complaint removed, is the privilege of those who have finished their travels, and are called home by their heavenly Father, to take poffeffion of the inheritance prepared for them. And while we are followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promifes, if we have enough to our fafety and subsistence, direction and progress, we want nothing of good belonging to our infant unfettled state, and suitable to it. 2. They that feek the Lord shall want nothing that is good, with reference to the great design he is carrying on, viz. his own glory, and his people's falvation; which all his proceedings towards them, make way for, and thall issue in. And thus he performs his promise, notwithstanding the troubles wherewith his fervants are fometimes exercised. Afflictions are grievous, and so not defirable in themselves : But yet as they have an influence reaching to eternity, and as they tend to promote the divine honour, and our everlasting blessedness, they are matter of our rational choice now, and will be of our thankfulness and praise hereafter. Mofes having respect to the recompence of reward, chose rather to fuffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of fin for a feason; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treafures of Egypt, Heb. xi. 25. For our light afflictions that are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. iv. 17. By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purgea, and this is all the fruit to take away bis fin, Ifa. xxvii. 9. We are chaftened of the Lord, 1 Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world; that we may be made partakers of his holiness, and so prepared to behold his face in glory. Now what are the great things we should defire, were it put to our choice, but to be delivered from fin the worst of evils, and from hell the deepest misery? To obtain falvation with eternal glory, that God may be everlastingly honoured in our everlasting happiness? And if he over-rules his various dispensations to this end, though fome of them are harth and severe, how plain is it that those with whom he deals thus, want nothing that is good? And with what thankfulness shall we acknowledge this, when we are well instructed in the method of grace to bring us to glory? We shall confess with wonder and joy, That it was good for us that we were afflicted, and that in very faithfulness God did it. How pleasing a scene will it be at last to behold the excellent counsels and designs of wifdom extending to all the circumstances and turns of life? That this way we were to go? Through such straits and trials to be led ? By such means and methods to be brought into the divine favour, and kept in it? By such crosses and afflictions to be faved from pride, weaned from earth, kept back from fin, excited to duty, and a diligent pursuit of heaven? Which have all been observed, and with a steady hand guided to a blessed issue. With what triumph shall we use the words of the Pfalmist, as fulfilled: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: I life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever, Pfal. xxiii. 6. Though I was led through a howling wilderness where I was often ready to murmur upon account of the straits I was in, or the dangers I was encompassed with, I find it was the best way to the promised Land. I now perceive the reason, and the need I had of the various difpensations of providence towards me, the usefulness of all the hard circumstances I was in, how nothing was omitted or could be spared, how well and wisely all things were over-ruled for my eternal good: And now, adored be that wisdom that watched over me, and directed my steps; that mercy and goodness that chose my state for me, and attended me therein; that power that kept me from falling, strengthened me in weakness, delivered me from every evil work, and preferved me to his heavenly kingdom. How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God? how great is the sum of them? They are more in number than the fand. 3. They that feek the Lord shall want nothing that is good, with respect to the service he calls them to, the work they have to do, and the part they are to act for him in the world : And so the promise is fulfilled, though he does not give to all his servants alike. By fome he will be honoured in a higher, by others in a lower station; and accordingly to one he gives ten talents, to another two. Now whatever he sees fit to bestow on me, his will and wisdom are to measure my defires, as knowing the fittest proportion for me. And if I honour him VOL. II. E lefs less by my substance, I am to honour him more by my patience and humble fubmiffion to his will; and having food and raiment, which is all that is absolutely necessary, therewith I am to learn to be content. 4. They that seek the Lord shall want nothing that is good, as it shall become seasonable : And fo he fulfills his word, though he does not presently or all at once bestow all the good he intends. His fovereign will is to determine the time and order, as well as the measure of our mercies. The Ifraelites in the wilderness, when fed with Manna, had nothing denied them that was good, though they had no more than would last them from day to day; to teach them to live in a constant dependence upon God, and as their wants returned, to look up to heaven, from whence supplies were to be fent in the fittest season. And how tasteful must those mercies be, that descend fresh out of the hand of God? Lastly, They that seek the Lord shall want nothing that is good, either in kind, or in value; in outward comforts, or in inward content with the divine disposal and allowance. Godliness with contentment is great gain, 1 Tim. v. 6. If God denies the joy of harvest, and gives the joy of the Holy Ghost; if he suffers men to be in outward trouble, and gives them that peace that passeth understanding, who can say he deals hardly with them, or that they want any thing that is good? To remove our burdens, or else increase our strength: To answer our defires in taking off an affliction, or fay, My grace is fufficient for thee : To To give us riches, honours, friends and poffeffions, or contentment, which is equivalent: To supply us mediately, or immediately; continue the streams, or lead us to the fountain, in either way, he fulfils his promife. I have learnt, faith the Apostle, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content, Phil. iv. 11. He knew God would supply all the believers need according to his riches in glory, by Jesus Christ, ver. 19. Hence this is the representation he gives of his own and his fellow ministers state, As dying, and behold, we live ; as chastened, and not killed; as forrowful, yet always rejoycing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet poffeffing all things: They having the Author of all, God all-fufficient for their portion, 2 Cor. vi. 9, 10. Thus they that feek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Hence I go on to confider, IV. From what grounds the certain accomplishment of this promise may be inferred. And here how many things may be offered, as encouragements to the faith and trust of such as seek God. As, First, The endearing relations in which God stands to them. 1. He is their Shepherd, and they are his flock. They are small indeed in number; but precious and honourable, by his esteem of them, his property in them, and his regard for them. He feparated them from the rest of the world; formed them for his praise in this world, and for his kingdom in another; and in their way to it, would have them truft him for all that is good for E 2 |