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tion of the human being consists in the books, and to correct and supply their deexercise, growth, and energy of the high- ficiences, and thus would be doing exactly er principles and powers of his soul. A what he will be called to do almost every bird may be shot upward to the skies by day in his future life.

a foreign force, but it raises in the true Besides these books, there should be in sense of the word only when it spreads its every school room a full and authentic own wings, and soars by its own living standard Dictionary of the English Lanpower. So a man may be thrust upwards guage, and the scholars and teachers in a conspicuous place by outward acci- should make daily and hourly use of it.— dents, but he rises only so far as he exerts This is as necessary as a black board and himself, and expands his best faculties, chalk. It should be used to explain the and he ascends up by a free effort, to a meanings of the words, to settle disputed noble region of thought and action."


questions of orthography and pronunciation, and to stimulate enquiry and to secure and encourage accuracy in all things. -Robert Allyn.

A TRADITION OF THE ARABS.-King Nimrod one day commanded his three to be placed before them by his slaves, sons to enter his presence, and he caused three sealed urns.

One of the urns was


If this is not thought advisable, there ought at least to be some good reference books put into every one of our schoolrooms. Every one knows how meager, for instance, are our common school geographies. They contain the elements of that very useful science to be sure, but noth- of gold, the second of amber, and the ing more than the barest elements. And last of clay. The King desired his eldest when scholars have gone through with them they can be expected to know very appeared to contain the greatest prize.— son to choose among them that which little of the surface of the earth and its The eldest chose the vase of gold, on productions, its towns and its inhabitants, which was written "Empire." He opened To remedy these deficiencies, every school it and found it full of blood. The second room ought to have a large and correct chose the amber vase, on which was Atlas, or a set of well prepared maps and written "Glory." charts-such as are in use among men of He opened it and found it filled with the ashes of men who business, and a well digested and arrang had been famous on the earth. ed Gazetteer. No money could be better third took the remaining vase-that of used than a small sum expended to pro- clay. He opened it and found it empty cure for every district school an Encyclo- but in the bottom of it the potter had pedia, and a Dictionary of Arts and Sci-written one of the names of God.For these would show something "Which of the vases weighs the most?" of the extent of the world of knowledge demanded the King of his court. The to which the school is designed to introambitious replied, the vase of gold; the duce the pupil, as well as the mode of consulting original sources of information; conquerors, the vase of amber; the sages and would form his mind to habits of dil answered and said, "The empty vase, beigent investigation, and to habits of inde- cause a single letter in the name of God, pendent and self-reliant thought. And weighs more than the entire globe." the grand object of all education, both in the school room and out of it, is to ele- A GOOD TEACHER will make a better vate and confirm in strong, intelligent and school under the most unpromising cirenterprising truth and goodness, the soul cumstances, than an inferior teacher could of every person in the community. These make in the same situation. But a halfwould not be used for the ordinary pur- competent school master will do as well, poses of recitation, but for reference in if not better, where everything has been the reading lessons, in the arithmetical previously arranged, so as to produce a problems, and in the general exercises of propitious combination for success, than a the school. The scholar would then learn first rate one could do, in the same school how to use these things to verify the as- if all was disorganized and operating in sertions and statements of his school hostility to his own plans and purposes.


Editor's Department.


is indifferent, and arousing it when it is dormant, that we may hope to realize any rational ideal of a system of public instruction. While educational truths the MANY of our best educators believe most important, are in theory recognized, that some radical change in our school in practice they are ignored. Our Com supervision is necessary. Town Superinmon School system fails of attaining the tendents doubtless discharge duty as faithobjects for which it was designed, not on fully as other officers. Some are deserv- account of any fault of the system, but ing of more than mere praise, for untiring through ignorance on the part of those devotion to the cause of education. They whose duty it is to apply it to the wants have done and are doing a noble work, of society. New life should be infused into it, a new interest developed, and it is only by some more direct and thorough supervision that these results can be se

but the nature of their duties is such, the number in the State is so great, and the inducement to properly perform duty is so small, that an efficient, direct super-cured. At present little attention is bevision, under existing circumstances, is an impossibility. Besides, to do all that the position demands, requires time that few can give, ability that few possess and sacrifices that few will be found willing

to make.

stowed upon our Public Schools. Time and money are both squandered, for we pay the one for the privilege of allowing

our children to waste the other. The lit

tle public interest that is exhibited is not Instead of the office of Town Superin- tional school, called a college-composed unfrequently confined to some denominatendent, we could suggest the office of Judicial District Superintendent. The advantages of such a change we think would be neither few nor small.

of a score of boys, called students, while the public schools-the real bulwarks of our safety as a nation, and of our happiness as a people with the thousands attending them, are almost entirely over


