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those to whom they have preached the gospel with fuccefs: And as they leave their hearts behind at parting, so they are strongly inclined, with fubmiffion to the will of God, to return; and nothing in all the world can be so welcome to them, as an opportunity to do so. They that preach not themselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, esteem and own it the greatest kindness you can poffibly do them, to entertain the Offer they are fent to make, and to close with him in whose name they come; and cannot but think and speak of such as they have been instrumental in winning to him, with peculiar affection. We were willing, fays the Apostle to the believers here, ver. 8. to lave imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but alfo our own fouls, because ye were dear unto us. They pity those to whom the gospel is hid, and so are like to be for ever loft, and often pour out their tears over them: They rejoice at the news that any fouls are recovered, and such great good done: They bear a tender love to the whole houshold of faith; but such as through grace, have by their ministry been brought over to Christ, are dear to them above others. Spiritual fathers naturally care for the state of their children, whom they have begotten through the gospel, 1 Cor. iv. 15. And remembering Chrift's charge, as they love him, to feed his sheep, and his lambs, it is their delight to stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, and help on their faith, holiness and joy. They are set to watch for fouls, as those that must give an account: And, as the roaring lion continually goes about feeking whom he may devour, they cannot but have

a deep concern when absent, lest any belonging to their charge should miscarry; and the great shepherd should meet them, and ask, With whom haft thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? And they should have nothing to answer.

Where the Spirit of God has owned and fucceeded their labours, they can fit down and abide with the greater fatisfaction, in hope of further help. And, if their Lord should demand, as he did of Elijah? What doft thou here, Elijah? Can answer with comfort, "Here I am, in the poft "thou hast set me, and about thy work, warn


ing finners, and endeavouring to train up those " souls for heaven, which by grace thou hast " made me instrumental of bringing into the

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way leading to it."

To be imployed in such work as this, holy Paul was content to have his reception to heaven for a time deferred, Phil. i. 24, 25. And, when such as share in his Spirit, are by persecutions, or other providences parted from their flocks that are dear to them as their own fouls, they cannot, any of them, but look wishfully back, and take leave in David's language, 2 Sam. xv. 25. If 1 fhall find favour in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me again, and shew me both it, i. e. the ark, and his habitation. But if he thus says, I have no delight in thee, if he will use me no longer : Behold bere am I, let him do to me as feemeth good unto him.

This is the temper with which they live: and when at death they are called away, (as ministers must die as well as others) it has been obferved, as to several of those whom God has made made eminently successful in winning fouls, that he has prepared the way for their leaving the world with less reluctance, by removing many of those they have forgotten in the gospel, before them: that so, when knowing that the most and best of their friends are already with their Lord above, they may be the more willing to be there alfo.

But when the shepherd must remove, and leave his beloved flock behind, he cannot but express his affection in making Christ's dying prayer his own for them, John xvii. 11. And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world : Holy Father, keep through thine own Name those whom thou haft given thy Son, and made me instrumental in bringing to him. The believing confideration that the great and good Shepherd lives, is as to this, their great fupport when they come to die. They know, he took care of his church before they were born, and can, and will when they are dead and gone: And, on this bottom they are kept from fainting, as to themselves and others: knowing whom they have believed, and that he is able to keep what they have committed to him against that day.

4. Whatever fets others upon preaching, faithful minifters make the faving of jouls their great concern, the matter of their hope and ferious defire now; and reckon upon those they have been instrumental to bring into the way of falvation, as their joy, and crown of rejoycing in the presence of the Lord Jesus Chrift at his coming.

Here I shall briefly confider,
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I. The

I. The reasons upon which Christ's faithful minifters are so serioufly engaged in saving fouls. II. The joy they shall have in the souls they shall win, in the presence of our Lord Jesus Chrift at his coming.

I. Whence it is Christ's faithful ministers are fo serious and intent upon saving souls, making this the great object of their defire and hope, the scope of their prayers, and the business of their lives, The fprings and motives to this, are :

1. The divine command and charge laid upon them, Atts xx. 28. Take heed therefore unto yourfelves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost bath made you overseers, &c. And Col. iv. 17. And fay to Archippus, (and in him to every one that stands in the fame office under Christ, and relation to him,) Take heed to the ministry which thou haft received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it. And with what folemnity is it repeated to Timothy, 2 Tim. iv. 1, 2. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing, and his kingdom : Preach the word, be instant in season, out of seafon, &c. And the end of this is, that they may fave themselves, and then that hear them, that their common eternal salvation may eternally redound to the praise of the glory of God's grace. And having a command and order from heaven, Neceffity, fays the Apostle, is laid upon me: yea, Wo is me, if 1 preach not the gospel, 1 Cor. ix. 16.

2. The Spirit and grace of Christ in faithful minifters excite their defires after the salvation of fouls, and their endeavours to promote it. When they preach not an unknown Saviour, but have a special special interest in him, the heavenly life and love wherewith they are inspired themselves, will engage them heartily to long and labour for the good of others. How visibly did this work in holy Paul, when professing it was his heart's defire and prayer το God for Ifrael, that they might be saved, Rom. x. 1. He travailed in birth as to the Galatians, as it were with labouring pangs to fee Christ formed in them, Gal. iv. 19. He ceased not to warn the Ephesians, every one of them night and day with tears, Acts xx. 31. He was willing to spend and be spent for the Corinthians, (2 Cor. xii. 15.) for their spiritual advantage, that they may be saved. This was his aim: and a heart principled with the same grace in such as come after him, will proportionably be carried the fame way.

3. The example of Christ calls all that are employed by him in the work of the Gofpel, to the greatest faithfulness and diligence for the good of fouls. As he came to seek and to save that which is loft, with what earnestness, diligence and delight did he endeavour it? He continually went about doing good, esteemed it his meat and drink to do the will of his Father, and finish his work. He declared, I must work the work of him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh wherein no man can work. The zeal of God's house eat him up. He spared no pains, loft no time, but improved all opportunities to pursue his faving design, till his work was finished. And, herein his servants are to imitate him, not counting their lives dear to themselves, fo that they may finish their course with joy, and the miniftry

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