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but be given to falt? Avoid those things that lead to this, and take the course neceffary to prevent it.

First, Avoid thofe things that lead to this, which are fuch as these :

(1.) Making light of the waters of the fanctuary, by neglecting or carelefs attending upon them. Remember it is not a vain thing, for it is for your life.

(2.) Taking up with a meer profeffion of religion, and attending upon the means of grace without looking to fee that their end be answered, in a faving change wrought within.

(3.) Neglecting, or oppofing the convictions of confcience, and the motions of the Spirit.

(4) Setting death and judgment at too great a distance, and flattering yourselves into stupidity from a vain prefumption of having many years to come.

(5.) Delaying to look after a cure till another


(6.) Being too much taken up with the body and this prefent world, the cares of which choak the word, and cause it to become unfruitful.

Avoid these things as leading to so sad a ftate.

Secondly, Take the courfe neceffary to pre

vent it.

1. Apprehend the dangerous cafe you are in by nature.

2. Attend

2. Attend upon the means God hath appointed in order to a cure.

Lafty, Be diligent in hearing, much in prayer, for the prefence and influence of the Spirit, to heal, quicken and recover you to God, and bring you into a vital union to Chrift and then live by faith upon him for farther help and healing fruitfulness and growth in this world, preparatory to your compleat bleffedness

in another.

These are the things that belong to your peace. May you in this your day, know and mind them, that they may not be eternally hidden from your eyes.

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MATTH. XV. 21---28.

Ver. 21. Then Jefus went thence, and departed into the coafts of Tyre and Sidon.

Ver. 22. And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the fame coafts, and cried unto him, faying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou fon of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

Ver. 23. But he answered her not a word. And bis difciples came and befought him faying, Send her away, for he crieth after us.

Ver. 24. But he answered and faid, I am not fent, but unto the loft sheep of the house of Ifrael.

Ver. 25. Then came fhe and worshipped him, faying, Lord, help me.

Ver. 26. But he answered and faid, It is not meet to take the childrens bread, and cast it to dogs.

Ver. 27. And fke faid, Truth, Lord: Yet the the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their mafter's table,

Ver. 28,

Ver. 28. Then Jefus anfwered and faid unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very bour.

N the close of the foregoing chapter, we find


our Lord in the land of Genefareth: where having reafoned with the Scribes and Pharifees that came from Jerufalem, and instructed the multitude, it is here in this chapter faid, verfe 21. Then Jefus went thence, and departed into the coafts of Tyre and Sidon. The perfons and places that have been favoured with Chrift's prefence and inftructions, may not be always fo: having delivered his meffage, and done his work, he will remove. The day is going away, and night will fucceed. Happy they, who while they have the light, know how to use it; and having Jefus with them, make fure of an intereft in him, before he go from them.

Tyre and Sidon being cities of Phenicia, belonging to the Gentiles, it is queftioned, whether our Lord actually went into that country, or into the utmost borders of Palestine nearest to it for we read, he forbad his difciples to go into the way of the Gentiles, Matth. x. 5. Whence fome apprehend, that he would not go himself thither; the time being not yet come for his being made manifeft to them. Others think he withdrew thither for privacy fake, at this time, from thofe with him, and hearing him but his going thither, with fome of his miraculous operations there, might be taken as a preludium to the calling of the Gentiles, and to

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the clearer revelation of himself, that should be afterwards more generally vouchfafed to them.

But to whether of these the cause of his departure to the coasts spoken of, refers, we are concerned in what happened there, than to know this.

Ver. 22. And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the fame coafts, and cried unto him, faying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou fon of David: my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

In which we may take notice,

1. Of the fupplicant, a woman of Canaan. The evangelift Mark fays, fhe was a Greek, a term given to all the reft of the world who were not Jews, a Syrophænician, or native of the country near to Tyre and Sidon, one, it may be, of the race of the old Canaanites, and an Heathen compared to the Jews; and yet one applying to Chrift, whom the Jews rejected.

2. Of the title the speaks to him by, O Lord, thou fon of David, &c. As the true Meffiah promised to the Jews of the feed of David, as the Lord and Saviour of his people, she here acknowledgeth him. She, as living near the Jews in Galilee, where Chrift chiefly converfed, and preached, and wrought miracles, had an opportunity of hearing of him; and tho' an Heathen, she seems to be well enlightened in the import of the titles fhe here gives him, and brought to believe him the true Meffiah, the defire of all nations, and the great deliverer of loft mankind: to him therefore fhe applies for help in her prefent need.

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