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men, and women in any condition or

For the Journal of Education.

class; show me such a man, and you TO WHAT EXTENT SHALL STILLNESS


show me a gentleman-nay, you show me
a better, you show me a true Christian
gentleman. There are some who think
that persons lose in manners as they gain
in liberty. One grace belongs to the
spirit of liberty, which is most active
where this grace prevails most-with this
grace it expands, this is respect for
woman-not for her rank or elegance, but
for woman. And when this sentimentally considered as a matter of course, per-
haps even, of necessity, to the school-


This question does not depend for its importance merely on the convenience or taste of the teacher. The ability or disability of his nervous system to bear more or less of the din and bustle gener

becomes enlarged, when it is stable, a
social structure may be raised upon it room, have, abstractly considered, little
or nothing to do with the discussion.
more glorious than mankind has ever,


It is a common mistake to suppose that those who know little, suffice to inform

He may be a man of good taste, to whom it is exceedingly annoying to witness the perpetual turning, twisting and lounging and scrambling, or any or every of the thousand and one contortions of those youthful aspirants who seem to de

those who know less; that the master,
who is but a stage before the pupil, can, pend so much on "bodily exercise" in
as well as another, show him the way; ascending the Hill of Science.

nay, that there may even be an advantage

He may be a man whose delicate ear in this near approach between the minds is so apt to distinguish the unharmonious of the teacher and the pupil; since the

recollection of recent difficulties, and the in sound, that the unceasing hiss of lips vividness of fresh acquisition, give to the by which the young tyro fully expects to one a more lively interest in the progress demonstrate his zeal in intellectual purof the other. Of all educational errors, suits, may be to him a scorpion sting.this is one of the gravest. The approxi

mation required between the mind of the Now, it is the thumping of a pencil by teacher and of the taught, is not that of a which the "young Arithmetician in a common ignorance, but of mutual sym- fix," hopes to rally his laggard wits to pathy; not a partnership in narrowness the solution of some vast problem, and of understanding, but that thorough in

sight of the one into the other, that or- now, the raking and scraping of his well derly analysis of the tangled skein of pegged boots give unmistakable evidence thought, that patient and masterly skill that the independent young American is in developing conception after concep- tired of lounging on one side, and though tions, with a constant view to a result,

which can only belong to comprehensive not exactly in the true Christian spirit, knowledge and prompt affections. With but somewhat in the reverse, is just whatever accuracy the recently initiated about to "turn the other also;" and let may give out his new stores, he will ri

gidly follow the precise method by which the abuse be repeated.

he made them his own; and will want

Now we condole with this teacher, suf

that variety and fertility of resources, fer with him, as bound in the same bonds that command of the several paths of ac-still, if the reformation he proposes, cess to a truth, which are given by thor

ough survey of the whole field on which has no deeper basis, we cannot concede to he stands.-Rev. James Martineau. him the right to increase his exactions

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and play the tyrant over the unfortunate subjects of his sway.

It is easy for any one to see, and it is freely granted by all, that wholesome exNor do we think it is well for him to ercise contributes greatly to promote the continue in such thankless aud unwhole-healthy action of the intellectual powers. some strife, to mar his own spirit or the Why then should it be feared that good character of those over whom he exercises thinking, such thinking as holds in silence such unavailing efforts to bring them into deep all within and around, should be inan unnatural, and therefore unnecessary jurious to health? Who can prove that, order. It is better for him to give up his in its turn, it does not furnish the very profession, as many a man has done be- excitement necessary to give the proper fore, and retire to some more congenial tone and time to the pulsations of the field of labor; at least, to some less re-blood? Has no one but a teacher ever sponsible; where errors may not make watched the flash of a bright eye, or the so broad and deep a mark. flush of a rosy cheek, showing a livelier

But, before we come to a conclusion coursing of the blood, when a new truth so mortifying, may we not look for a rose in the horizon of the youthful mind? | deeper basis than our own convenience, Who has not sometimes felt, (even though a common ground where it shall be man- it were a heresy to the study-condemning ifest to us that the highest interest of the world around him) the pleasurable glow pupil, as well as our own good taste is over all his soul, on the successful result most happily subserved by the greatest of an earnest and protracted mental efpossible order and quietness in school. fort?

Our responsible labor, as educators, The world's long sympathy for "pale lies with beings of a three fold nature, students" may have contributed to set combining all the capabilities of physical, the teacher's work in a false light. Butmental and moral activity, capabilities half the time spent in investigating the mutually dependent on each other, whose causes that have blanched his cheek, or ends are still dissimilar, and arrived at by dimmed his eye, might open another methods so distinct, each from the other, channel for our tears, since we should as to make it obvious that it is a nice and probably find that, in most cases, the delicate point to give to each its due bal- irregular and pampered appetites inance in the complex system. And while dulged for want of thought, rather than we may never forget that due respect is excess of thought have stolen away not to be paid to the development of the only the light of his eye, the rose of his physical system, that it may rise in fair cheek, and the strength of his limbs, but and beautiful proportions a tabernacle his mental energy has also been paralyzfor the soul that the breath of God has ed by the general disorder. quickened, so also we will not impeach If it be true that the phenomenon of the wisdom and goodness of the Father earnest thinking is manifested in a quiet of our spirits, but confidently trust that suspension of all noisy activities, then it since in his order the higher and nobler would seem that the greatest possible nature has a predominant claim, He has quiet recommends itself as the only way also provided a time for everything and to advance either the best interests of the a season for every purpose under Hea-student or teacher, and that this, so reven, and all without danger of infringing commending itself, should be secured upon a natural order. without delay and without difficulty.

