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Christ, and by the Spirit of God: they who have grace implanted, and growing by exercise : they who have the love of God shed abroad in their hearts; who have their evidences for heaven clear, and some foretastes of what it means. Where it is thus, those happy fouls may be faid to have reached a good measure of strength for their remove hence.

This leads me to confider,

IV. How much we are concerned to pray, that God would spare us to get or recover strength, preparatory to our final remove.

1. Strength confifting in habitual readiness, by obtaining an interest in Christ, and pardon and fanctification by his blood and Spirit, is necessary to our fafe departure.

How terrible must be the thoughts of dying, to the man that is not at peace with God? How dreadful to appear before God, for one that is liable to his wrath? What hope can there be of heaven, where there is nothing of grace and holiness to fit for it? Is it not of the laft importance when life is threatened, for fuch to beg its continuance? What heart has that man who confiders what it is to die unrenewed, and in this state does not earnestly pray, Lord Spare me? Cut me not off in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity; unmeet for heaven, when there remains no other place but hell. If I die in this state I am loft for ever : glorify thy patience in sparing a little, and thy grace in preparing me for my great change. This is the strength I need, and beg with all the vehemence of one that knows his safety as



to eternity, depends upon it. Who can dwell with devouring fire? Who can endure everlasting burnings? Spare me a little, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more.

2. Strength, as it respects grace in exercise, and fatisfaction as to our interest in Christ, and title to heaven: this is necessary to our dying comfortably, and finishing our course with joy.

And how earnestly should we be concerned for time, in order to get this? confidering it will be far from being easy to go from hence never to return, uncertain what shall become of us for ever. To believe there is an everlasting hell, and be in doubt, whether I shall be delivered from it: a state of glory, and not to know, whether I shall be received into it : To be entering upon my unchangeable state, and at a loss of what kind it shall prove; how dejecting must this be? And on the other hand, how transporting will it be, to be able to look to heaven, and say, my Father is there? To Chrift, and at the same time be able to add, 1 know whom I have believed, and I am perfuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day? I am leaving the world, and I do it freely, knowing: I shall have, in exchange, better and more enduring substance. Farewel earth, welcome heaven, where I shall dwell with my Lord for


V. To get strength thus to go hence, is the great thing, good men have, and ought to have in their eye, in defiring life.


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It was not to be rich, or great, or honourable, that the Pfalmist here prayed for; but that he may recover strength, such strength as the change he was going to make called for, viz. that he might die fafely, and that he might depart in peace, or die comfortably. And the children of God may, and ought, with fubmiffion to his will, to defire this:

1. That they may be fresh, and renewed inftances, that when flesh and heart faileth, God can be the strength of his people's heart, by giving them a lively hope that he will be their portion for ever.

2. That Christ may be glorified in their death, as well as life, by making them more than conquerors over the king of terrors: he. having loved and died for them, and enabling them to triumph in him, in whom they have righteousness and strength, and in whom all the house of Ifrael is to be juftified and to glory.

That their grand enemy Satan may be the more fignally baffled, when feeing them rejoice as dying, and going finging to glory, where he

can never come.

4. That fuch as survive may have a cordial to reconcile them to their own removal, from the comfortable manner in which they fee them go off.

5. That these may be encouraged too to trust the same Jesus, for all the grace they shall need living, or dying. And

6. Lastly, That they may be quickened to follow them in the fame way, as ever they would go off in the fame manner, and finish well.


There is one thing more under the doctrinal part, viz.

VI. When may a child of God be led to pray with the Pfalmift, O spare me?

1. After fome great or grievous fall; that fo they may live to testify the truth of their repentance, and repair the dishonour which the glory of God, and their holy profeffion may have fuffered through their tranfgreffion.

2. Under fad and sensible decays as to grace; that they recover the ground they have loft.

3. When deprived of the light of God's countenance; that they may not fet in a cloud, or be fnatched away under darkness or doubt of their relation to him, or acceptance with him; that they may not fadden the hearts of those that God would not have to be faddened, nor leave the enemies of God any ground to imagine, That there was no difference between the death of the righteous and the wicked, tho' it be faid, The wicked is driven away in his wickedness : but the righteous hath hope in his death, Prov. xiv.


If it be asked, To what purpose should any put up the request, Lord, spare me, when prayer cannot change God's mind, or fet death and the grave at a greater distance? The answer is obvious.

1. We may, and ought to pray, whilst we are uncertain as to the event. God knows the day of our death, but we do not: and his revealed will is to be our rule, who has faid, Is any afflicted? let him pray; Call upon me in the day of trouble, &c. Pfal. 1. 15.

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2. We

2. We are always to pray in submission to the will of God; saying after the utmost importunity we have used, that God would not now take us away, Not my will, but thine be done : prepare me for whatever thou hast determined; and here I am, do with me as seemeth best in thy fight.

3. It may be prayer is the means by which our lives are to be prolonged. God waits to be gracious to put an honour upon the duty he himself hath enjoyned, and encouraged our faith in. When it is lowest with us, his arm is not shortened, nor his ear heavy. And having lodged our request with him, we may humbly hope for anfwers of peace: or however that we shall be no lofers by serious application to a throne of grace, as he said not to the feed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain.


1. Must we at death bid adieu to all this world: how cautious should we be that we do not over-love or over-value it; as that will make our parting with it the more difficult.

When it goes well with you, be not too much transported; and let not affliction overwhelm and fink you.

Remember you must e'er long leave both the one treatment and the other; and therefore are to be more concerned about the world you are going to, than that in which your stay is so uncertain and short.

2. How miferable are they who have their portion in the present life, which upon their going hence they must leave for ever?

3. When

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