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Sir G. Colby, Colonel, 20

AGRARIAN disturbances,
Cornewall Lewis on, 95
Aitchison, Mr, of Drummore, 8;
letter, to, II
Althorp, Lord, 65

Army, Orangeism in the, 128
Ascendancy Party, beginning of hos-
tilities between, and Drummond,
201, 265, 354; demoralisation of,

Cole, Viscount, Letter from, to Fair-
man, 155
Constabulary Bill of Lord Morpeth,
198, 200, 201; Lords throw out the,
200; receives Royal Assent, 220

Force, Catholics admitted to, 221
Cooper, Mr Austin, Murder of, 273
Crawford, Sharman, 113, 114
Crime, Statistics of, during Drum-
mond's Administration, 353,

BALFE, his placard against Orange- Cumberland, Duke of, Grand-Master

men, 241

Baring to Drummond, 230

Barlow, Professor, 10

Barrington controversy, 354-374
Bateson, Sir R., 337.

[ocr errors]

Beaumont's, De, L'Irlande," 251,
315, 374; and the Whigs, 317
Beresford, Rev. W., 203; letter to
Lord Mulgrave, 228

Blacker, Lieut.-Col., 113; evidence
of, on Orange Lodges, 267
Boundary Commission, Drummond
chairman of, 60

Boyne, Battle of the, Commemoration
of, 113
Bright, Mr, 88

Brougham, Lord, 59, 66
Burrowes, Correspondence concern-
ing, 230-31

CAHILL, Paddy, Letter from, 208
Caledon, The Earl of, 113
Canning, Mr, Suppressed Orange
Society, 183

Carlow speech of O'Connell, 265, 346
Catholic Emancipation, Mr Lecky on,

Justice denied to the, 122
Police, 350
Catholicism, Hatred of, basis of Orange
party, 110

Chatham, Accident to Drummond at,

Christie, Mr, 98, 113
Cockburn, Sir James, 138

of Orange Society, 127; letter from
Fairman to, 134, 143, 148; letter
of, to Fairman, 156, 157; gives
Fairman warrant for tour of in-
spection, 157; refuses to give evi-
dence before Select Committee, 184
Cunningham, Charles, Secretary to
Commissioners of Northern Light-
houses, 53

Defenders, 96
Despard, Captain, 314

Diamond, Battle of the, 259; Debate
in House of Commons on, 265
Donegal, Distress in, 256, 257
Donoughmore, Lord, on Irish Land-
lords, 88, 287

Drinkwater Bethune, 252
Drum-beating, Orange, 112
Drummond Light, The, 21, 24; used
on Survey in Ireland, 29, 33; ex-
periments at Purfleet, 37; report
of Committee on, 54; shown to
Lord Brougham, 59

Drummond, Thomas, boyhood, 6;
power of contrivance and toys of,
6; youthful traits, 7; first school,
7; pupil of Professor Jardine, 8;
resident pupil of Mr Scott, 8;
enters Edinburgh University, 8;
cadet at Woolwich, 9; mind essen-
tially scientific, 10; enters Royal
Engineers, 17; visits France, 18;
designs a pontoon, 18; nearly

