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of the town superintendent system, to secure a proper standard of education, met with very general concurrence. Indeed, on this point, there is a remarkable agreement throughout the State, by all who have bestowed any observation on the workings of our school system. It seems to be the prevailing sentiment, that some plan needs to be adopted which shall secure better talent for school supervision, than that afforded by the system of town superintendency. That there are many town superintendents well fitted to discharge the duties required of them is undeniable; but that a large majority of these officers are qualified by education and experience for the business of school supervision, will not be claimed. Very many of those holding this office, have their attention chiefly directed to other pursuits, and consequently make the business of school supervision a matter of but little study, and give it only a hasty examination. Besides, the compensation usually allowed to town superintendents is too small to induce them to spend any time to fit themselves for an intelligent discharge of the duties of the office. Unless by education and habits of study, they have an adaptation to the place, and at the same time feel sufficient interest to devote their attention to the duties, they will not be likely, from considerations of pecuniary profit, to take much pains in preparing themselves for the trust. To be fitted for any particular trade, profession or public calling, the individual needs to devote his attention and study to it; the necessity of this, is as true in respect to any educational duty, as to any other particular occupation.

The plan of a county, or district superintendency, possesses advantages, because it would give a wider field from which to select the requisite talent; it would secure the employment of those who would devote their entire attention to the duties, because the compensation which could be afforded, would make it an inducement so to do. The services of men would be obtained, who make common school interests a study, instead of men who make agricultural and mechanical business their chief occupation. - Such were some of the the thoughts elicited in the discussions of the Association, and similar views, we believe, are entertained by a large majority of educators in the State.

There are other advantages which might be derived from the plan of county or district superintendency, which cannot well be secured by the present system. The annual reports of the local school officers, as now made, do not sufficiently indicate the comparative condition of schools in the various towns and counties in the State; the localities in which the most practical means are employed, and where the most successful progress is made, are not represented in such a manner as to confer the greatest benefit upon the common schools in general. It is true, the reports made to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction from the several counties, show the average number of months schools have been taught, the average wages of teachers per month, &c. These statistics indicate something of the general educational condition of different localities, but there are other matters which ought to be made prominently to appear, and which are of

equal or more practical interest. In addition to the statistics which are now officially published, facts and suggestions in respect to the management of schools; methods of instruction and means employed for maintaining discipline; school exercises and physical training-in short, whatever pertaining to schools which has been found of practical utility in the several towns and counties, should, as far as possible, be gathered, and transmitted to the Department of Public Instruction. From such a collection of facts, observations and experiences, the State Superintendent would be enabled to collate and embody such an array of useful information, as could not fail to be highly beneficial to the common school interests of the State. No better illustration of the kind of facts and information we would have embodied in the annual report of the State Superintendent can be given, than by reference to the reports of the Superintendent of Schools of the State of NewYork, during the period of county superintendency in that State. This, it is true, is going back several years in search of improvements, but we believe it will be conceded that the common schools of the State of NewYork were never more prosperous, than when the system of deputy county superintendents prevailed, and when these officers embraced in their reports to the State Department, the kind of facts we have indicated. No official document from the State Superintendent's Department of New-York, has been issued since the repeal of the law creating county superintendents, containing so much valuable and practical instruction, as during the period of its continuance. In this way, many important truths and experiences may be made auxilaries to the cause of general education, which otherwise would be only of local benefit.


Our space will not allow, in this number of the Journal, a review of other subjects of interest, embraced in the reports of committees, or brought before the Association in the shape of resolutions. We believe it to be the prevailing sentiment of all who attended the meeting of the Association, that it was a profitable one. All were inspired with new zeal to raise higher the standard of education, and to make our common school interests more prominently the interests of the whole people. These annual gatherings of teachers, are eminently calculated to incite increased activities, and greater devotedness in one of the most important departments of usefulness.

WALWORTH COUNTY INSTITUTE.-This is a new literary institution located at Genoa, Walworth county. A building for this school has been completed, the size of which is 25 by 40 feet-two stories high. The services of Emerson W. Peet, son of the late Rev. Stephen Peet, of this State, have been secured as Principal. Mr. Peet is a graduate of Amherst College. The first term will commence on the 23d of September, instant.


WAYLAND UNIVERSITY.-The new University building at Beaver Dam, we learn, will be ready for occupancy by the 10th inst. The edifice is beautifully located in the city of Beaver Dam, being 116 feet in length and three stories high above the basement. The cost of the building, completed, is estimated at $20,000. Three Professors, of acknowledged scholarship and experience in teaching, have been secured, and will be at their posts at the commencement of the ensuing term.

NEW SCHOOL HOUSES.-A contract has been let for building two Public School Houses in the city of Watertown, in this State. Cost of the buildings, $20,000.

MINNESOTA PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND.-The organic act of Minnesota grants to it, on its admission as a State, two sections of land in every township for the support of common schools. This is double the amount of land which has usually been granted to the new States for such a purpose.

THE RIGHT SPIRIT.-Several of the prominent citizens of Port Washington, seeing little or no hope of getting a tax voted by the inhabitants of the place, sufficient to build a Public School House, have undertaken the erection of a building by voluntary subscriptions. We learn that nearly six thousand dollars have already been subscribed for this purpose. The individuals who have undertaken this enterprise understand their true interests, and have enlightened views of the true elements of prosperity in a town. Port Washington claims a population of over three thousand, while, we are told, there are but two indifferent, ill-contrived and out-of-repair common school houses, to supply the wants of the population. We hope, before another year, Port Washington will have a school edifice that shall be the pride and ornament of the town.

STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS.-This Institution has been located at Bloomington, Ill. A building is to be erected sufficient to accommodate five hundred students. The contributions of the people of Bloomington, as appears from the papers of that city, are as follows: "$24,850, if the University is located within three-fourths of a mile of the railroad junctions; 160 acres of land, valued at $38,000, if the University is located upon it, and $70,000 from the county of McLane, dependent upon the revenue to be obtained from the swamp lands belonging to the State-the whole of these offers amounting to $141,825."

The first session of the University will commence on the first Monday in October next. C. E. Hovey, Editor of the Illinois Teacher, has been chosen Principal. Temporary accommodations will be provided until the University building is ready for use. Illinois is moving vigorously in the cause of common school education. The best men in the State are making earnest en

deavors to increase the educational advantages, in proportion to the rapid advances in wealth and population.

John G. McMynn, Principal of the Racine City High School, is now on a tour East, for the purpose of visiting some of the prominent institutions of learning in the Eastern and Middle States. The Board of Education of the city of Racine have placed at the disposal of Mr. McMynn $1000, for the purchase of Apparatus, and $500 for the purchase of a library for the Racine High School. This liberal provision of the Board of Education will add to the already enviable reputation of the Racine Public Schools. Public expenditures of this kind are the best guarantees for the future prosperity of the city.

MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-Two of the contemplated new Public School houses in the city of Madison will soon be completed, and the best modern improvements will be regarded in their furnishment. The erection of suitable school buildings in Madison has been considerably delayed, but the friends of education have labored perseveringly, and will soon have the satisfaction of witnessing the consumation of their plans. D. Y. Kilgore, City Superintendent, has been untiring in his efforts, and the citizens of Madison are doubtless much indebted to him for the progress which has been made, and for the present encouraging condition of the schools.

WAUKESHA UNION SCHOOL.-We are inclined to believe the people of Waukesha are entitled to more credit than has been awarded them, on account of their public spirit in educational matters. Perhaps, from feelings of modesty, they have not taken so much pains to herald abroad their achievments, as some other towns have done. The Union School House at Waukesha would be creditable to any city, east or west. It is a large stone edifice, finished and complete; except single-chair seatings in the main rooms would have been an improvement. It stands in the centre of a lot containing three acres, enclosed with a neat and substantial fence. It now only needs one or two hundred shade trees, to render it a delightful play ground for children, and a place of pleasant resort for all classes. The out houses are models of their kind for neatness; no obscene disfigurings—not even a pencil mark is found about them.

Mr. A. A. Griffith has for some time past been the Principal; with the term which closed on the 11th of August last, we understand, his connection with the school ceased. Mr. Griffith leaves the business of teaching for the purpose of devoting his attention more exclusively to the profession of the law, and newspaper editing. So far as the interests of Public Schools are concerned, it is a matter of regret that Mr. Griffith has resolved to relinquish the occupation of teaching; he evidently has a fitness for this department of usefulness-the success of the Waukesha Union School is a proof of it.

Carroll College is another evidence of the liberalities of the people of Waukesha; large subscriptions have been made by the citizens to place this

Institution on a permanent pecuniary basis. The Waukesha Female Seminary is another instance of the educational enterprise of the people. This is a respectable stone building, the expense of its erection having been chiefly contributed by inhabitants of the place.

PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE CITY OF JANESVILLE. - The Public Schools of the city of Janesville were consolidated over two years ago, and placed under the control of a Board of School Commissioners--one from each Ward, appointed by the Common Council of the city. The powers of the School Commissioners, are such as are usually possessed by Boards of Education in cities. A Public High School was organized nearly two years ago, in a building formerly occupied as an Academy; and last year two Ward school houses were built at a cost of $13,500. These two Ward school houses are capable of seating, in the Primary and Intermediate department, 280 each. Other buildings of a temporary character, are now, also, used to accommodate shcolars in the Primary and Intermediate departments.

A contract has recently been let for building a new High School house, in the first ward of the city, to be completed on the first of July, 1858. The dimensions of this building, will be 101 by 66 feet on the ground, three stories above the basement; the style of architecture is Italian; its entire cost when completed, is estimated at $30,000

The present system provides a Primary and Intermediate department in each ward, and one High School for the city. The course of study as now prescribed by the Board of School Commissioners, contemplates two years. in the Primary, two years in the Intermediate, and four years in the High School-making in all, eight years. The last two years in the High School, are designed to furnish a perparatory course to such students as desire to enter college. The present efficient principle of the High School, Mr. Levi CASS, has done much to elevate it to its now flourishing condition, and gives it a wide reputation. Rev. H. Foot holds the office of City Superintendent. The city of Janesville has done nobly, during the past two years, for the cause of Public Schools, and those who are now at the head of its educational affairs, appear to be of the right stamp.

EDUCATION IN MISSOURI.-The first number of a new monthly periodical, entitled Missouri Journal of Education, has recently been issued; it is published in the city of St. Louis, under the direction of the Missouri State Teacher's Association, and is in every respect a highly creditable paper.Recent events in the history of Missouri, have infused new life and vigor in the various departments of enterprise. The physical resources of the State, are being rapidly developed, and its educational interests have taken a new start. The State Teachers' Association, which assembled at St. Louis, on the 6th of May last, was a large and influential body, gathered from various portions of the State; its transactions were characterized with spirit and earnestness. As an evidence of its determinations, a part of one of the resolutions, adopted near the close of the Convention, may be instanced :"That we pledge ourselves not to rest from our labors, until they have re

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