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[A young lady who was told that she was a monomaniac in her hatred to alcoholic drinks, wrote the following touching and sensible verses, which were first published in the Christian Advocate and. Journal.]

Go, feel what I have felt,

Go, bear what I have borne;
Sink 'neath a blow a father dealt,
And the cold, proud world's scorn.
Thus struggle on from year to year,
Thy sole relief-the scalding tear.

Go, weep as I have wept,

O'er a loved father's fall;

See every cherished promise sweptYouth's sweetness turned to gall; Hope's faded flowers strewed all the way That led me up to woman's day.

Go, kneel as I have knelt;

Implore, beseech and pray;
Strive the besotted heart to melt,

The downward course to stay;-
Be cast with bitter curse aside-
Thy prayers burlesqued, thy tears defied.

Go, stand where I have stood,
And see the strong man bow;
With gnashing teeth, lips bathed in blood,
And cold and livid brow;
Go catch his wandering glance and see
There mirrored, his soul's misery.

Go, hear what I have heard

The sobs of sad despair

Promised eternal love and truth;
But who, forsworn, hath yielded up
This promise to the deadly cup;
And led her down from love and light,
From all that made her pathway bright,
And chained her there 'mid want and strife,
That lowly thing—a drunkard's wife!
And stamped on childhood's brow, so mild,
That withering blight-a drunkard's child!

Go, hear, and see, and feel and know,
All that my soul hath felt and known,
Then look within the wine-cup's glow-
Sce if its brightness can atone;
Think if its flavor you would try,
If all proclaimed, 'Tis drink and die.

Tell me I hate the bowl-
Hate its feeble word-
I loathe, abhor-my very soul,
By strong disgust is stirred
Whene'er I see, or hear, or tell


Or white persons in Virginia, between the ages of five and twenty, there are 379,845. Of this number there are at school or college only about 111,327, leaving as attending no school of any kind, 268,518; that is, for every young person in the State, between five and twenty years of age, receiving any instruction, there are two others who receive none! In other words, two-thirds of that portion of the population of Virginia, who are to become citizens within the t next fifteen years, are, in these most pre

As memory's feeling fount hath stirred, cious years of their history, going whol

And its revealings there

Have told him what he might have been,
Had he the drunkard's fate foreseen.

Go to my mother's side,

And her crushed spirit cheer-
Thine own deep anguish hide

Wipe from her cheek the tear,

ly untaught. We stop not to comment on the almost total worthlessness of much of the instruction imparted to the onethird who receive any.-N. Y. Evangelist.

Mark her dimmed eye-her furrowed brow;
The gray that streaks her dark hair now-
Her toil worn frame-her trembling limbs-amount to $2,800, and the sub-masters

THE SALARIES of the teachers of the with an annual increase of $100 till they High Schools of Boston are fixed at $2400,

And trace the ruin back to him

Whose plighted faith, in early youth,

at $1,600 with the same increase till they amount to $2,000.

For the Journal of Education.

In pursuance of a previous call, the first semi-annual meeting of the Columbia County Teacher's Association was held in a beautiful grove near the village of Inch, on Tuesday, the 9th day of September, inst,, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in conjunction (the first day) with a school celebration by the people of Dekorra and vicinity.

The Association was called to order by John Dean, Esq., of Portage City, President, Geo. H. Hurd, Secretary, being absent. L. H. Smith, of Arlington, was chosen Secretary pro tem.

On motion of Mr. Irons, a vote of thanks was extended to Messrs. Barry, Rogers, Dean and Burt, for their very able addresses.

Adjourned to meet at 10 A. M., Wednesday, Sept. 10th.

WEDNESDAY, 10 o'clk, A. M. Association met, and was called to order by the President. Mr. James Irons having been called to the chair, Mr. Dean read the constitution, and suggested the propriety of amending the fourth article thereof.

On motion of Rev. S. E. Miner, the following amendment was made to the 4th article of the constitution, viz: "And the President and Directors shall have au

The President gave a brief history of thority to call special meetings of the the organization of the Association, and Association at such times and places as stated the objects of the Convention; af- they may regard necessary for the best ter which a beautiful hymn for the occa- interest of the same."

sion, was sung by the Teachers and A spirited discussion on the subject of schools of Dekorra. Prayer was then government in our common schools enoffered by Rev. J. B. Rogers, of Portage sued, in which Messrs. Miner, Dean and City. Singing by the Teachers and others participated. Schools.

Fourteen persons, Teachers, Town SuThe Hon. A. C. Barry, State Superin- perintendents and friends of education, tendent of Public Instruction, not having became members of the Association; afarrived, the opening address was deliver-ter which, the President having resumed ed by John Dean, Esq. Subject: His- the chair, the Association, on motion, adtory of our Common Schools. journed until 2 o'clock, P. M.