drowned at Chatham, 19; stationed
at Edinburgh, 20; engaged in
Ordnance Survey in Scotland, 20;
Light, the, 21, 24, 33; presented
to William IV., 43; examined by
Select Committee of House of Com-
mons on Lighthouses, 50; chair-
man of Boundary Commission, 60;
sits to Pickersgill for portrait, 61:
political opinions of, 62; Private
Secretary to Lord Althorp, 65;
Under-Secretary in Ireland, 77;
engagement to Miss Kinnaird, 77;
takes up his post at Dublin Castle,
195; kindly nature and sense of
justice of, 196; turns his attention
to organisation of Police Force,
197; beginnings of hostilities be-
tween Ascendancy and, 201; refuses
to aid collection of tithes, 202, 225;
marriage of, 210; description of
life in Ireland of, 210; manage-
ment of Police by, 238; mode of
government of, 244; opposition to
Ribbon Society, 249; home life
of, 254; and the Ascendancy, 265;
debate of Battle of the Diamond
and, 267; on social and economi-
cal condition of Irish People, 289;
goes abroad for holiday, 315; the
Tory Orange Party and, 319; and
the murder of Lord Norbury, 320;
denounced by the Times, 321;
appears before the Lords' Com-
mittee, 339; and the Ribbon Society,
343; information as to Informers
given by, 345; and agrarian out-
rages, 346; facts and figures of
the Administration of, 352; Lord
Spencer and, 354; controversy with
Spring Rice and Morpeth, 354-374;
reminiscences of, by Sir C. Gavan
Duffy, 378; asked to represent
Belfast in Parliament, 382; broken
health, 384; persuaded to leave
for Cheltenham, 384; returns to
Dublin Castle, 386; death of, 387;
last words, 388; national sorrow
for death of, 388; public press on
his character, 389; funeral pro-
cession, 393; statue erected to,
394; monument to, 396
Duff, Captain, 110, III
Duffy, Sir C. Gavan, reminiscences
of Drummond by, 378

Edinburgh University, Drummond
enters, 8
Emigration, 305
Enniskillen, Lord, 127
Evictions, Drummond on, 303

FACTIONS, The, 245
Fairman, Lieut.-Col. W. B.; date of
joining Orange Society, 133; de-
sign of, 133; correspondence of,
concerning reorganisation of Orange
Society, 134-182; tour of inspec-
tion for Orange Society, 157; re-
fuses to produce books and papers
of Orange Society, 184; before the
House of Commons, 185; Sergeant-
at-Arms ordered to apprehend,
191; accused of plot for placing
Duke of Cumberland on Throne,
Faraday, 10

Finn, Mr, moves for Select Commit-
tee to inquire into Orange system, 183
Fletcher, Mr Justice, on Orange

Society, 124
Fredley, Railway near, 239

GALWAY, Major, 203
Gibson, Mr, to Drummond, 382
Glascock to Drummond, 224
Gordon, Duke of, Letter from Fair-
man to, 153; letter to Fairman
from, 178, 179
Gosford, Lord, on the sectarian
feuds, 96, 109, 120
Green, Mr Sergeant, 235
Grey, Lord, 66; dissolution of Minis-

try of, 66; break up of his Minis-
try, 67; resignation of office, 68;
Coercion Act of, 81

HALL, Captain Basil, Letter from, 38
Hamilton, Lord Claude, 116
Hancock, Mr, 118
Haywood, Statement of, respecting
Fairman Plot, 194
Heliostat, The, 21, 24, 55
Herbert, Jacob, Secretary at Trinity

House, on Drummond Light, 53
Herschell, Sir John, to Mrs Drum-
mond, senior, 28

Hogg, Policeman, 242, his removal,
Hume, 182, 184, 187, 194


Dungannon, Tory Orange meeting at, Irish Landlords, 88

EBRINGTON, Lord, as Lord-Lieutenant,

334; to Mrs Drummond, senior, 390


Poor Law Measure, 305
"Irlande, L'," by Gustave de Beau-
mont, 251, 315, 317; translation of,


JARDINE, Professor, Tutor to Drum-
mond, 8; letter to Drummond,
14; on religion, 15

James, on Drummond Light, 52

KENYON, Lord, and Orange Society
in England, 127; and Fairman,
141-149, 155, 169-174, 175, 179-

Ker, Bellenden, 59

Kinnaird, Miss, 66; engagement to
Drummond, 77

LANDLORD and tenant, 88, 94, 295
Land Trouble, The, Mr Poulett
Scrope on, 90
Land War, The, 87

