him with all the tenderness of divine compassion; and is ever ready to magnify the riches of grace in bringing him to repentance and salvation. About the year 1785 the spiritual slumber into which Dr. Moore had fallen was disturbed; his mind was deeply exercised upon the subject of religion; and the pious feelings, desires, resolutions and affections of his earlier life were reproduced in more than their original strength and energy. The following striking incident in relation to this period of his religious history, is the most important fact which we have been able to gather from the enfeebled recollections of his only surviving sister. Being one day in a barber's shop, for the purpose of having his hair dressed according to the fashion of the time, he carelessly opened a Bible which was lying upon a table, and the first passage upon which his eyes rested was the searching interrogatory which the Lord Jesus addressed to that prince of persecutors who became afterwards the prince of Apostles: "SAUL, SAUL, WHY PERSECUTEST THOU ME?" The circumstance was apparently a trifling and accidental one. But it startled him. It appeared to him, doubtless, as a message from God, though it had come at an unexpected time, and under unwonted circumstances. An impression was, we may well believe, thus produced upon his mind which he could not readily shake off. An arrow of conviction had pierced his heart which could be extracted only by the hand of pardoning mercy. Let him go where he would: and whether engaged in the cares of professional business, or whirling in the giddy circles of worldly pleasure, the awful appeal of his neglected and injured Master would be still ringing in his ears: "Why persecutest thou me ?" It would interrupt his enjoyments by day and disturb his slumbers by night; so that he could find neither rest nor peace, till, bowing in the spirit of penitence and submission at the foot of the cross, he inquired, like the subdued and converted Apostle, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" We have no further facts or materials which would enable us to gratify the curiosity of the reader by a more particular narrative of this work of grace in the heart of Dr. Moore. He has left no written record of his experience at this interesting epoch of his life, nor have we the means of ascertaining the precise time when he first entered into full communion with the body of Christ's faithful people by a reception of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. But that a change did take place in his religious feelings and character-a change in the views, desires and affections of his mind-and in the purposes and habits of his life-a change so great and radical as to be properly styled a conversion, or new creation, the whole course of his future history leaves no room for the shadow of a doubt. The fruits of the Spirit, so clearly manifested in his temper and conversation, afforded the best evidence of a renovated heart. And the frequency and earnestness with which he enforced the indispensable necessity of conversion, gave indications, sure and convincing, that the doctrine of Scripture on this point had been confirmed to him by his own personal experience. From the period above named we must look upon the subject of this sketch as standing before us in a new attitude, bearing a new character, and sustaining a nearer and more sacred relation to the Church of God. He has entered upon a new life :-a life of faith in the Son of God. He is animated by new principles; even those of the "man in Christ," the adopted child of God. He is devoted to new objects: even the salvation of men, and the glory of his Lord and Saviour. Henceforth, we are to behold him 32 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF BISHOP MOORE, as one of the Lord's redeemed,-living, not unto himself, but unto him who died for him and rose again. From this period we contemplate him as one who feels that he is not his own, but has been bought with a price; and therefore strives to glorify God in his body and spirit which are his. And, if we are not mistaken in the estimate formed of his character from an intimate acquaintance with it for many years, seldom has it fallen to the lot of poor frail humanity to afford a lovelier display of gentleness and meekness, of tenderness and affection, of devotion and charity, of simplicity of purpose and energy of action, of fervent zeal and conscientious fidelity in the discharge of professional service and the duties of the social relations, than was exhibited, through the sanctifying influence of divine grace, in the long life by which our departed father was permitted to glorify God. CHAPTER II. FROM 1787 TO 1809. Immediate change of purpose as to his profession after conversion: Reviews his classical studies. Enters upon preparation for Holy Orders. Ordained Deacon. His Sermon on the Fiftieth Anniversary of his Ordination. His ministry at Rye. Intimacy with John Jay. His removal to St. Andrew's Church, Staten Island. Practises medicine and teaches a school to aid in the support of his family. Letters to his children. Death of his wife, and letters occasioned thereby. His second marriage. His first attempt at extempore preaching, and subsequent success in it." Anecdote illustrative of his fidelity in pastoral duty;-another, showing his humanity. Remarkable revival of religion. The character and success of his ministry on Staten Island. AFTER the memorable change in his religious character and views, referred to in the concluding part of the preceding chapter, Dr. Moore not only withdrew from all the vain pleasures and corrupting amusements of the world, but felt less interest in its lawful occupations, and soon resolved to relinquish the secular profession in which he was then successfully engaged. To employ the resources of skill, science, and a cultivated intellect, under the guidance of a tender and sensitive heart, in soothing the pains and healing the maladies to which the human body is liable, may properly be esteemed a highly benevolent occupation, involving the sacrifice of much personal comfort, and the exercise of much self-denial for the benefit of others. There is nothing in it, so far as we know, incompatible with that devotion to God required by the spirit of the sacred office. The minister of the Gospel, whether the field of his labour be in a Christian or Heathen land, may, (if it may be done without in с fringing upon the duties of his loftier vocation,) as the subject of this memoir did for a season, employ his knowledge of medicine in the healing of the body, in subordination to his higher labours for the salvation of the soul. In a Christian country, except under very peculiar circumstances, the combination of the two offices would be inexpedient and improper; but the opinion entertained by many that it would enhance the usefulness of missionaries in unenlightened heathen nations, is entitled to consideration. St. Luke was probably none the less distinguished for love to the Master, and fidelity in his service-and none the less qualified for usefulness as an Evangelist because he bore the appellation of " the beloved physician." Far be it from us, however, to place the high office of an ambassador of Christ upon a level with any secular profession, however useful and benevolent it may be, or to countenance the opinion that a minister of God may engage in the duties of any other calling as a means of support, or to increase his reputation, or from any other motive than that of rendering it subservient to his holy calling, by opening a readier way of access for the Gospel and giving increased efficiency to his labours for the salvation of souls. We believe that a call to the ministry involves a separation of the individual so called from all secular pursuits and occupations; the relinquishment of all strong regard to pecuniary emolument and worldly distinction; and the consecration of the whole man to the work of the Gospel and the glory of God. Such, we are happy to say, was the view entertained by the subject of this memoir. Soon after his conversion, he resolved to devote himself fully to the service of God and his Church. His heart, renewed by divine grace, and animated by the love of Christ and of souls, could no longer be content with the occupations of a |