On motion, Convention adjourned for one hour.



Meeting called to order by the President. Mr. Barry being obliged to return Opening address by J. A. Burt, Esq., after the first days exercises, gave Teacher of Portage City, Subject: Dis- us assurances he would spend sevcipline of Youth. eral days with us in November, if we would adjourn to meet then. General remarks were made by the members relative to time and place of adjournment.

Mr. Burt was followed by an address from Rev. J. B. Rogers, on the Religious and Moral character of our Schools.

Hon. A. C. Barry having arrived, addressed the Convention on the subject of Education as connected with all true re


Singing by the Scbools.

On motion of Mr. Miner, the Association voted, that when they do adjourn, they adjourn to meet again at Wyocena, on the second Tuesday of November next.

The Association was then addressed at

length by Rev. Samuel E. Miner, of Wyo- results that attend the effort to teach that cena, on the Defects of our Common first and elementary exercise of the school School System. Remarks were then room, the art of reading. It is a painful made by Messrs. Irons, Dean, and others, fact, that this exercise, as too often conon the same subject; after which the ducted, so far from accomplishing the deAssociation, on motion, adjourned as sired result, gives to many pupils an unabove, to meet at the village of Wyocena, natural, mechanical and unpleasant mode on Tuesday, the 11th day of November, of utterance, which in some next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

L. H. SMITH, Sec'y pro tem.

For the Journal of Education.


cases is

never overcome. It is indispensable that the teacher be a natural, graceful reader, and understand the art of teaching pupils to read in the same manner. Without this, it is doubtful whether it were not. better that the exercise be entirely omitted, and the children simply required to peruse the lesson in silence. The teacher OUR realizations seldom equal our ideal who can do anything like justice to this, conceptions. This, to thoughtful minds, noble art, and most desirable accomplishis an evidence that we may hope to ex-ment, is rarely to be found. Skill in this ist in a higher state of being, and to reach art is all important however, both in at last, what is unattainable here. It is view of the immediate object aimed only those who cherish an ideal higher at, and the teacher's success in other than any attainments yet made, and who branches of the calling. strive to reach it, that lead a progressive life. This is true in all arts and interests,


and eminently so in the art of teaching, general knowledge, thoroughly digested, which the teacher should possess, a parMany persons, it is to be feared, who assume the office of teacher, have no ticular preparation should be made for such ideal of excellence. For them this each day and each exercise. The public article is not written. They are not often speaker does not undertake to enlighter among the patrons or readers of a Jour- an audience, unless he has first digested nal of Education. But some there are his matter. The lawyer does not plead who wish to improve. To such these case, without examining and sifting the thoughts are addressed. Among the con- evidence. The physician does not ad ditions of success in the teacher's calling

are the following:

minister medicines till he has determined!! the symptoms of the disease. If the con 1. THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS trary is seen, it is in exceptional cases TAUGHT. The necessity of this is much or in fanatics and empirics. How ca overlooked. The teacher who is at the the teacher be exempted from a like nc same time a mere learner, may indeed ad- cessity? Every day brings somethin vance faster than the pupils, and gradu-new to the scholar's attention. Wit ally lead them forward, but it is by a this the teacher should be familiar, b blind and stumbling path. Time is lost, fresh examination and reflection. energy wasted, mistakes are made, and It is true that those who think th unsuspected errors find lodgment in the functions of a teacher are performed b mind. This may be illustrated by the hearing scholars recite mechanically th

contents of a book, will be likely to re-tration not found upon the page before gard no other preparation necessary, than him. It was not teaching; it was a mere to have formally gone through with the turning of a machine of alternate quessame parrot-like process themselves, and tions and answers.

to be able to correct a gross blunder in The opposite extreme of sacrificing all the recitation. But those who aspire to precision of language, to the desire for teach, and not simply to "keep school" originality, is to be avoided indeed; but six hours a day, will deem something to be confined to the words of a book, is more than this to be necessary. This destructive of life and interest in the brings us then to observe, in the next school-room. The fresh vital contact of place, the necessity of some degree of mind with mind, is the secret of success 3. INDEPENDENCE OF TEXT-BOOKS.-In in the teacher's art. Both teachers and an address recently made to a convenpupils must learn to think, and to express tion of teachers in an Eastern State, a their thoughts without this, the whole gentleman of the highest rank in the edu- process is dull, profitless task-work—the 'barren action of the organs of speech cational world* stated, that for twenty upon the atmosphere." years, he never used a text-book in Sheboygan, Sept. 25th, 1856. the school-room, unless it was to give out a problem in Algebra, &c. A like inde

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J. B. P.

pendence of books is not to be expected WINNEBAGO COUNTY TEACHERS' IN


Pursuant to the call of the Executive Commitee, of the Winnebago County Edu

of every teacher at once; but this is the ideal to which the teacher should aim.By independence of books, it is not meant, of course, that every teacher should disregard what authors have written, and cational Association, the Institute of said simply teach his own peculiar and per- County convend at the Union School haps crude notions of the subject in hand. House, in the city of Oshkosh, Sept. 15th, On the contrary, let as many authors as to hold its second semi-annual session.possible be consulted, and some system, Mr. A. Picket was elected President; Miss as far as necessary, faithfully followed; S. A. Steele, Secretary, and Mr. J. E. Munbut let not the convenience of leaning ger Treasurer. upon the text-book in the school-room, excuse the teacher from ever attempting to stand upon his own feet.

