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would furnish the teacher with topics knowing it, he is lifted up, in company or suggestions. Almost every newspaper with his classmates, into the higher remight contain records of demoniacal gions of a divine life, and that life becrime or god-like virtue, which could be comes the fashionable fact of the school. made fertile in moral impressions. Let Thus this exercise gradually brings out the teacher give out his question, and the divine image in the young and moulds kindly ask each pupil to express his them into a resemblance of the "holy opinion upon it. This exercise, after a child, Jesus."

few trials, as I know from experience, I am now prepared to state a most gets to be very interesting to the pupils. important fact. By this easy and deLook at this matter closely. By this pro-lightful process of self-culture, the chilcess a moral principle is brought palpably dren have set up in the midst of their before each child's mind. A vote upon school a common standard of right; a the question is to be taken at the end of common conscience; a school conscience. the discussion; and each vote is secret, By means of two such exercises in each written on a scrap of paper, with the vo-week, they have created, in their midst, ter's name attached. Is it not plain that an intellectual moral umpire to whose each young mind in that school will lis- eternal principles they bow. To this ten to the question, dwell upon it, turn they refer when they make nice and morit over, and turn it round, and try to see al distinctions, and when they measure where the truth lies? As different speak- moral wrong with precision. Thus the ers give their opinions, the whole assem-government of the school is carried on by bly waves with emotion, and thoughts the scholars. Is not this securing spirare suggested to many minds which no itual development?

common teaching could educe. Now, How natural and practicable is this what is the effect of this exercise? Is it method! But, I have one more which not to bring soberly before each mind an you may think better yet. It is this.—— important moral principle, and then to To convert the whole school into an amapply that principle to actual life? Each icable jury for the purpose of trying imchild knows that he must write down his aginable cases of disobedience in the opinion in his vote; and how certainly young.

will this lead each one to give the best Whenever a pupil commits an offence judgment he can form. Is not this direct let the master conceal his name and call and powerful moral teaching in school? him Justus, and then the whole school be This mode makes use of the whole school called to see that justice is done to the to teach that school Christain morality. unknown offender. Let Justus have a By this exercise the ideas of right and chance of explaining and vindicating wrong are entertained by the pupil, and himself by counsel. Let him be dealt then brought to decide upon moral dif- with according to the equitable rules of ferences. This exercise, therefore, con- our common courts; so, that if he is verts each mind from the passive to the condemned he may know why. The active state; the only state in which a master must be the final judge: and the child learns. The young thoughts kindle offender is never to be punished in the as they dwell on the suspended question. presence of any one, except the master The whole soul begins to move, the cu- who administers the chastisement. The riosity is wide awake, the feelers are method of conducting such a moral lesson all out, the reason compares, the judg- may vary according to circumstances; ment weighs, conscience decides, and sometimes only a friendly consultation; open side is taken for the right. And I sometimes a silent vote after the master ask if this is not moral teaching? How has explained all the facts. Another easy, how natural, how persuasive is such mode might be this in extreme agency; and how perfectly free from Let the teacher select three boys or girls all sectarian prejudice! Without sus- who are to act the part of accusers of Juspecting the philosophy of the process, the tus, and let the school select three who child insensibly becomes imbued with are to plead for him. Let the rest of the spiritual ideas, moral truths, practical school be jurors, who are to give their rules, and Christain motives. Without vote or verdict on paper, each one wri


ting his name under his verdict. witnesses be summoned and give in their testimonies, and let everything be done which will bring a just verdict. If dif ficult points come up, so much the better; let the teacher expound them.


The old obedience has certainly passed away; and it is also true that obedience has never been, and never can be, bought In a trial of this kind, there will be an with money. But there is a new obediintense interest awakened in every pupil's ence possible, aud no parchment written mind. Each one knows that he has to by human hand-no gold dug from earthwrite his verdict; and he therefore is ex

ceedingly desirous of understanding the ly mine, can give any man a title to it.— case. He will listen to the evidence, fol- That title must be written with other low the pleadings on each side, weigh the than human ink, bought with other than objections, balance the probabilities and earthly gold. It must be written on the feel his moral responsibilities. He will

