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They that here made fure of heaven, fhall at death be admitted into it, and go out no more: they that, notwithstanding the offers of a Saviour, died in their fins, are caft into the prison of hell, from whence there is no redemp


No meffengers are to be fent after loft finners from this to the next world; no hope of mercy is to be vouchfafed them there. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of falvation; but it concludes with the finners laft breath. If a man dies fhall he live again, i. e. in such a state as this? It is apparent to all, it cannot be, Job xiv. 14. Probationers for an after-state, when they go hence fhall be no more here. Hereupon,

III. Wherein lies our ftrength for going hence ?

The answer to this is obvious. Being to remove out of time into eternity, our strength for this confifts in our readiness for a bleffed eternity; that fo it may go well with us in the next world, whenever we are taken out of this. And this readiness in general, confifts in having an intereft in Chrift the only Saviour, and through him, in being in a state of peace with God, before whom we are going to appear. It confifts particularly, in having our fins done away in the blood of the Lamb; our natures healed by the power of his Spirit; grace accompanying falvation in exercife; comfortable evidence of a title to heaven, and meetnefs for it; and fo a lively hope that we fhall change for the better, whenever removed from hence. These


are the things that make up our ftrength for our long journey, and enable us to go through the valley of the fhadow of death, and fear no evil.

It cannot but be delightful to hold our thoughts a little upon them. In general our ftrength for dying or going hence, is when we have an intereft in Chrift the only Saviour, and are through him in a state of peace with God, before whom we are going to appear, and are among the happy number that shall find mercy of the Lord in that day. From the very mention of this, we may learn what strength there lies in it for our going hence, and how weak and discouraged, faint and feeble, we must be without it. Well may that foul tremble and be afraid, when ready to take its flight into the other world, that is going to appear before an angry Judge, and having no relation to Chrift, the only Mediator, to plead for him. But with what fafety and fatisfaction may the penitent believer depart; being to go to God as a Father through Jefus Chrift, the most potent and prevalent advocate with him? Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect, now, or at the laft day? It is God that justifieth: who is be that condemneth? It is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who alfo maketh interceffion for us, Rom. viii. 33, 34.

This is our ftrength in general for going hence.

Particularly, We may be faid to be ready to go hence,

1. When

1. When our fins are done away in the blood of the Lamb. We go hence to be judged. Now when fin lieth at the door, no wonder if we have little ability or inclination to go forth. Unpardoned guilt hakes the confidence of the departing foul, and fills it with horror, as about to appear naked and defencelefs before an angry God. But when fin is pardoned in the blood of Jefus, the foul is prepared, and fo strengthened for a remove: having no guilt to keep him out of heaven, and having a prevailing Advocate attending, to plead for his admiffion thither.

2. We may be faid to be prepared, and fo ftrengthened for going hence, when our nature is healed and fanctified by the Holy Spirit. Blef fed are the pure in heart: for they shall fee God.. And where this heart is found, the perfon is difpofed for a happy remove. Impure fouls will be carried downward by the weight of corrup→ tion as well as guilt; but they that are born from heaven, are made meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the faints in light, and fo may fweetly mount upward to take poffeffion.

3. Grace accompanying falvation in vigorous exercife, is a farther addition to our strength for a remove. When repentance, faith, hope and love are excited, and fet a work by the hand by which they were firft implanted, the foul is dreffed to meet its Lord. This is intimated in our Lord's Command of having our loins girt, and our lights burning, like men that wait for their Lord.

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4. Comfortable evidence of our title to, and meetness for heaven, that fo upon our being abfent from the body, we have good hope we fhall be prefent with the Lord: this, this will furnish us with ftrength, not only to fubmit to a remove, but in fome measure to defire to be gone. Being able to fay, I know that Redeemer liveth, and that he is gone to his Father, and my Father, to prepare for my.coming; how readily will one raifed to this, welcome the order to go and be with him, though it be by dying? Upon notice given to a faint by fome mortal difeafe or danger, that he must fet his houfe in order, for that he fhall die and not live, with what fatisfaction in the divine will, will he receive the meffage, as being able to fay, I bave fought a good fight, I have finished my courfe. I have done my work, and I have a prospect of my reward: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Fudge will give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them alfo that love his appearing. Lord Jefus receive my foul: Angels do your office, and bear me to him.

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In fuch things as thefe lies our strength for a final departure out of this world into another. And hence, it is eafy to collect, who have reached it.

They that have yielded themselves to God through Jefus Chrift, and are reftored to the favour God bears to his own people: They who are pardoned and renewed; washed, juftified and fanctified in the name of the Lord Jefus


Christ, and by the Spirit of God: they who have grace implanted, and growing by exercise : they who have the love of God fhed abroad in their hearts; who have their evidences for heaven clear, and fome foretastes of what it means. Where it is thus, thofe happy fouls may be faid to have reached a good measure of strength for their remove hence.

This leads me to confider,

IV. How much we are concerned to pray, that God would fpare us to get or recover ftrength, preparatory to our final remove.

1. Strength confifting in habitual readiness, by obtaining an interest in Chrift, and pardon and fanctification by his blood and Spirit, is neceffary to our fafe departure.

How terrible must be the thoughts of dying, to the man that is not at peace with God? How dreadful to appear before God, for one that is liable to his wrath? What hope can there be of heaven, where there is nothing of grace and holiness to fit for it? Is it not of the laft importance when life is threatened, for fuch to beg its continuance? What heart has that man who confiders what it is to die unrenewed, and in this ftate does not earnestly pray, Lord Spare me? Cut me not off in the gall of bitternefs, and bond of iniquity; unmeet for heaven, when there remains no other place but hell. If I die in this ftate 1 am loft for ever: glorify thy patience in fparing a little, and thy grace in preparing me for my great change. This is the strength I need, and beg with all the vehemence of one that knows his fafety as



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