there be any wickedness in me; and lead me in the way everlasting. This faith is to work in the foul it supports or keeps from fainting. Now it is easy to shew, III. Whence and in what manner it helps to do so. That it is of special influence, in order to this, is plain from the example of our blessed Lord, Who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, and despised the shame, Heb. xii. 2. The proposed joy which was to be his reward, drew him chearfully on through all the forrows and sufferings that lay in his way. And the Apostle tells us, for this cause we faint not; no, whatever we suffer we still hold out : While we look not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen: for the things that are feen, are temporal: but the things that are not feen, are eternal, 2 Cor. iv. 16, 17, 18. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith, 1 John v.4. The faith of feeing the gooaness of God in the land of the living, helps to carry us through our prefent trials: and this several ways. 1. From the transcendent excellency the believing foul discerns in it, to which the labours and sufferings of the present life bear no propor tion. Though heaven does not lie open to an eye of sense, the believer fees so much of it, as makes him fit down abundantly fatisfied with his choice, and to bless God for giving him counsel, not to take up with earth for his portion, but lay up his treasure in heaven. He views the goodness referved in the land of the living, in its causes, nature, and end; and cannot but have raised apprehenfions of it, as worthy its divine vine Author, and answering the costs and preparations expended and gone through about it. Infinite love laid the foundation of the heavenly kingdom, and that from everlasting: Infinite merit regained it, when loft, and made way for the offer and promise to take place: Infinite wisdom and power contrived the frame, and raifed the superstructure: And infinite grace will see that there is nothing wanting to compleat the happiness of the ransomed of the Lord, upon their arrival there. And whilst the faints view it by faith, under such confiderations as these, and can give a reason of their hope, as to an interest in all; what wonder is it if they have their spirits revived, and their hearts encouraged to bear, or fuffer, or part with any thing here below ? It is our undue esteem of the good things of this life, as if there were nothing higher; and our exceffive fear of the evils, as if not to be made up by something better, that make us fo loath to part with the one, and so apt to fink under the other. No reason hath the faint to faint in the day of trial, but to rejoyce and fing, even in the valley of the shadow of death, feeing by faith he can look and hope for heaven beyond it. 2. Faith as to the heavenly felicity is of use to keep faints from fainting under their present sufferings, as it is what those sufferings tend to prepare them for. Our light afflictions, faith the Apostle, which are but for a moment, work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory: And for this cause we faint not, 1 Cor. iv. 17. Our Our heaviest sorrows are influential unto our highest happiness, and who can fink under them, that knows whither they tend ? All things, to the saints, shall work together for Good: and afflictions among the rest; as they serve to purge out their corruptions, actuate their graces, make them meet for heaven, and bring them under the special promise of it, 2 Tim. ii. 12. If we suffer with Christ, we shall reign with them. The poor, the mourner, the perfecuted are particularly pronounced bleffed; because theirs is the kingdom of heaven. And by these rough strokes, they are fitting for their defigned place in the celestial temple. The dolorous way is what our blessed Lord travelled before them; and he is now entered into his glory. Rom. viii. 17. If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. 3. Faith looking upwards to the goodness of God in the land of the living, sometimes fills the hearts of faints with a divine joy; which joy of their Lord is their strength, Neh. viii. 10. Three things may be matter of joy to saints in their believing contemplations of heaven. (1.) Their present title to it, founded on Christ's purchase, and the Father's promise. Heaven is the purchased possession, the fruit of Christ's blood; and believers as such, have a new Covenant title to it. Being children they are heirs, and the everlasting kingdom is their portion. And the Father's promise settles the same; and this on purpose that his people may rejoice in the hope of it. Heb. vi. 17, 18. God willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of pro promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have strong confolation, who have fled for refuge to lay bold of the hope fet before us. (2.) What they are thus entitled to, they shall never lose, nor be deprived of. The immortal unfading inheritance is referved in heaven for them, who are kept by the power of God thro faith unto salvation. Heaven is reserved for them, and they are kept for it: so that poffeffion is fure. And in this they may greatly rejoice, even in the midst of their present heaviness. Especially confidering, (3.) That e're long faith shall be turned into fight, and they shall enter upon the possession of what may be now said to be theirs in hope and title only. But a few more wearisom days and restless nights; but a few more conflicts with fatan, the world, and the flesh, and their warfare shall be accomplished, and they shall enter into the joy of their Lord. With such thoughts as these, believers are sometimes raised above themselves, so that as a giant refreshed with wine, they are prepared with joy to follow the Lamb, through poverty, prisons, reproaches and death, to arrive at the full poffeffion of that glory that lies before them. Lastly, From the heavenly felicity, faith is furnished with answers to all the temptations of satan, and the murmurings of the flesh; and being so enabled, the believer with courage and constancy holds on to the end, whatever difficulties are caft in the way. If tempted to backslide a time of trial, and not to follow a naked, rejected, despised Christ; it being like to cost him all that is dear to him in the world. How readily may a believer argue, What is all this that the world calls great or good, to what God hath laid up in the other state? Who can be a lofer that gets fafe to heaven, though he has not on earth where to lay his head? If we are apt to question God's love, or repine, or fink under his heavy hand, under the various and fore trials, and of long continuance he may sometimes meet with, the believer may take up the Pfalmift's words, and say, Why art thou caft down, my Soul? why art thou disquieted within me? If in this life only I had hope in Christ, I might possibly yield myself to be miferable; but who can do so that hopes to fee the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living? What are a few days, though full of evil, to the endless ages I shall have to enjoy my happiness in ? And grant that I am denied the enjoyments of earth, and loaded with the forest miseries in it: Yet how can I doubt of God's love, or think it small, who hath prepared for his people an unfhaken kingdom, and is leading them to it? Though they go forth mourning, they shall e're long arrive at the heavenly Sion with everlasting joy upon their heads, and forrow and fighing shall flee away. Wherefore, begone all repinings: be still thou murmuring flesh: If thy complaints continue, I will not liften. As drawn on by ravishing glory, I am refolved to foliow a crucified Jefus, through forrow, fufferings, and death itself; being affured, I can be no loser, whilft I exchange |