desire to do what is right, and especially brow, in lines of strength and thoughtfuldesire not to do wrong. In such a trial, ness, it must be seen on the lip, where how unconsciously would come up the earnest self-respect and habitual self-comprinciples of equity, the rules of morali- mand, and resolution that can die, have ty, the commands of parents, and the will of God. Opportunities would occur displaced vanity, sensuality and pride; it during a year, of teaching every ethical must glow, with a clear and ethereal fullprinciple, and scrutinizing every departness as of heaven's sanctioning light, ment of human conduct. And be it noted from the unagitated eye, in the calmness also, that this teaching is in a form never

to be forgotten. Here is a great result; of comprehending knowledge, the deliberthese trials would show what'? They ate energy of justice, the disarming magic would reveal the requirements of morali- of love, the constraining majesty of god. ty and furthermore reveal the direct ap-liness.

plication of its eternal principles to the every day conduct of life. During the

As never before, all men are now flung

whole trial, moral truth and christian on their individuality; obedience is seen law would occupy the minds and move to be a thing beyond the reach of purthe hearts of the entire school. The


rules of right and the maxims of virtue chase, the possibility of transmission. If would not present themselves to the you can rule men they will obey you; if young minds there, as a theory or a guess you cannot, there is no help. *** but as solemn, tangible, binding, iminor-old reins by which men were guided have tal and practicable principles. Each child would get to understand that the been wrenched from the hands of the driprinciples of morality are omnipresent vers; the drivers themselves have, in and almighty; that they are the rules of the divine government, and that they do not for a moment relax their benignant, all pervading requirements over the mind, any more than gravitation relaxes its power over the body. By such a trial each child comes to believe and feel that morality binds every thought, will, and act, thus connecting him with God and immortality, and thus bringing before him his future accountability, Now where a school exercise thus brings together moral principle and daily conduct, I ask if this is not the exact definition of teaching morals in common schools?

some places, been rolled in the dust, and trampled in their gore; but a strong and wise man can yet take the seat, and with new reins-the golden cords of love; the viewless chains of sympathy-still guide and control men.-Peter Bayne.

PUNCTUALITY. If you desire to enjoy life, avoid unpunctual people. They impede business and poison pleasure. Make it your own rule not only to be punctual but a little beforehand. Such a habit secures a composure which is essential to happiness.


Nay, wealthy brother,

Lend me no pity because I am poor,

Dray horses staggering, loaded 'till dark, Rather should pity the light soaring lark, Borrow you rather, to keep in your track, Hands of Briareus, Hercules' back, Keen eyes of Argus, and Midas' grave cars, I with two hands, and a heart void of fears, Labor, the one gift of life to secure. Blessed be nothing!

Surfeited brother!

Last night you feasted, then slept upon down, Dreaming such dreams as were better untold, When the grim nightmare but loosened his hold,

Discounts and dividends rapped o'er your head.

Care, the beaked vulture, with claw-footed tread,

Stalking round stealthily, gnawed at your breast;

Maize was my supper, a straw bed my rest. Slumbers like mine buys no king for his crown. Blessed be nothing!

Self-prisoned brother!

Pass, in your crystal and velvet car borne, With your gay household of half-breathing dolls,

Prattling of operas, bonnets, and balls,

So whirl you on with a prone, wrinkled


[blocks in formation]

Man has two lives; the one of patient toil,
Of ceaseless travail with the stubborn ground.
Of battling with the burly sea's turmoil,

While the brown clods leaping under my With stubborn metals and the anvil's sound;

[blocks in formation]

[Selected for the Wis. Jour. of Ed.




Miss Wescott looked at them kindly, but appeared not to notice them further. After a short prayer, and reading a chapter in the Bible, she passed around the room, and made some remarks in regard to themselves and their studies.

"The school mistress is coming-the "And what is your name?" she asked, school-mistress is coming;" shouted a laying her hand on Tom's head, while dozen voices at the close of half an hour's he sat with both hands in his pockets, faithful watch to catch a glimpse of our swinging his body backwards and fornew teacher. Every eye was turned toward her with most scrutinizing gaze; for children, as well as others, always form an opinion of a person, particularly of their teacher, at first sight.

"How tall is she?" exclaimed one. “No, I ain't afraid of her, nor a dozen like her," exclaimed the big boy of the school.