Larcom, Gen., Opinion of Drummond
by, 16

Lees, Sir Harcourt, Letter to Fair-
man, 159

Lecky, Mr, on Catholic Emancipa-
tion, 78

Leinster, Duke of, 334
Leslie, Professor, 9, 10
Letter from Mrs Drummond, senior, to
Drummond, 5; to Mrs Sharp, 7;
Mr Scott to Mrs Drummond, senior,
9; Prof. Leslie to Mr M'Farlane,
9; Drummond to Aitchison, II;
Mrs M Farlane to Drummond, 12;
Prof. Jardine to Drummond, 14;
Sir J. Herschell to Mrs Drummond,
senior, 28; Drummond to his mo-
ther, 30; Drummond to his sister,
36; Basil Hall to Drummond, 38;
Drummond to his mother, 42, 59;
Drummond to W. Aitchison of
Drummore, 63; Sir Denis le Mar-
chant to Drummond, 76; Lord Mor-
peth to Drummond, 76; Mrs Drum-
mond, senior, to Drummond, 76;
Poulett Scrope to Lord Melbourne,
90; Fairman to Duke of Cum-
berland, 134; Fairman to John
Sidney Taylor, 137; Fairman to Sir
James Cockburn, 138; Sir James
Cockburn to Fairman, 140; Fair-
man to Lord Kenyon, and Lord
Kenyon to Fairman, 141-149; Lord
Wynford to Fairman, 148; Fair-
man to Marquis of Londonderry,
149, 152; Marquis of Londonderry
to Fairman, 152, 176; Fairman to
Duke of Gordon, 153; Viscount
Cole to Fairman, 155; Lord Ken-
yon to Fairman, 155; Duke of
Cumberland to Fairman, 156, 157;
Fairman to unknown friend, 157;
Sir Harcourt Lees to Fairman, 159;

Lord Wynford to Fairman, 160, 163,
174, 178; Fairman to Lord Ken-
yon, 166, 167; Lord Kenyon to
Fairman, 169-174, 175-176, 179-
181; Lord Roden to Fairman, 176;
Lord Thomond to Fairman, 178
Duke of Gordon to Fairman, 178
Fairman to an unknown friend, 182;
Drummond to Stewart, 196; Lord
Morpeth to Drummond, 196, 199,
201; Drummond to Rev. B. Cotter,
202; Poulett Scrope to Lord Mor-
peth, 205; Paddy Cahill to Lord
Althorp, 208; Mrs Sharp to Mrs
Drummond, senior, 211; Morpeth
to Drummond, 220-224; Glascock
to Drummond, 224-226; Drum-
mond to Glascock, 224; Rev. W.
Beresford to Lord Mulgrave, 228;
Rev. J. B. Maxwell to Drummond,
228; Morpeth to Drummond, 229;
J. Baring to Drummond, 230;
Spring Rice to Drummond, 230;
Drummond to Baring, 230; Thomas
Moore to Drummond, 231; Miss
Osborne to Drummond, 232; O'Con-
nell to Drummond, 235; Lord
Mulgrave to Drummond, 237;
Drummond to Mr Vizard, 239;
Handcock to Drummond, 243;
Drinkwater Bethune to Drummond,
252; Lord Morpeth to Drummond,
252; Mrs Sharp to Mrs Drummond,
senior, 253, 254; Spring Rice to
Drummond, 256; Drummond to
Spring Rice, 257; Drummond to
Colonel Verner, 259; Verner to
Drummond, 260; Lord Morpeth to
Colonel Verner, 261; Thos. Moore
to Drummond, 270; Tipperary
Magistrates to Lord Lieutenant,
273; Drummond to Tipperary Ma-
gistrates, 275, 276; Mrs Drummond
to Mrs Drummond, senior, 312;
Head Constable of Kingscourt to
Drummond, 314; Drummond to
Head Constable, 314; De Beau-
mont to Drummond, 315-317;
Drummond to his mother, 327, 333,
334 Solicitor - General Pigot to
Mrs Drummond, 339; of Inspector
Cramer Roberts, 347; Spring Rice
to Lord Morpeth, 354; Spring Rice
to Drummond, 355, 364; Lord
Morpeth to Drummond, 355, 359;
Drummond to Lord Morpeth, 357,
360; Drummond to Spring Rice,
367; Dr Cooke Taylor to Drum-
mond, 374; Earl Fortescue to Mrs
Drummond, 375; Sir C. Gavan

