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lonians in the foregoing chapter, Ch. i. 5. For our gofpel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghoft, and in much af furance. It eminently prevailed upon them, fo as that they turned to God from idols, to ferve the living and true God; and brought them to wait for bis Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jefus which delivered them from the wrath

to come.

He appeals to their knowledge in the beginning of this chapter, as to the fuccessful manner of his and his brethren minifters entrance in unto them, that it was not in vain. And he declares, ver. 13. For this caufe alfo thank we God without ceafing, because when ye received the word of God which ye beard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the word of God, which effectually worketh alfo in you that believe. This was the encouraging fruit of his miniftry here, and you may be fure, his ftrongest inducement to stay, and fpend and pe fpent among them. And though he was removed from them fuddenly, this was not from his choice, but from his enemies violence. And when he was parted' from them, it was as to place and prefence, only: As to affection, he left his heart with them ftill, and was defirous of nothing more, than that a way might be opened for his coming. back to them again.


The words, as connected with the foregoing, have the nature of an apology, made by the Apoftle to the Chriftians at Theffalonica in excufe of his abfence. But we, brethren, being taken from you for a fort time, in prefence, not in beart,


endeavoured the more abundantly to fee your face, with great defire, &c. For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoycing? are not ye in the prefence of the Lord Jefus Chrift at his coming?

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In thefe words, as taken in conjunction, we may take notice,

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1. Of the endearing title he gives them, Brethren. Though in fome fenfe a Father to them, having begotten them through the gofpel; yet as minifters and people are to be faved the fame, way, viz. by their union to Chrift, and dependance upon him, he fpeaks to his fellow-chriftians, as brethren.


All that hold the head are mutually related to each other, as members in the fame body, branches in the fame vine, and children in the fame family, the houshold of faith. And the youngest child there, is a child ftill; every of which, the eldest and strongest will gladly own their relation to. The apoftle, though a fpecial favourite of heaven, and one that had been there, and now ftood fo near it as to have the brightest profpect of it, kindly calls thofe brethren, who were travelling the fame way with himself, how much foever below him in ftrength and ftature. Such as have beft learned Chrift, are most like him in humility, and meeknefs, and tender love to all his members; efpecially towards fuch as they have helped to bring into fo bleffed a ftate.

2. Of the nature of his feparation, and his temper and carriage under it. Being [taken from you It is as if he had faid, my departure was not of choice, but neceffity, from la



bouring among you. The caufe of it we have, Acts xvii. 5, 6, &c.

We, i. e. I and my fellow labourers were not afhamed of the gofpel among you, nor weary of our work with you: We would gladly have pursued what was fo well begun; but in a moft malignant way were driven from among you. And, as our departure was not free, we hope the feparation fhall not be long. This we can fay, that it is not TOTAL: We were taken away, but not the all of us; we were taken away in prefence, not in heart; and could not but carry with us the strongest inclination (if it were the will of God) to return to our delightful work among thofe we loved.

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Chrift, the great shepherd and bishop of fouls, upon his afcending up on high, carried the names of his people, like as the high priest of old, the type of him did. upon his breaft and next his heart; in token he would be always mindful of them, and always appear for them, before his Father and theirs. And though he is in a fense gone, he is in a fenfe prefent too, with them and would have them believe it, as he hath faid for their fupport. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen, Matth xxviii. 20. In like manner, fuch as he has counted faithful, putting them into the miniftry, will in this imitate their Lord, watching for fouls, as thofe that must give an account. And whatever may occafion their abfence for a time, from fuch as they ftand in a special relation to, they will, as far as able, keep up their care for them, and affection to them, and desire to see them;


to be helpers of their faith and joy, and bring them on in their way to heaven: where they may dwell together with their Lord and one another for ever.

This was the Apoftle's temper, evidenced in his abundant endeavours to have his great defire fatisfied, of returning to thofe in his bodily prefence, with whom he had left his heart.

3. Of the reafon and end for which his af fections were fo ftrongly carried towards them, viz. not any low or fecular advantage of his own, but the good of their fouls, and their eternal falvation.

He fought not theirs, for himself; but them, for Chrift. To bring them to him, to build them up in him, to prepare them to meet and ftand before him, was the great defign he was intent upon; and accordingly he expreffes it in a remarkable gradation, For what is our hope; or joy, or crown of rejoycing? are not even ye in the prefence of our Lord Jefus Chrift?

4. Of the feafon in which he eminently expected to reap the fruit of his minifterial labours, namely, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?


He adds in the following verfe, For ye are our glory and joy. i. e. Ye are so now, as recovered and brought home to Chrift: but what a blissful and joyful day will that be, when we fhall meet together in the prefence of the Lord at his coming? Being then to fee him as he is, and fo! to appear with him in glory.

Having thus laid open the words feveral things may be collected from them, fit to be confidered:




First, Whatever difference there may be, and is among the difciples of Chrift, as to office, and age, and growth, they are mutually related to each other as brethren.

This the Apostle most affectionately owns to thefe believing Theffalonians, calling them, Brethren, how far foever below him: And well he might, when our bleffed Lord fpeaks of his difciples as under the fame relation to himself. He points to those who do the will of his Father, faying, Behold, my mother and my brethren, Mark iii. 34. He fends to them under that character, immediately after his refurrection, Mat. xxviii. 10. and John xx. 17. Go to my brethren, and fay unto them, I afcend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God and your God..

Saints are all of them the children of God by faith in Jefus Chrift; begotten of the fame incorruptible feed, the word of truth; adopted into his family, and entitled to the fame inheritance; quickened and renewed by the fame Spirit; united to the fame Lord and Head: And they being made partakers of a divine nature, life and likenefs from God, in and by Chrift, both he that fanctifieth, and they that are fanctified, are all of one, for which caufe he is not afhamed to call them brethren, Heb. ii. 11. And, if our Mafter is not afhamed to call us brethren, we muft not be ashamed to call one another fo; and this not in formality, but in truth, and with an anfwerable love. The church is God's family, made up of all that are fanctified in Christ Jefus, and called to be faints throughout the world: nay, it is not confined to earth, but takes in the



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