But, though we may have arrived at a subject and order given, as to render common basis, where we are able to see every thing as pleasant as possible, rethe singleness of our own interests and membering always that nothing is so those of the pupils, we must not there- pleasant as duty well performed, and that fore flatter ourselves that there are no the sooner that lesson is learned the better. obstructions to our labor. Now the graded school furnishes the We cannot at once "resolve" ourselves happiest ground for the enforcement of inte a little community of angels. It is all proper regulations, children and youth incalculable, moreover, how much has of similar advancement, capable of being been done by injudicious treatment to appealed to by similar motives, being asmaim the little fragment of humanity be- sociated for the most in the same comfore the careful mother ventures to trust mon room, and it would unpardonable in him to the tender mercies of the, school- such schools not to develop such habits room. While yet an infant in her arms, of quiet study in the various ascending the judicious mother might have done grades as that a great degree of mental much to train the early efforts of his and moral power shall be acquired before mind, and aided him to begin his life- leaving school, and that the associations work, the subjugation of the lower to the of a deep and hallowing respect for truth higher nature. But how seldom is such shall sanctify their intercourse with all the fact. Might we not rather infer that created things in after life.

more frequently, the nursery training But to such a desirable issue, so happy has entirely overlooked the grandest a completion of our labors, we may not truth of the human being, "The inspira- hope to arrive, unless our starting point tion of the Almighty Father." Indeed, be principle and not caprice. Our efforts so far forgotten does this seem to be by are to be guided by love, which though many, that we could almost fancy that a seeking to diffuse itself every where, and vague and indefinite dependence is made make itself every where individual, shall on the creative energy of the Alphabet to also manifest itself as having every where kindle up a living soul, for the habitation its centre in truth. Our efforts are to be of which so sightly a tabernacle has been maintained by a perseverance that never yields a well founded claim, but still modified by a patience that has its perfect work only in a heart where the great realities of being and the true aims of life are cherished.


It may therefore be somewhat difficult to determine for how long a time the attention of primary scholars can be retainIn general, a teacher may not hope to ed to earnest mental effort without exsucceed in securing any tolerable degree haustion; but it is not difficult to determine of stillness who is not so in love with it as that so long as that attention is required to be, in mental effort, the most rigid exthe utmost quiet should prevail, and such ample of his own teaching. He who exa sacred respect for that season of mental pects to secure anything by a noisy condict with noise, is commonly as much diseffort should be cherished that all the as-appointed in his expectations as he is sociations of the time and place shall be mistaken in his own motives of action; strengthened and matured into a heart- and if he only love quiet as furnishing a worship at the shrine of Truth.

ground for a noisy display of himself, he

No doubt frequent relaxations from may set it down in his account a minus quantity and re kon to his own character such effort should not only be allowed, all the essential elements of a grand failure. but enforced, and so great a variety as to

Rucine, Wis.

B. F. W.

Editor's Department.


expression will be lifeless. Words are only the skeleton of speech, and, it requires a divine energy to make "these dry bones live." Children should be taught to love the beautiful in nature and art-they should be taught to discriminate, to criticise. Their feelings are easi

10 develop it we must attend to articulation. ly aroused. The mirror does not more truthvery parent, fully reflect the image of objects,

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"Speak plainly, if he speak at all,

TO CARVE each word before he let it fall.”

should require children to articulate every dren the character of the teacher. He who sound necessary to form the words used to ex- has no love for the good can develop ideas. To teach the alphabet philosoph- Unless children love what is beautiful and true, ically, and therefore successfully, is a difficult unless there is a response in their own feelings part of instruction. Teachers should thorough- to the sentiments they would utter, there can be ly understand the "nature and power of let-no true expression. ters." A mistake made in the primary school, We repeat then, if we would develop power will be a mistake of years. The vocal organs of expression, we must attend to articulationof the child are flexible, and if properly trained the utterance of those signs, almost as wonderwill as easily make the sounds of language, as ful as the mind itself, in a clear, distinct manthe harp strings will make the sounds of the ner. Let the child be taught tomusical scale, when touched by a cunning hand. The results of improper instruction in articulation, are noticeable in the monotonous mum- And let him be taught to shun those half audibling of some of our deepest thinkers. Many ble mutterings, that resemble the idiotic jabof our public singers are not understood by the berings of the Chimpanzee. We must also ataudience, and a month's instruction in a good tend to melody or sweetness of tone. Natural primary school would materially benefit them. sounds are all harmonious, from the warbling As reading is taught in many schools, it pre-of the song bird, to the roar of the cataract.vents the formation of habits of distinct artic-Study nature then. There is no music sweeter ulation. than a human voice uttering the feelings of an Essential to expression is melody of tone.-earnest, truthful soul. No one need have a harsh voice. Every one Attend also to the laws of language. They may possess a smooth, clear, sweet voice, and are to expression what proportion is to archimost may have a strong voice. Much practice tecture. of the elementary sounds is necessary. Every school room should be furnished with a good tute of good taste, can write, speak or read ac"chart of the sounds," and then the practice should be at least daily. Vocal music, which is taught in every good school, is adapted to the perfecting of the human voice. The harp of Orpheus is less potent than a sweet, full nection with other truths-viewed by itself it voice, and yet, many a young lady spends is a cold abstraction.

