Introduction. The Bishop's Birth-Ancestry-Beneficial influence of maternal instruction and example. Indications of piety in his early childhood, and presentiments of future occupation in the sacred ministry. His classical education. Visit to West Point-anecdote of the Moore family during the Revolutionary War. Brief trial of sea-life. Devotes himself to the study of medicine-and enters into practice. His first marriage. His early religious impressions in a great measure lost, and he conforms to the gayeties of the world. His conversion.
To give a biographical sketch of an eminent servant of God, who for more than half a century had occupied a distinguished station in the ranks of the Christian ministry, and at least for a moiety of that period had been loved and venerated as a Right Reverend Father in God, is a task which one can hardly hope to execute so successfully as not to disappoint the expectations of those to whom the character and life of the subject of his memoir were familiarly known. Those who have often felt the magic power of action and the witchery of voice by which the living teacher of the Gospel sways the understanding and leads captive the affections of his hearers, and have been actual observers of that life in which his doctrines were so sweetly confirmed by the beautiful illustrations of a holy and virtuous conversation, will find any written account tame and unsatisfactory in comparison with the vivid impressions left