"Nor I either," exclaimed the boy's little ally. "I could lick her easy enough; could'nt you Tom?"



"Tom Jones," shouted he, at the top of his voice,

"How old are you, Thomas?" she


[blocks in formation]

"What books have you?"

Without appearing to be at all dis

Yes, and I will, too, if she goes to turbed at his replies, Miss Wescott said: touch me." "I am glad that I am to have one or two "Hush!" said one of the girls, "she large boys in my school; you can be of will hear you." great assistance to me, Thomas. If you By this time she had nearly reached will stop a few minutes after school this the door around which they clustered, afternoon, we will talk over a little plan and every eye was fixed upon her face I have formed."

with an eager, yet thoughtful gaze, uncerThis was a mystery to all, and partictain as yet what verdict to pass upon ularly to Tom, who could not compreher. hend how he could be made useful to

"Good morning, children," she said, anybody. For the first time in his life in the kindest voice in the world, while he felt as if he was of some importance in her face was lighted with the sweetest the world. He had always been called smile imaginable. "This is a beautiful the bad boy of the school, and he took a morning to commence school, is it not?" sort of pride in being feared by the chil"I know I shall love her," whispered dren and dreaded by the teacher. a little pet in my ear.

Miss Wescott comprehended his whole We all followed her into the school-character, and began to shape her plans room, except Tom Jones and his ally, accordingly. She maintained that a boy who waited until the rest were all seated, who, at twelve years of age, made himand then, came in with a swaggering, self feared among his school mates, was noisy gait, and a sort of saucy look, as capable of being made something of.much as to say "who cares for you?" Heretofore, all influences had conspired

to make him a bad, and perhaps a des- "Well, I care," said Miss Wescott, perate character; and she was determined with earnestness; "you are capable of to transform his character. by bringing becoming a great and good man; you are opposite influences to work upon him; forming a character for life, and it deand to effect this, she must first win his pends upon yourself what you become. confidence, which could not be done in a The poorest boy in this country has an better way, than by letting him feel that equal chance with the wealthiest, and his she placed confidence in him. circumstances are favorable for becoming When school was out, more than half eminent, for he learns to depend upon the scholars lingered about the door, won- himself. I will assist you all I can in dering what Miss Wescott had to say to your studies, Thomas, and I know you Tom Jones. He had oftentimes been bid will succeed. Remember that I am your to remain after school, but it was to refriend, and come to me in every difficul ceive punishment or a lecture, and nine times out of ten he would jump out of the room; but it was evidently for a different purpose that he was to remain now, and none wondered what it could be more than Tom Jones.

"Don't you think, Thomas, that our school-room would be far more pleasant if we had some evergreens to hang about it-something to make it more cheerful?' inquired Miss Wescott.

"Yes'm, and I know where I can get plenty of them."


Tom Jones had not been brought up; he had come up because he had been born into the world, and could'nt help it; but as for any mental or moral training, he was as guiltless of it as a wild bramble of a pruning knife. His father was a bad man, and his mother a totally inefficient woman. At home he received nothing but blows, and abroad nothing but abuse. Bad passions were therefore excited and fostered, and his good ones never called out. He always expected that his teachers would hate him, so he "Well, Thomas, if you will have some whetted anew his combative powers to here by eight o'clock to-morrow morning oppose them, and he had made up his I will be here to help you put them up, mind to turn the new mistress out of and we will give the children a pleasant doors. surprise. Here are some books I will When, therefore, Miss Wescott declargive you, Thomas; you may put them ed that she was glad to have him in the in your drawer. They are such as I want you to study." "But I can't study geography and his-an interest for him-and to give him a tory," exclaimed Tom, confidently; "I never did."

"This is the reason why you think you cannot," replied Miss Wescott, "I am quite sure you can, and will love them, too."

"Nobody ever cared whether I learned or not, before," said Thomas, with some emotion.

school, he was amazed, and could not understand why she should manifest such

set of books was perfectly incomprehensible to him. Miss Wescott understood his position and character, and determined to modify them. She felt that he was equally capable of good and bad action, though the bad now predominated. She knew that his mind must be busy; one might as well think of chaining down the lightning as bending down that wild spirit to his books. She would give him em

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