Rev. C. H., 962.
Bird, Rev. C. S., 235.
Birks, Rev. T. R., 154.
Bisset, Mr. A., 502.
Blakeney, Dr., 801, 814.
Bleeck, Mr., 316.
Blomfield, Bp., 443, 827.
Bonar, Dr., 372.
Bowdler, Mr. John, 18.
Bowyer, Sir G., 158.
Boyd, Rev. Canon, 446,
489, 728, 800.
Bridges, Rev. C., 372.
Brock, Mrs. Carey, 962.
Bull, Rev. W., 333, 719.
Bull, Rev. G., 887.
Butler, Bp., 155.
Byles, Judge, 80.
Carlyle, Mr., 506.

Vol. 64.-No. 336.

Carr, Rev. E. D., 566.
Carr, Rev. J. E., 152,

395, 717, 876, 966.
Chalmers, Rev. W., 120.
Chalmers, Dr., 254.
Chevalier, M., 11.
Clarke, Dr. Adam, 68.
Clarkson, Thos., Esq.,


Cobbe, Miss, 542.
Cobbett, William, 65.
Colenso, Dr., 79, 164,

167, 534, 572, 717.
Cotton, Bp., 433.
Creasy, Mr., 269.
Cumming, Dr., 800.
Dabney, Dr., 120.
Davidson, Dr. S., 378.
Davis, Rev, C. H., 315.
Davis, President, 398,

486, 568.
Dealtry, Dr., 515.
Dickens, Mr., 810.
Dods, Rev. Marcus, 74.
Duff, Dr., 441.
Eden, Rev. R., 315.
Eliot, Mr., 18.
Eliot, Sir John, 212.
Ellicott, Bp., 74.
Elliott, Rev. E. B., 65,

184, 310, 721, 862.
Elliott, Rev. H. V., 239,
303, 486.
Fergusson, Mr. James,


Forster, John, 212.
6 H

Forster, Rev. C., 597.
Gell, Bp., 433.
Gib, Rev. Adam, 68, 232.
Gifford, Rev. E. H., 563.
Gisborne, Rev. T., 103.
Gladstone, Mr., 369.
Goode, Dr. Mason, 895.
Goulburn, Rev. Dr., 644,
722, 805.
Grant, General, 398.
Hall, Bp., 833.

Hallward, Rev. J., 881.
Hamilton, Bp., 390.
Hanbury, Mr. R., 610.
Harding, Rev. T., 626.
Hare, Archd., 936.
Harford, Mr., 786.
Hearne, Rev. J., 558.
Hebert, Rev. C., 467.
Hey, William, Esq., 610.
Hoare, Archd., 239.
Holbeach, Mr. H., 769.
Hooker, Sir W., 236.
Hooper, Bp., 824, 837,


Howson, Dr., 871.
Inglis, Sir R. H., 515, 610.
Irving, Rev. E., 640.
Jackson, General, 120.
James, John Angel, 804.
Jeune, Dr., 391.
Jenner, Rev. S., 638, 798,


Johnson, Dr., 679, 881,


Jones, Rev. Harry, 802.

Jowett, Prof., 167, 375.
Keble, Mr., 168, 530.
Kennedy, Dr., 87.
Kennicott, Dr., 462.
Kent, Miss Constance,

487, 646.
Kingsley, Charles, 931.
Laud, Archbp., 816, 935.
Law, Archd., 74.

Lee, General, 398, 486.
Lesseps, M., 246.

Lewin, Mr. T., 197, 271,


Lewis, Rev. W. T., 209,

Liebig, Prof., 959.
Lincoln, President, 485,

Lushington, Dr., 468.
Lyne, Mr., 160.
Macaulay, Mr. Zachary,
80, 247.

