OPA Bibliography, 1940-1947U.S. Office of Price Administration, 1945 |
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
adjustments agencies amendment average basis beef bituminous coal black market BOWLES BROWNLEE cattle ceiling prices cents CHAIRMAN chart Chester Bowles civilian clothing coal committee commodities companies Congress consumer cost of living cotton textile dollars effect enforcement established fact farm farmers figures going Government HINRICHS hogs hourly earnings hundredweight income industry January Labor Board manufacturing meat ment months MURRAY National War Labor Office of Price operations packers parity peacetime percent period pork present Price Administration price ceilings Price Control Act price increases price panel production profits regulations rent control retail Senator BANKHEAD Senator BARKLEY Senator BUTLER Senator HICKENLOOPER Senator MILLIKIN Senator MURDOCK Senator RADCLIFFE Senator TAFT Senator TOBEY situation slaughter stabilization standards statement subsidy supply sustained depletion taxes tion VE-day violations wage rates War Labor Board War Production Board wholesale WINN workers
Pasaje populare
Pagina 424 - It is hereby declared to be in the interest of the national defense and security and necessary to the effective prosecution of the present war, and the purposes of this Act are, to stabilize prices and to prevent speculative, unwarranted, and abnormal increases in prices and rents...
Pagina 515 - The powers' granted in this section shall not be used or made to operate to compel changes in the business practices, cost practices or methods, or means or aids to distribution, established in any industry...
Pagina 361 - A reasonable allowance for the exhaustion, wear and tear, and obsolescence of property used in the trade or business may be deducted from gross income.
Pagina 355 - If there are any questions you would like to ask, I will be glad to answer them if I can, but I know you are tired and worn out.
Pagina 321 - Formula or in connection with the adoption of a longer work week, the Board may approve wage or salary adjustments for workers in immediately interrelated job classifications to the extent required' to keep the minimum differentials between immediately interrelated job classifications necessary for the maintenance of productive efficiency.
Pagina 357 - Association is the trade association of bituminous coal producers, with membership comprising about 80 percent of the commercial production of bituminous coal in the United States and with members in each of the major coal-producing States in the Nation.
Pagina 200 - The most notable events of the year affecting these policies were (1) the effort of the Congress of Industrial Organizations and the American Federation of Labor...
Pagina 664 - ... minimum-price-area table", equal as nearly as may be to the weighted average of the total costs, per net ton, determined as hereinafter provided, of the tonnage of such minimum price area. The computation of the total costs shall include the cost of labor, supplies, power, taxes insurance, workmen's compensation, royalties, depreciation and depletion (as determined by the Bureau of Internal Revenue in the computation of the Federal income tax) and all other direct expenses of production, coal...