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"Your figures cannot be correct, Mary." know my father has promised to give you

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"You must explain the balance."

"I! Why, Mary, I have not been extravagant. It is true, I buy a great many little things in the course of the year, but they are hardly worth the mention." "Ah! there's the mischief. That is where the money goes, you may depend upon it."

"Nonsense! You women don't understand these things."

"Of course we don't!"

"Well, your figures show that you don't. Where have the three hundred dollars gone to, then?"

the land when you have the means to build a house upon it."

"It will be a long while," laughed the husband.

"Five or six years, perhaps, if you are prudent. Hasn't the President of your Bank promised you a thousand dollars a year?"


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Mrs. Converse took from her pocket a circular, issued by the "People's Savings Bank," in which the accumulation of se"I don't know, Charley. I haven't veral small sums, deposited weekly and the least idea. I am sure that I have got quarterly, were arranged in a table. down all the items that came within my "Fifty dollars deposited every quarter knowledge. I am positive that you have will net in five years, one thousand one brought home no article of any descrip- hundred and forty-one dollars twentytion that has not been entered upon the five cents!" continued she, reading from book-I mean the articles of food and the circular.

clothing, and things for the house."

"Bah!" added Mr. Converse.

"That sum would build a very com

"But just look at it a moment. You don't mean to say that I have spent three fortable house; and when your salary is hundred dollars over and above our ne-a thousand dollars a year, you can save cessary expenses ?" said Charles, a little more than fifty dollars a quarter." warmly.

"I don't mean to say anything about it, for I don't know anything about it." "Now I think of it, there's my life insurance; have you got that down?" "I have not."

"There is forty of the three hundred." "But it leaves two hundred and

eight dollars unaccounted for."

"A five cent institution, isn't it?" asked the young man.

But he was much impressed by the reasoning of his wife, and in the course of the evening he carefully read the circular of the "People's Savings Bank.”

Certainly he had every inducement for sixty-being saving and economical. He had lived very cheaply in a small house be"It would take a great while to collect longing to his father-in-law, for which he money enough to build a house, even if paid a merely nominal rent.

the whole of this sum were saved." "Not a great while, Charles.

His wife's father was a wealthy farYou mer, or rather he had been a farmer, be

fore his domain was invaded by the march Charles read over and over the circular of improvement, and his pastures and of the Savings Bank in the evening, mowing lots laid out into house lots. As figured up the statistics, and wondered it was, he still, from the force of habit, what had become of that two hundred improved a few acres, kept a couple of and sixty-eight dollars. cows, a "henery," and half a dozen pigs. Before he went to bed he had matured Charles Converse found this proximity a resolution, though he did not say a to the "old folks at home," rather satis- word to his wife about it. factory, in a pecuniary as well as a so- The next day Charles Converse receivcial point of view, for his larder was ed a quarter's salary, and his first step, partly stocked from the farm; and, of after receiving it, was to visit the Peocourse, no account was ever made of half ple's Savings Bank, where he deposited a pig, a barrel of apples or potatoes, or a fifty dollars.


pair of chickens. Milk and eggs were so But the hundred and fifty dollars which much better and fresher from "pa's," he had left, burned in his pockets. It that of course the young couple never de- was all he had to carry him through the sired to obtain them from any other ensuing three months. There was a dozen little things that he wanted, and a They lived cheaply, and lived in clover dozen big ones, for that matter. Against besides. Charles never liked to talk about the latter he resolutely set his face, though financial matters with "pa," because the in consideration of the fact that his salworthy old gentleman used to tell how ary would be a thousand dollars a year, he lived on a hundred and fifty dollars a after the next pay-day, he had a week year after he was married-thought he before made up his mind to have them. had a fat salary, and supposed, of course, he saved four hundred dollars a year out

Among other things, his cigar case was

of it—and always wound up by saying empty, and he stepped into a cigar-shop to have it replenished. Cigars were a that he would give him a lot-might take his pick of all he owned-whenever he great luxury-in fact, a necessity to him, in his own opinion. got ready to build.

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The proprietor of the establishment placed a box of the fragrant rolls upon the counter.

"Something new," said he.

Charles took up a handful and smelt them.