years in learning to play upon the piano, who makes no effort to learn to speak. Ability to speak distinctly and melodiously is a great accomplishment.

Taste must be cultivated. No person desti


We must accustom pupils to viewing truths in their relations. A proposition in Geometry is all aglow with light, when we view it in con

THE Commencement exercises of Beloit College, on the 9th ult., were most satisfactory.But the articulation may be faultless, the An Address was delivered before the Archean tones of the voice may be lutelike, the words Society, by Horace White. Esq., and an Oramay be connected grammatically, yet, if the tion by Prof. Haven, of Amherst College. We reader or speaker have not a soul that is moved understand that the exercises of the Gradua by the sentiments he utters, if he have not anting Class were creditable. A large number of emotive nature, cultivated and sensitive, his visitors were present.

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manner that any true teacher would be asham-
ed of; and we learned that they read no Edu-
cational Journal, and "would not be able to

Absolutely essential to the progress and pros-attend the next meeting of the Teachers' Assoperity of our schools are frequent and regular ciation." It will do no good to find fault with meetings of the teachers. Town Superintend- this class. Nothing that can be said will reach ents ought to encourage, and District Boards them, and there is no other way to benefit ought to require, that the teachers under their them, except inducing them to associate with supervision should meet for the purpose of mu- wide awake, earnest teachers, and then it may tual improvement. No good teacher will miss be that they will mistake enthusiasm for fanat1 an opportunity of meeting with his fellow icism. teachers for the purpose of consultation and We wish to propose a plan. Let the teachdiscussion. But there are hundreds in our ers of a city or town meet at a convenient hour State who never attended a Teachers' Institute, on each alternate Saturday. Let the meeting and who are members of no Teachers' Associa- be organized by the appointment of one of the tion. This class make no progress; they are number as Principal. Then let a programme in many cases totally unfit for teachers, and be made and followed to the very letter. The they are retained in their present position on following is an outline of one we have used the account of favoriteism on the part of District past term: Boards, or in consequence of the difficulty of finding persons qualified to supersede them.

8 o'cl'k.-Opening exercises.

8 o'cl'k 7m.-Mental Arithmetic.
8 o'cl'k 30m.-Essay.

8 o'cl'k 35m.-Discussion.

8 o'cl❜k 55m.-Physical Geography.

9 o'cl'k 20m.-Recitation by some class invited to be present.

9 o'cl❜k 40 m.-Reading of Reports, answering of questions, and remarks in regard to different schools.

10 o'cl'k.-Adjournment.

While we believe that the teachers of our State are as well qualified as those of any other Western State, we know that it would be better, in hundreds of cases, to let the school houses remain unoccupied, than to employ those at present filling the place of teachers.Our public money is wasted, and the people do not know it. But the money lost is but a small part of the real loss. Years of time, at just the period of life when the character is formed, are Every lesson should be previously assigned. lost; and habits are fixed, which, instead of and each teacher should be prepared to conduct fitting for an honorable and a happy life, lead the recitation, if called on by the a miserable one. Go where we may through- The recitation should be a model recitation, in out our State, and with comparatively few ex-all respects. Three minutes may be allowed at ceptions, the fact that teachers are unqualified the close of each exercise for criticism; this cannot be overlooked. We find indifference, should be as severe as circumstances will admit; and that twin-brother of ignorance, self-suffi- to be really profitable, it should be merciless.— ciency, to such an extent, that a suggestion The object of inviting a class, is to furnish a made in the kindest manner, that this or that model for teaching. This can be done in no ought to be done differently, will be considered other way than by having the class present. an impertinent interference. Now this class The success of the plan we propose depends can be benefitted only by meeting with other upon the punctuality, promptness and enthuteachers. Association tends to remove angu-siasm of those engaging in it. We feel confilarities, to eradicate egotism, and to fix in the dent that a Union School or system of schools mind a proper standard by which to measure cannot be successfully carried on without freour attainments. Many a cherished notion, quent meetings on the part of the teachers, and when viewed in the light shed upon it by other we are quite as confident that the schools in minds, will be seen to be only a whim. We our towns would become much more efficient have seen teachers within the last few days, by the adoption of a plan similar to that we attempting to teach classes in reading in a have suggested.

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