The following Commitees were appointed by the Chair:

Business Committee-Consisting of the following persons: Misses L. O. Cowdin, S. A. Steele, Messrs. J. E. Munger, and E. W. Pete.

Committee on Criticism-C. W. Watson, Misses S. O. Picket, C. Seavey, E. Pride and J. Goss.

While waiting once for a train of cars, I stepped into a large and flourishing Seminary, and, as it happened, listened to a recitation from a class of young men and women in English Grammar. The teacher in attendance was dignified with the title of "Professor of Languages," but there he stood, book in hand, and never once did he venture upon a thought or illus* Dr. A. Potter, formerly Professor in Union Cowdin, Messrs. E. W. Pete, and H. O. College.

Financial Committee--Messrs. C. W. Watson, J. Bushnell, and Miss A. Abbot. Committee on Resolutions-Miss L. O.


The sessions of the Insaitute were shall I educate my son, where shall I edopened each morning and evening with ucate my daughter." prayer.

Classes were organized and different exercises conducted from day to day as follows:

Rev. L. Rood,-subject, "Education." Mr. M. Seavey, "Influence of early Education."

The Committee appointed to draft reso

Reading-Messrs. A. Picket, E. B. lutions made the following report:

Gray, Miss L. O. Cowdin.

Spelling-A. J. Craig."

Resolved, That we as a body of Teachers, having been benefitted by this Insti

Mental Arithmetic-A. J. Craig, Miss tute, do most sincerely regret, that all the

S. O. Picket.

Written Arithmetic-A. J. Craig. Geography-Misses S. O. Picket, C. Seavey, Mr. H. O. Pierce.

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Teachers of Winnebago County, have not availed themselves of its advantages.

Resolved, That hereafter we will do all in our power to secure a more general attendance of teachers, and all persons engaged in educational interests.

Natural Philosophy-Messrs. J. E. Munger, E. W. Pete, and A. K. Brush.- Resolved, That those who have aided this Institute in its efforts to secure a betVocal Music-Prof. M. H. Morgan.ter system of teaching, are entitled to our Grammer, including Orthography-gratitude. Mr. A. Picket

Resolved, That patrons ought not to

The following questions were submitted expect teachers to be more faithful, for discussion :

prompt, energetic and self-sacrificing to those committed to their charge, than

Resolved, That School Teachers ought they themselves are. not to be engaged in politics.

Speakers, Rev. L. Rood, Messrs. E. B. Gray, E. W. Pete, A. K. Brush, and A.


Resolved, That we tender our thanks to those citizens of Oshkosh, who have extended their hospitality to teachers from abroad, to Mr. A. J. Craig, for his generous and able instruction; to Mr. A. How should Schools be arranged and Picket, for having so faithfully served us governed? in his various capacities; to Prof. M. H. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phelps, who, Speakers, Messrs. A. J.Craig, A. Pick-contributed their efficient aid in musical et, J. Bushnell, E. W. Pete, H. O. Pierce, capacities; to Mr. Thos. Russell, City SuE. B. Gray, Misses L. O. Cowdin, and S. perintendent, and the Educational Board of this city, both for closing the school and giving teachers their time, and for the use of the house.

A. Steele.

At what age should a pupil commence the study of Physiology, and according to what system should it be taught?

On motion, Rev. E. W. Tolford, Rev'
L. Rood, Rev. Mr. Marble, Rev. J. Cush
ing, and Prof. M. H. Morgan, were made
Honorary Members of the Association.
The Institute adjourned Friday, Sept

Speakers, Messrs. A. Picket, E. E. Gray
E. W. Pete, A. J. Craig, J. E. Munger,
and Miss S. A. Steele.
Discussion on the subject of graded 19th, at 9 o'clock P. M.


About forty teachers were in attend

Speakers, Messrs. A. Picket, H. O. ance, and an increasing interest was mani Pierce, E. W. Pete.

The Institute was favored with lectures

by the following persons:

Rev. D. W. Tolford,-subject. "Where

fested until the close of the session.
A. PICKET, President.
S. A. STEELE, Secretary.
Oshkosh, Sept. 20th, 1856.

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