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1. By employing a competent person to superintend the educational affairs of a District large enough to require all his time and ability, it would be economy to 3. The supervision would be much pay him liberally for his services. Few more thorough than at present. New men are willing to use time and first rate plans of teaching would be introduced, de

fects could be pointed out, and teachers, of all classes encouraged and instructed. Direct and efficient supervision is as ne

talent for the public good, without hope of honor or emolument. More than sufficient to pay a liberal salary to a competent School Supervisor, is misappropria-cessary to the success of educational affairs ted in every county annually, on account as in any other department of human ef. of ignorance of school house architecture; fort. The principles that underlie merand this is but one of the many ways in cantile or agricultural prosperity are eswhich the public funds are wasted. sential to educational prosperity. There 2. From the labors of a man fitted for must be a feeling of accountability on the such a post, we might expect, as a result, part of teachers, a deeper interest on the a more enlightened public sentiment. It part of parents, and incentives to diligence is only by enlightening public opinion and ir.dustry on the part of pupils. To sewhen it is ignorant, interesting it when it cure these under existing arrangements,

experience has proved to be impossible. the power that now decides in regard 4. The number of those attending school to the qualifications that a teacher would be greatly increased. We are not should possess must be, by local influeneducating the rising generation to the ex- ces, exerted with little reference to the tent, nor in the manner that will insure public good, it is not surprising that those us against fearful social evils. It is not poorly qualified compose the larger numby legislation, or by lectures, or through ber. We know of no relation an incomthe press that society can be reformed.-petent person can sustain to community, These may be barriers to the progress of from which so much of evil must result, vice, but they do not destroy it. We as that of teacher. Better, far better, need an education that shall eradicate it, lock the doors of the school-room, than and plant virtue in the soil in which it is have it occupied by one unfitted to disnow flourishing. Education, and edu- charge the duties he has assumed. The cation alone, can reform, and reformation schools can only be made better by semust commence with the young. As curing better teachers—and this, under well expect the leopard to change his the present provision for examination, is spots, as that those who have learned a practical impossibility. Under such a to do evil will learn to do well. Those change as we suggest, the District Superreformers who would inaugurate a new intendents could determine the standard era, immediately, who would overthrow of qualification necessary-and grant cersociety and re-construct it out of the same tificates of different classes, thus offering materials, are guided by impulse rather an inducement to make effort to excel.than wisdom. Society, so far as it can This system has been adopted in other be affected by reforms, is an out-growth; countries, and introduced into some plaand it depends for its character on what ces in our own, and the result shows the it expresses. It is, then, with the young wisdom of the course. that the true reformer will labor. Any Such are a few of the advantages to be means that will secure a more general at- gained by the change. tendance upon schools, without which ily suggest themselves, nothing can be accomplished, should be space forbids us to mention. We feel that used. In the State of New York during there is a practical failure on the part of twenty-nine years, previous to the estab- our system of Public Instruction to fully lishing of the office of County Superin- meet those demands which it must meet, tendent, the average increase of attend- if it does not disappoint the hopes that ance upon the schools was 20,500, but the the patriot and the christian have hung number increased to 45,000 under the new upon it.

system of supervision. Such a fact furnishes food for thought.

Others will read

which want of


5. A higher standard of qualification Nothing need be said in regard to the for teachers would be secured. Hun-importance of punctuality, but it is dedreds are at present occupying the posi- sirable to know the best means of securtions that teachers should occupy, who ing it.

not only are not qualified, but who are 1st. Have a good clock in the school doing what must be undone, before the room, and a good watch in your pocket. true education of those under their Let them be carefully compared and regcharge can commence. Controlled, as ulated. Scholars must have confidence

in the clock, and to inspire this it must be a good one.

2nd. Ten minutes before the opening of school, ring the bell. Let every scholar be in his place at or before seven minutes previous to the time for commencing the regular school duties, both before and after noon. Then spend seven minutes or less in some general exercise.

3d. Allow no scholar, after school has

8th. Let all requirements appear rea sonable to the scholars. To appear so they need only be so. Let them be based on principle rather than whim.-Show them that punctuality is essential to success, and that tardiness is always indicative of indecision, indolence and dishonesty.

After having used your utmost efforts to eradicate tardiness, which, with its

commenced, to enter the room until you big brother, irregularity, is the source of

go to the door and invite him in. Note absentees, and, if possible, send notice immediately to parents of the absence of their children, asking cause, &c. If on account of distance it is inconvenient to

numberless minor evils, you will still find a few incorrigible pupils. These should be reported to the School Board, and by them deprived, for a time, of the privisend word at the time, attend to the mat-lege of attending school, and if they are ter after dismission. Let all notes sent past reformation, duty to the school be neatly and grammatically written, and would require their expulsion.

courteously worded.