"Best cigars in the market,” continued the vender.

"Tip-top," replied Charles, inhaling the grateful odor.

"How do you sell them?"
"Four cents apiece."

But the reasoning of his wife had produced a strong impression upon his mind. She had been brought up in the strictest Six of them were transferred to the case, habits of economy. Her father, though a quarter of a dollar thrown down, and, rich, had an army of children; but they as it was not magnanimous to pick up a were all wealthy in their thrifty habits. copper's change, he left the store. But


then a little fellow inside seemed to say, "Yes, my dear, female influence-the "Charley, you can't afford to smoke influence of a wife,"—and the husband such cigars as those. They will hardly playfully kissed her. "I am convinced last you two days. If you must smoke, of sin, and converted too, which is better buy a cheaper cigar than that. You will still. I am resolved to be prudent, econot be able to build your house in ten nomical, saving, even parsimonious." years at this rate." "I am glad to hear it."

He did not pay much attention to the

"And the house will be built in just

monitorial voice, however, and as he five years, according to the programme of passed along he drank a sherry cobbler the Savings Bank."

himself, and paid for three friends, whom he could not help asking to drink with him.

At the Confectioner's a Charlotte Russe was disposed of, and so on to the end of the chapter. And these were his daily

As he spoke, he took from his pockets three of the city evening papers.

"Not quite cured, Charles," said Mary with a smile.

“What do you mean?”

"Journal, Transcript, and Traveller,

habits. It was only a six-pence or a two cents each," laughed Mary. "You quarter at time, and these were so ridicu- are determined the publishers shall live." lously small, that they never caused "Why, Mary, you wouldn't have me him a thought. The idea that they ab- live without a newspaper, would you? sorded any considerable portion of his That would be a depth of barbarism to salary, never occurred to him. He al- which I would never descend,” replied ways gratified his appetite or inclination Charles, with a look of astonishment at in these matters, and they had come to be the interesting mentor. regarded as necessities.

"Certainly not; but is not one paper a day enough?"

"That's but a trifle."

"The rain falls in drops, but washes

Still, Charles Converse had turned over a new leaf. He refrained from purchasing a great many articles which he had intended to get when he received his the whole earth. Four cents a day for a quarter's salary, and as he seated himself in the cars, he congratulated himself on the firmness with which he had carried out the resolution of the previous evening.

year, amounts to about twelve dollars."

Charles scratched his head. It was a most astounding revelation to him. "You are right, Mary; one paper is enough."

"You are late, Charles," said Mary, Charles ate his supper, but was moody when he reached his sunny little cottage. and abstracted. A new idea was pene"I have been paying my quarter bills," trating his brain, which, he began to replied he, with a smile. "Here they think, had been rather muddy on finanare my sweet accountant." cial affairs.

He threw the bills upon the table, and while she was examining them, he threw his bank-book in her face.

As he rose from the table, he took out his cigar case, and as he did so, the little fellow within, who had spoken to him when he came out of the cigar shop, be"Fifty gan to upbraid him pretty sharply. He

"What!" exclaimed she, in astonishment, as she saw the book. dollars!"

burned his fingers in attempting to light

the fragrant roll, and then relapsed into a Saving's Bank, and as his habits improvfit of deep musirg. ed afterward, and his salary still further "Eh? Oh, I was thinking how much increased, much greater sums were addtwelve times three hundred and sixty-ed. five are."

In four years the house was built, new "Twelve means twelve cents, I sup- furniture bought and paid for, and Charles pose?" said she, performing the problem is considered one of the most thrifty on the margin of the newspapers.-young men in the town--all of which "Here it is-forty-three dollars and propitious events, we honestly believe, eighty cents."

"For cigars," added he, blankly.

"Which added to the sum paid for superfluous newspapers, makes fifty-six dollars and twenty-eight cents."

"And twenty for shaving, which I may do myself, are seventy-six dollars and twenty eight-cents," continued he, taking the pencil and ciphering away with all his might for a few moments.

"Gleason's Pictorial, Home Journal, Saturday Courier, and our county paper," exclaimed Charles, looking with amazement into the face of his wife.

"I don't want you to do without that,' said his wife.

