The Chronological Order of RevelationXulon Press, 2007 - 296 pagini ?Learn the step by step order of events in the Book of Revelation and what the next startling occurrence will be. ?Learn why this is the Exit Generation and the prophecies that point to this hour. ?Discover where the rapture appears in scripture and why it is NOT the next significant event. ?Discover incredible insights as to the identity of Antichrist-the one who comes up from the Abyss. ?Discover incredible insights about the false prophet. ?Learn about the identity of the mysterious 7th Beast Empire that arose in 1933 and how it paved the way for Antichrist's world empire to arrive. ?Learn about the prophecy of the next pope-the 112th leader of the Catholic Church. ?Learn about Russia's new role in the Middle East. ?Learn about Israel's rebirth as a nation in 1948 after being scattered for nearly 2,000 years. Don was saved in 1974 during the charismatic movement. Upon graduation from college with a degree in psychology, he entered law enforcement where he retired after 15 years of service. During his tenure as a police officer he became the US Taekwon-Do champion and a certified police instructor. With fourteen years as a pastor and now as a missionary into remote parts of African and European nations. His missionary focus both in the US and abroad involves in-depth schools of ministry on multiple subjects for pastors and church leaders, including an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation and how it relates to this generation. In addition to the schools of biblical studies, Don regularly conducts crusades and sets up learning libraries. For information on hosting a school of ministry in your church, or if you should have an interest in an upcoming missionary outreach, please write us at VCFPDK@AOL.COM. |
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Why This Generation is the Exit Generation | 21 |
The Apostle Paul Sets It In Order | 24 |
Observations and Misapplications | 27 |
The Beast Empires of satan | 34 |
The 70 Weeks of Daniel | 53 |
Endtime Considerations About the Churches of Revelation | 58 |
The Church of Ephesus the Apostolic Church | 66 |
Identifying antichrist | 79 |
The 7th Seal | 205 |
The Trumpet Judgments | 206 |
Between the 6th and 7th Trumpets | 218 |
The 30Day Period | 224 |
The 7th TrumpetDay 5 | 232 |
The Bowl Judgments | 239 |
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb | 247 |
The Battle of Armageddon | 250 |
The Five Cycles of Evil | 91 |
Identifying the false prophet and the Harlot System | 93 |
The 3Nation Coalition and the 10Nation Confederation | 114 |
Matthew 24 | 126 |
Seals 1 through 3 | 146 |
The Cluster of Events at the Midpoint of the 7Year Period | 156 |
The 4th Seal | 176 |
The Sign of His Coming | 183 |
Five Major satanic Offenses | 197 |
The 45Day Period of Restoration | 251 |
The Millennium | 266 |
During the Millennium | 276 |
The First Day After the Millennium | 277 |
And Now We Come to You | 281 |
A Simplistic Overview 9 | 286 |
The Compromised Church 290294 | 290 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
10-Nation Confederation 1st Seal 3-Nation Coalition 30-Day Period 6th Seal 7-Year Period 7th Trumpet 8th beast empire Abomination of Desolation Abyss angels apostasy army Assyria Babylon Baptism Battle of Armageddon beast antichrist begins behold blood Blood libel Book of Revelation Bowl Judgments Bride Christians clans of Judah comes Daniel death demonic disciples earth earthquake Edom Egypt Endtimes Enoch and Elijah eternal false prophet forever global glory God's judgments God's wrath godless masses Harlot Heaven Hitler Holy Spirit horns Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews killed kingdom kings Lake of Fire Lamb Laodicean Church leader lineage living Magogic martyred Matt Midpoint Millennium Mount of Olives Mount Zion mountains nations occurs Period of Revelation persecution Point of Perspective pope prophecy rapture religious righteous Roman Russia Saints satan says the LORD scripture seven temple things throne tion Tribulation truth voice wicked writer's opinion