expectation, in the use and improvement of the talents received, of which we are not Lords, but stewards. It is God that intrusteth us with all the advantages we enjoy, and we hold them in a dependance upon him. Our reason, our time, our health and strength, our external accommodations, and the helps we have for our fouls under the means of grace, are intirely in his power; which we are to own with an humility that becomes stewards. 1 2. What cause of ferious concern have all that live under the gospel, left, as stewards of the manifold grace of God, they should receive it in vain, and have their future condemnation aggravated by their present advantages, as neglected, or abused? 3. Will the time of our stewardship have an end? What a regard does this challenge to it? What a value should we put upon it, as a season in which we are to act for eternity; and at the close of which we are to go out of our stewardship into endless joy, or misery? 4. The believer has no reason to faint under the difficulties of his stewardship; seeing it will have an end, a most defirable one: and, neither the services, nor fufferings of the present time, are worthy to be compared to the glory to be revealed. 5. When our stewardship ends must an account be given up? It is hence evident, that the foul furvives the body, and is capable of acting, and of being dealt with in a way of wrath, or mer су, cy, according to the state in which it goes away: and hereupon, 6. How great and important a thing is it to die; it being to go in spirit to appear before God, and give an account of all that we have done in the body, and to be dealt with accordingly? How light foever the generality make of this, To die to such a purpose as this, is most awful in itself, and ought to be so to us. With what seriousness should we put the question, How are we prepared for fuch a change, and what is confequent upon it? What reason have the most to lament, that they have made no better preparation hitherto; and with what serioufness should we now begin? And, in order to shew you, how to do this, I will conclude with two or three directions for your affiftance. (1.) Call yourselves to an account as to the state you are in, and the part you have acted : you are to come to a reckoning with God. (2.) Let an interest in Christ be secured now, as ever you would hope to find mercy in the great day of accounts. There is no having our perfons accepted, all objections againft us filenced and thrown out, but as found in him, clothed with his righteousness. To them that are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation: but there is nothing but condemnation to all besides. 3. Beg of God the wisdom and faithfulness necessary to discharge your stewardship well: you have need of both. (1.) Of wisdom to know the value of the talents you are intrusted with, the will of your great great Lord concerning their improvement, the manner in which you are to employ them, and how much depends upon your employing them aright. (2.) You have need of faithfulness; that fo you may act becoming your character, and may use the talents wherewith you are intrusted, as under the eye of God, whose stewards you are, with a fincere defire to please him now, and with an holy concern to find mercy from him another day. (4.) Live in a serious belief, that the day of your stewardship's ending, and the account to be given, is approaching: that it cannot be many years, and that it may be within a few days, that your fouls and accounts shall both be called for. And as the time is short, hear and pray, and walk and act as persons waiting for your Lord. Bleffed is that servant who when his Lord cometh, shall be found thus doing, and in this way receives the summons that will e're long be given to every one of us, Give an account of thy stewardship. SER SERMON XV. LUKE XXII. 15. And he said unto them, With defire I have defired to eat this passover with you before I fuffer. THES THESE are the words of our Redeemer when drawing near the close of his life, and having his death in view, which we are now going to remember at his table. It was in the night in which he was betrayed that Christ thus spake: letting us know hereby, how he stood affected to his approaching diffolution, and to what was to go before it, and. lead it on. At the seventh verse, we read that the day of unleavened bread came, when the passover must be killed. And, verse 8. He fent Peter and Fobn, faying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. And upon their enquiring, Where he would have the preparation made? He bids them, upon their entrance into the city, to follow a man they should meet bearing a pitcher of water, into the house where he entered in, and deliver this meffage sage from him to the good man of the house, The Master faith unto thee, where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the passover with my difciples? verses 10, 11. And as a proof of his omniscience and power, he tells them of the man's ready compliance with his defire. Hence observe, when Christ has a passover to eat, he will not want an heart, nor a convenient place for his own, and his friends reception, verse 12. And ke shall shew you a large upper room furnished : there make ready. Peter and John went and found the guide and house, and room, as he, their Lord, had faid unto them; for they that go upon Chrift's word and errand, need not fear a disappointment. Here, according to the order given them, they made ready the passover, verse 14. And when the hour was come, be fat down, and the twelve apostles with him; to whom he thus speaks, as in the words of the text, With defire have 1 defired to eat this passover with you before I fuffer. In the words we have visibly two parts. I. The well-pleasedness with which Christ spake of the last passover he was to eat with his difciples upon the earth, and the special welcome he gives to it; With defire have I defired to eat this passover with you. II. The profpect he had of his suffering and death, which were to follow his eating this passover, and his hearty willingness to meet and go through them; With defire have 1 defired to eat this passover with you before 1 fuffer, i. e. after which I shall eat no more, but be, myself, foon after crucified and flain. |