"Sherry cobblers, ice creams, and oysters, over a hundred dollars," continued he, turning to his figures again.


"I begin to see where the two hundred and sixty-eight dollars have gone to," said he.

"And sherry cobblers are worse than useless. I had no idea you drank, Charles."

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had their origin in the beneficent influence of the Saving's Bank, whose circular had opened his eyes and stimulated him to carry out his resolution.-Boston Jour.


THE following specimens of the Lord's Prayer, in the style in use at various periods, will exhibit the changes which our vernacular has undergone since its formation, six centuries ago:

A. D. 1300.-Fadir our in hevene, Halewyd by thi name, thi kingdom come, Thi wille be don as in hevene and in erthe, Oure urche dayes bred give us to day.And forgive us oure dettes, as we forgive our dettoures, And lede us not into temptation, Bote delyvere us of yvel.Amen.

A. D. 1380.-Oure fadir that art in heunes hallowid be thi name, thi kingdome come to, be thi wille don in erthe as in heune, geve to us this day our breed oure other substaunce, forgeue to us our dettis as we forgouen to our dettouris, lede us not into temptation; but delyuer us from yeul. Amen.


Say no more, Mary, I am done." And he was done. The idea of "saving up" something took complete posses- A. D. 1534.-O oure father which arte sion of him—not so far as to make him in heven hallowed be thy name. niggardly—but far enough to make him thy kingdome come. Thy wyall be fulabandon the four-cent cigars, three even-filled as well in earth as it ys in heven. ing papers, the confectioner's compounds, Geve vs this daye our dayly breede.and especially sherry cobblers. And forgeve vs oure trespases, even as On the next quarter day one hundred we forgeve our trespacers. And leade vs dollars was added to his deposit at the not into temptacioun; but delyver v£

from evell.

For thyne is the kingdome So she, our sweet Saint Florence, modest, and still, and calm,

and the power and the glorye for ever.Amen.

A. D. 1582.Ovr father which art in heauen, sanctified be thy name. Let thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, in earth also. Giue vs to day our super-substantial bread. And forgiue vs our dettes, as we also forgiue our detters. And lead vs not into temptation.

With no parade of martyr's cross, no pomp of

martyr's palm,

To the place of plague and famine, foulness, and wounds and pain,

Went out upon her gracious toil, and so returns again.

No shouting crowds about her path, no multitudes' hot breath,

To feed with wind of vanity the doubtful fires of faith;

Her paths by hands official all unsmoothed, her

aims decried

But delieur us from evil. Amen. A. D. 1611.-Our father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdome come. Thy will be done, as in heauen. Giue vs this day our dayly bread. And forgine vs our debts as we When titles, pensions, orders, with random hand forgiue our debtors. And lede vs not are showered,

By the Levites who, when need was, passed on the other side.

into temptation, but deliuer vs from euil. 'Tis well that, save with blessings, she still For thine is the kingdome, and the power,

and the glory for euer.


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should walk undowered,

What title like her own sweet name, with the

music all its own?

What order like the halo by her good deeds round her thrown?

Like her own bird-all voiceless while the daylight songsters trill,

Sweet singer in the darkness when all songs else are still

She on that night of suffering that chilled other

hearts to stone,

Came with soft step and gentle speech, yet wise and firm of tone.

Nile has its foaming rapids, freshets from moun- Think of the prayers for her, that to the pray

tain snows;

But where his stream breeds fruitfulness, serene and calm it flows;

ing heart came back,

In rain of blessings, seeming still to spring upon her track:

And when he over-brims, to cheer his banks on The comfort of her graciousness to those whose either side,

road to death

You scarce can mark, so gradual, the swelling Was dark and doubtful, till she showed the light of love and faith.

of his tide.

The wings of angels make no stir, as they ply Then leave her to the quiet she has chosen : their works of love; she demands

clapping hands.

But by the balm they shed around, we know No greeting from our brazen throats and vulgar them that they move. God spake not in the thunder, nor the mighty Leave her to the still comfort the saints know rushing blast;

that have striven.

His utterance was in the still small voice, that What are our earthly honors? Her honors are came at last.

in heaven.

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