4th. Never be tardy yourself. teacher who is once tardy, whether accidentally or intentionally, has lost power with his pupils. We know teachers in this state who have not been tardy during the last eight years—not one second.

We would suggest to teachers the propriety of having the school room supplied with newspapers. The habit of observing what is going on around us, is not more valuable than that of knowing what events are transpiring in different 5th. Always be in the school room at parts of the world. A half hour spent least half an hour in the morning and one every Friday afternoon in calling attention of scholars to the prominent events quarter of an hour in the afternoon, before the time for commencing school.of the week, would be a most profitable exercise. A taste for reading would thus Welcome your pupils as they enter the school room and make it pleasant for them be formed. Scholars would become intelligent, and we know teachers that would be materially benefitted by preparing themselves for such an occasion.

to come in season.

6th. Be precise in all you do. Fix the time for the recitation of each class, and then do not deviate one minute from the programme, except for the best of reasons.

not familiar with the world's history of No person is qualified to teach who is to-day, as well as its history of two 7th. Endeavor to create a public opin- thousand years ago. The newspaper, we ion in school against tardiness in every repeat, should be found in every schoolshape. Unless this is done expect fail-room and should be read in every school. ure. Without a good public opinion, no If the teacher does not take at least half efforts of the teacher can accomplish a dozen papers-which we would by all much good. This may be formed by means recommend he should do-let him precept and example, and example is induce his pupils to borrow them, and quite as potent as precept. the result will be a better school.


WE learn from the Wisconsin Mirror, that a new School House, 26 by 36, is to be finished by the middle of May, in Newport, Columbia county. It is to be finished and furnished in good style. The citizens raised one hundred dollars, a few days ago, to pay for a bell for it.

State Normal School, Teachers' Institutes, and an Educational Journal.

Towx Superintendent of Oregon, Wis., writes as follows

"We have been trying for the last eight years to get a little interest in our school system by voting money and encouraging good teachers.

I am heartily glad to meet your Journal, as Now friends be careful in selecting your it preaches the doctrines that I have endeateacher; the first school you have will deter- vored to inculcate. I have refused more eermine, to some extent, your educational charac-tificates this spring than for five years before. ter for years to come. Be sure you find a good The time has come when teachers must qualify.” teacher, one who will labor to give your school a position of influence in the State.

THE Racine High School has been furnished with single desks. This is an improvement that we hope to see introduced into all new school houses, when practicable.

By the way, next to a good school, we know of nothing more essential to the prosperity of a place like Newport, than such a neatly printed, racy, good-natured and well conduct- THE citizens of Kenosha are about to enlarge ed newspaper as the Wisconsin Mirror. We their school accommodations. A new building wish both "institutions" extensive patronage. will probably be erected immediately.

THE people of Madison have adopted measures to secure the erection of a new School House in each Ward of the City.

Ar the last meeting of the Ohio S. T. A. an THE Racine schools commenced the summer effort was made to obtain pledges from teach-session on the 5th inst. The term will be ten ers and others, for the payment of 1 1-2 per weeks in length. çent on their salaries, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the Association, to be paid in advance in two semi-annual equal payments. The amount thus raised was about $550. Our Ohio friends seem determined to keep the position they have so honorably won. We rejoice, "with an exceeding joy," in their prosperity.

THE citizens of Appleton are about to erect a new School House.

A NEW School House is to be erected at Kellogg's Corners.

C. W. DAMON, Town Superintendent of Wau- CHANGE IN THE EDUCATIONAL LAW OF NEW watosa, has issued a circular, inviting the teach-YORK.-On the 3d of June next, nine hundred ers of the town to meet on the 17th inst., for Town Sup'ts of Common Schools are to be rethe purpose of forming a Teachers' Association. The object is certainly such as will commend itself to every teacher.

THE Albany Evening Journal says"No red savage from the Florida everglades to the Oregon shore, would kill a robin in the spring of the year. This is a vice of the blackguards and the cockneys of civilization. Shame on them!" Exactly so.

These Commissioners are to

stored to private life-their office being abolished. The Board of Supervisors of each county, under an act passed by the Legislature last winter, hold a meeting on that day, to elect a School Commissioner for each Assembly district, except in those cities where special provision exists. have a salary of $500 from the United States Deposit Fund, and their duties are to examine schools and applicants for teachers. By the THE Teachers of Missouri are to meet in same act of the Legislature the educational tax Convention on the 21st, 22d and 23d of the is fixed at three quarters of a mill on the dolpresent month. The objects to be brought be-lar instead of the present tax of $800,000 and fore them are the organization of a State the Town Supervisors are to receive and disTeachers Association, the establishment of a burse the public money.-New York Tribune.

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