Duffy to R. Barry O'Brien, 378;
Mr Gibson to Drummond, 382;
Drummond to his mother, 384, 385;
Lord Ebrington to Mrs Drummond,
senior, 390; Earl Spencer to Mrs
Drummond, senior, 390; Earl
Spencer to Mrs Drummond, 392;
Sir George Phillips to Mrs Drum-
mond, 392

Lewis, Sir G. Cornewall, 94, 246,

Lighthouses, Drummond on, 50
Litton, Mr, and O'Connell, 266
Lodges, Orange, 107; resolutions of,
against the Union, 107
Londonderry, Marquis of, and Fair-
man, 149-152, 176

Lords, House of, Attack on Ministers
by, 327; Lord John Russell's
reply to, 333; Drummond and
Committee of, 339

MAGISTRATES, Stipendiary, 341
Marchant, Sir Denis le, Letter from,

Martineau, Harriet, and Fairman
Plot, 133

Mathematical Repository, Leyborn's,
17; Drummond's demonstration in
conic sections in, 17

M'Farlane, Mrs, Letter from Drum-
mond to, 12

Melbourne, Lord, First Administra-

tion of, 68; Second Administration,
72; Second Ministry, 72; speech
of, in vindication of Irish Govern-
ment policy, 270

Mickleham Valley, Railway through,

Moore, Thomas, to Drummond, 231,

Morpeth, Lord, Letter to Drummond
from, 196, 199, 200, 201; Con-
stabulary Bill of, 198; correspond-
ence with Drummond, 196-229; to
Col. Verner, 261; defends action
of Irish administration, 267; and
construction of railways by the State,
311; defence of Irish Government,
322; Speech on Select Committee
Inquiry, 338; and Drummond, 355;
Mountcashel, Lord, 204

Mulgrave, Lord, to Drummond, 237;

speech of, on Tranquillity of Ireland,
268; and O'Connell, 269

Mulgrave, Lord, Speech of, in reply to
Lord Roden, 328

NORBURY, Lord, Death of, 320
Normanby, Lord, 362

O'BRIEN, Smith, Defence of Govern-
ment by, 337
O'Connell, Daniel, opposes coercion,
67; 111; and Fairman before House
of Commons, 186; to Drummond,
235; friend of Drummond, 244;
and the Carlow Speech, 265, 346;
charge that Government of Ireland
was in hands of, 268; the tenor
of speeches of, 7, 347; speech of, on
Shaw's motion, 327; and Ribbon-
ism, 343; on death of Drummond,
388; follows Drummond to the
grave, 393

O'Connor Morris, 89

O'Loghlen, Sir Michael, Mr Justice, 237
Orange Society, foundation of, 96;

object of, 99; a religious organisa-
tion, 100; opening and closing
prayers of an Orange Lodge, 100;
qualifications for, 101; ritual of intro-
duction to, 102; oath of, 105; lodges
of, 107; resolutions of, against the
Union, 107; original constitution
of, 108; basis of religious and poli-
tical creed of, 110; intolerance of,
III; processions of, 113; lawless-
ness of, 117; effect of, on adminis-
tration of justice, 121; the charac-
ter of the, 124; in England, 127;
the army and, 127; the Fairman
Plot and the, 133, 191; design of
the, 133; Fairman makes tour of
inspection for, 157; appointment
of Select Committee to inquire into
system of, 183; Hume makes at-
tack on, 184; Duke of Cumberland
refuses to give evidence before Com-
mittee, 184; report of Select Com-
mittee on, 192; demand for prose-
cution of members of, 195; debate
in Parliament on, 216; dissolution
of, 217; procession of, 232-237 ;
Balfe's placard against, 241; toast
at election dinner, 259; toast
brought before House of Commons,
265; local Magistrates and the,
341; outrages of, 347

Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, 21;
in Ireland, 29

Osborne, Miss, and Drummond, 232

PEASANTRY of Ireland, Condition of,
291; employment of, 293; char-
acter of, 307

Peel, Sir Robert, Ministry of, 70;
reply of, to Lord John Russell, 336
Peep o' Day Boys, 96
Perceval, Colonel, 186
Phillips, Sir G., 392

Pickersgill, Drummond sits for por-
trait to, 61

Pigot, Irish Solicitor-General, 339
Plunket, Lord, on tranquillity of Ire-
land, 244

Police, Acts, Irish, 197, 198; Catholics
in the, 351

Poulett Scrope, Letter to Lord Mor-
peth, 205

Property has its duties as well as rights,

RAILWAY Communications, Royal
Commission on, 289; Construction
of, by the State, 311
Rathcormac, "Battle" of, 83
Reform Bill, Lord Kenyon on, 142
Ribbon Society, 94, 249, 343
Roberts, Cramer, Inspector, Letter
of, 347; Report of, 349
Roden, Lord, Letter to Fairman from,

Roden Committee, 327, 351
Roy, Mr, tutor to Drummond, 8
Russell, Lord John, Reply of, to House
of Lords, 333; on work of Lord's
Committee, 353

Ryder, Archdeacon, Collection of
tithes of, 82

SALISBURY, Bishop of, Grand Chap-
lain to Orange Society, 127
Scott, Mr, Drummond resident pupil
of, 8; letter of, to Mrs Drummond,
sen., 9

Scrope, Poulett, 90

Secret societies of Ireland, 93
Sectarian feuds, 96

Select Committee, appointed to inquire
into Orange System, 183; report
of, on Orange Society, 192

of House of Lords, to inquire into
State of Ireland, 327, 337; Lord
John Russell sums up work of, 353
Senior, Mr Nassau, on Landlord and
Tenant, 88, 89
Sharp, Richard, 66


Mrs, to Mrs Drummond, senior,

[blocks in formation]

Spring Rice to Drummond, 230, 256,

Stanley and Irish Government, 337
Stevenson, Alan, 53

Robert, engineer, 53

Stoven, Sir Frederick, 110, 121

TAYLOR, Cooke, Dr, Translation of
"L'Irlande," by, 374

Taylor, John Sidney, 137
Tenant, Irish, Letter from, to Lord
Althorp, 208

Thomond, Lord, Letter to Fairman
from, 178

Times, The, and Fairman, 145;
Drummond denounced by, 321
Tipperary Magistrates and Drum-
mond, 273-275; suppress Drum-
mond's letter, 287
Tithes, 72, 79

Tory Orange Party, and Drummond,
319; Lord John Russell gives battle
to the, 333

Tullamore, Meeting of landlords at,

UNION, The, Resolutions of Orange
Lodges against, 107; repeal of the,
and Orange Society, 111

VERNER, Colonel, 115; correspond-
ence, 259-261; toast at Orange
dinner, 259
Vizard, Mr, 239

WARRANT, Fairman's, for tour of in-
spection, 158

Waste Lands, Reclamation of, 303
Whiteboy Law, 92

Whigs, De Beaumont on the, 317
William of Orange, 100
William IV. (Clarence, Duke of), 36-
42; death of, 250

Woolwich, Drummond, cadet at, 9;
examination at, II; system at, 12
Wordsworth, William, 210
Writs of Rebellion, the House of
Lords and, 273

Wynford, Lord, Letter to Fairman
from, 147, 160-163, 174

YORK, Duke of, and Orange Society,

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