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cation, the three fold nature in man would it exerts a large influence over his physi-
be harmoniously developed; then we cal development, which has been too
might have men and women physically much neglected. Of this I shall only
healthy and beautiful; intellectually, with here speak. In a perfect state of things,
minds active and enlightened, capable of every individual would be perfectly beau-
great and lasting mental efforts; morally tiful. There can be no physical perfection
firm and dignified in the right.
without it; for beauty is the normal con-

Your second interrogatory covers a wide dition; hence, health and beauty are syand important field. I can only touch anonymous; then just so far as we bring few points, in a communication necessa-man back to his primitive, God-like conrily quite too limited to do justice to the dition, we restore him to beauty and subject.


SCHOOL HOUSES.-The school buildings It can be shown that every nation or should be architecturally tasteful, located class of people, remarkable for beauty of in not only the most healthy, but the person or feature, is not only surrounded most picturesque and charming spot to be by the beautiful, but has also a cultivated found within the district; with ample grounds attached, ornamented with trees, flowering shrubs and plants, arranged with

taste for these objects. This fact can be accounted for by that wonderful sometaing we call sympathy,-that something which assimilates us to, and makes us a taste.** The furniture should be ornamental, as part of those objects and beings by which well as convenient; the rooms hung with we are surrounded. Where then should paintings, engravings and maps, executed we expect to find the most beautiful perin the best manner. Where but in ancient Greece and The buildings and sons? their surroundings, should present noth- Rome, in modern Italy, Spain and France ing to the eye but delightful and pleasing and among the better class of Germans objects, from the contemplation of which and English; just where we find in prothe mind would return satisfied, to make fusion the beauties of art and nature, in us better, more contented and happy, connection with the most universal culti. quickening our sympathies-filling the vation of a refined taste, for whatever is mind with imagery of beauty and taste; grand, lovely, beautiful and graceful.for man in contemplating the beautiful in The emotions of taste can only be known art and nature, not only finds a delightful by being felt; and can no more be acenjoyment of an elevating character, but quired without our being placed in suitable is profited by the influence these emo- circumstances,-that is surrounding ourtions exert on his physical nature. The selves with the beautiful or sublime,influence that the beautiful exerts over than a knowledge of music could be ac man is well known; but aside from this, quired without ever having heard a musi

cal tone.

* Some fifteen miles from Racine, last sum- It is a physiological law that any im-
mer, I passed a 'school house located on the
pression upon our form or features, long
very margin of a marshy, miasmatic swamp;
and not twenty feet from the door I noticed continued, becomes fixed and permanent
some urchins, with rolled up pants, engaged in Exhibit to a child an offensive object, one
the double occupation of capturing tad-poles

and catching the fever and ague. Some pub-calculated to excite disgust or dislike and
lic spirited, benevolent person (?) donated to mark the expression of disquiet and loath-
this districtthis site for a school house; it being
worthless for any thing else.

ing. Now substitute an object of an op

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posite character, one suited to excite of the blood, thereby favoring a harmonipleasurable sensations, what a change!-ous development of every tissue; for the the eyes now sparkle and fairly dance with ultimate nutrition of the body, and calordelight; the face is all radiant with hap- ifaction of the blood, are only effected piness and beauty. Should these impres- within the capillaries. It follows then, if sions be long continued or frequently the circulation be retarded or cut off in repeated, they will be daguerreotyped on any part, nutrition of that part will dimthe dial of the soul-the human face di- inish or cease in the same ratio. Exervine. We have such examples in great cise, to be the most profitable, should call abundance. Look at the squalid poor :- into action, not only the entire muscular their children at birth very often have the system, but for the time must completely elements of beauty in a considerable de- engage the mind. Among the conditions gree; but by dwelling continually amidst that can be controlled, essential to insure coarse and disgusting objects, they grow the full physical benefit of exercise, are an up with that stereotyped quirk of the opportunity and a sufficient inducement upper lip and nose, which makes them for action. In childhood, when the funclook as though their olfactories were per- tions of assimilation are the most active, petually being offended. The shanty and and exercise is the most demanded, the its surroundings has become a part of opporturity should be given several times their existence; and its influence is stamp- a day to inhale the pure air, start a fresh ed upon their faces. Take one of these and active pulse, and relieve the aching children while young, and surround it capillaries. Ample room and opportunity with elegance, cultivate its taste, and you are all that is generally necessary to inwill be surprised at the lack of resem-sure the full benefit of exercise for chilblance to its parents. In proof I can point dren, fresh from the hand of God, overto individual cases that would be quite flowing with animal spirits. With minds satisfactory to the most skeptical. If such easily directed they rush with their whole a change be effected in the first genera-soul, minds, lungs, feet and hands into tion, what ought we not to expect if such their childish sports. But with persons influences were continued for a series of of riper years, the case is quite different, generations ¿ they require amusements more rational, VENTILATION. Without pure unadul- to divert the mind, while the body is terated air, there can be no health-it is being invigorated. For such, gymnastic of the very first importance; it plays a exercise will be of much value; for that prominent part in all the phenomena of precision of action which distinguishes life. But so much has been written, and gymnastic from common, loose, irregular, well written too, on the subject of ventila- random movements, compels the mind to ting school houses, that I will only here be directed with accuracy on the muscular record my voice in support of that system effort. Those free gymnastic exercises, of ventilation which will secure the most which require no technical apparatus or constant, and abundant supply of pure machinery are all sufficient to ensure the fresh air. harmonious development of the body.— EXERCISE.-Daily exercise in the open They ought to be introduced into the play air is essential to the best health; it ex-grounds of every school, especially if sitpands the chest, equalizes the c.rculation uated in the large towns and cities.

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