McCaul, Rev. A., 75.
McClintock, Capt., 316.
McLauchlan, Rev. T.,


McNeile, Rev. Dr., 159,


Manning, Dr., 311, 582,


Mansel, Mr., 758.
Marsh, Rev. Dr., 311.
Marshall, Mrs., 722.
Maskell, Mr., 824.
Masson, Mr., 757.
Maurice, Mr. F. D., 375.
Max Müller, Prof., 684.
Melleson, Rev. F. A., 626.
Merivale, Rev. C., 696.
Mill, J. S., Esq., 757,

Miller, Mrs., 644.
Milman, Dr., 386.
Mills, Rev. J., 597.
Moberly, Dr., 871.
Moore, Rev. D., 281.
More, Hannah, 889.
Mullens, Dr., 439.
Newdegate, Mr., 313, 488,


Newnan, Dr, 128, 400,


Newton, Rev. J., 639.
Oakley, Rev. C. E., 887.
Ogilvie, Dr., 802.
Overall, Bp., 823.
Owen, Prof., 71.
Owen, John, 939.
Pattison, Mr., 540.
Pearson, Bp., 159.
Phillimore, Dr., 963.
Piers, Rev. H., 626.
Pitt, William, 661, 775.
Poynder, Mr., 149, 229.
Pratt, Archd., 959.
Priestley, Dr., 447.
Pusey, Dr., 128, 284,
391, 610.
Raffles, Rev. T., 76.
Raffles, T. S., Esq., 76.
Rénan, M., 283.
Reynolds, Bp., 827.
Ridgeway, Rev. J., 644.
Robinson, Dr., 597.
Rose, Mr. H. J., 379.
Rose, Rev. W., 639.
Ruskin, Mr., 377.
Ryle, Rev. J. C., 723, 884.
Sale, Rev. Canon, 475.
Secker, Archbp., 816.
Selwyn, Bp., 727.
Schaff, Dr., 379.
Scott, Rev. Thos., 152,
372, 736.

Shaw, B., Esq., 647.
Smedley, Mr. E. S., 485.
Smith, Dr. Pye, 379.
Smith, Mr. J. Abel, 610.
Spiegel, Prof., 317.
Spurgeon, Mr., 314, 394,
480, 490, 722.
Stanley, Dr., 43, 166,

371, 468, 529.
Stephen, Jas., Esq., 103.
Stephen, Mr. Fitzjames,
168, 530.
Stephen, Sir G., 798.

Stephen, Sir James, 104,


Stephenson, Rev. Nash,


Stock, Rev. J., 723.
Stoddart, Rev. G. H., 73.
Stowell, Rev. Canon, 883,


Strickland, Miss, 871.
Sturge, Joseph, 803.
Tait, Bp., 361.
Tate, Rev. J., 72.
Taylor, Mr. Isaac, 238,


Temple, Dr., 375, 871,


Thomson, Archbp., 362,
809, 888.
Thornton, Mr. H., 330.
Trench, Rev. F., 234
299, 641.
Tristram, Rev. H. B.,


Usher, Archbp., 506, 532.
Vaughan, Dr., 151, 565.
Venn, Rev. H., 240, 303,

Volkner, Mr., 727.
Wainwright, Rev. S., 569.
Wake, Archbp., 389, 391.
Wagner, Rev. A., 487,

Wesley, Mr. John, 627.
Wesley, Mr. Chas., 627.
West, Francis G., 232.
Whately, Miss M. L., 238.
Whately, Archbp., 443.
Whitgift, Archbp., 801.
Wilberforce, William, 18,
67, 103, 247, 350, 515,
610, 661, 775.
Wilberforce, Bp., 488.
Wilks, Rev. S. C., 953.
Williams, Dr., 367.
Wilson, Rev. W. Carus,


Wilson, Prof., 930.
Winslow, Dr., 311.
Wiseman, Cardinal, 311,


Wordsworth, Dr., 75, 190,
722, 960.


A Barrister, 330, 433.
A Church of England
Protestant Catholic, 952.
A. D. G., 303.

A Hertfordshire Curate,

An Aged Reader, 719.
An Old Friend, 953.
A Reader of the "Chris-
tian Observer," 806.
A Reader and Admirer

of the "Christian Ob-
Observer" for more
than 50 years, 880.
B., 813.
B. B., 696.

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