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books recommended, but also in respect The remarks of Miss Stone were enterto the propriety of attempting to enforce taining and instructive. She did not proa uniformity. Upon the second day, this fess to be a very dignified teacher, for fredifference of opinion was still further and quently she deigned to be familiar with more decidedly developed, during a pro- even the poorest and smallest of her tracted discussion. This subject is wor-scholars, and even sometimes went so far thy of consideration, and it is hoped that as to participate with the scholars in their it will receive that attention from expe- plays; but for some reason she always rienced educators which its importance secured the love of the scholar and condemands. sequently their obedience, and in teaching The paper presented by G. S. Dodge, some ten years had never whipped but Esq., abounded in good suggestions, and three scholars, and those young men, and possessed positive merit, and was designed that for swearing at her. The principle to show that any system of education is of love and sympathy should govern.imperfect which fails to provide for the She liked those loving teachers to whom physical development of the youth. The reference had been made by others, and colloquial remarks following the papers did not believe in whipping only as a last presented upon "The best method of em- resort, but she would whip young men ploying the time of small scholars in rho would swear at her. The scholar school, and the best means of properly should be made to feel that he is reinfluencing and controling them," were spected and regarded with kind wishes of a highly interesting character, being and sympathies by the teacher. really practical in their nature, and better Miss Stephens illustrated the effect of calculated to instruct and benefit than set kindness toward a wicked boy, which had essays or addresses. They had reference to the little ills,-the little embarrasinents and perplexities incident to the teacher's profession.

ever after softened his harsh spirit, and curbed his high temper, while in her presence, showing that government by kind and gentle means, is not only the surest way to control, but the only way to effect a permanent reform.

The writer of this spoke at some length upon a thought suggested in the paper read by Miss Lowber, "That the Teacher should always be truthful, and should never say what he did not feel,

as the child would soon learn the lan

We would suggest that much good would be secured in our Educational Conventions by more frequently engaging in conversation, when an individual can throw off the restraints accompanying the idea of speechifying, and feel at ease and consequently unembarrassed. From many a timid female who could not stand up and deliver an address, may, in this way, guage of the heart, whatever might be the be elicited remarks in respect to the phil- language of the lips." He thought that osophy of teaching, of entertaining and most of our efforts to teach morals (from governing youth and overcoming evil dis- which alone can spring good manners,) positions, eliciting thought, and developwere ineffectual because of the lifeless and ing the idea of responsibility, directing unfeeling manner of these efforts. These the sympathies, and preparing the pupil attempts were generally so devoid of for happiness and his great destiny, of soul, so destitute of animation and real the highest value. sympathy with the subject, on the part

of the teacher, that the only effect was to sort, all moral and reasonable appliances chill the sympathies, and to lull into in- having failed; but that he would never difference the emotions. Add to this, a say to a school he would not whip. He lifeless method of conducting all the other would govern and control even if he had exercises of the school, and the scholar to whip. The premium system he would will ever after loathe the school room, not adopt.

and hate the thought of "study." Save Mr. Collins, by the way, is an old and our youth from the killing influences of experienced teacher, and is at present Suthe rigidity, the frigidity, the austerity, perintendent of Schools of the city of and the tyranny of the soulless, heartless Janesville, and while we hope he will acand lifeless instructor! The teacher of complish much for the schools of his our youth should be alive; should have city, we hope to hear from him occasiona heart and a soul, with sympathies alive ally through the columns of the "Educato all the wants of the youth; and sho'd tional Journal."

feel, in his very soul, all he attempts to The address of Mr. Barry, Supt. of Pub. teach, and should be animated and in- Instruction, in the evening, was a good spired, daily, with a love for his work-effort, and the sentiments of the address should feel a holy enthusiasm as he were of a high order. It was designed to comes in contact with the mind of youth show the necessity of education to the whose destiny he is to control. happiness of any people, and to the per

This is the great secret of success in petuity of a Republic, especially of moral teaching anything, but especially in culture, and upon these points it took teaching morals or religion. The warmth high ground.

of the instructor's heart, and the sympa- The organization of a "County Teachthy with, and love for, the sentiments he ers' Association," though not yet perfectinculcates, as read by the scholar from ed, we look upon as a hopeful indication his countenance, alone can enkindle that of progress. We confess to have been sacred flame upon the altar of the youth behind the times here in Rock Co., in ful heart, which shall give an abiding and this respect; for we regard well managed controling love of the virtuous and the Teachers' Associations as among the most good. efficient means of promoting the interests Mr. Williams thought it an excellent of education, and of elevating the "Teachway to interest and entertain the scholar er's Profession." Let the Teachers of to give each a slate and pencil, and in- the county now come in to the support duce him to write, or print, on the slate, of the Association with an enthusiasm a composition, in which exercise in a lit- that may atone for the past. tle time all would become much interestMilton, Wis. ed, and so entertained as to be of little trouble to the teacher.

A. C. S.


DOUBTLESS the Teachers for our schools

The address of Mr. Collins on "School Government," was not only appropriate to the occasion, but it took high ground, during the summer, are nearly all emand was practical. On the subject of ployed. Perhaps many of them enter corporal punishment, he said he would upon the discharge of their duties for the inflict such punishment only as a last re- first time. But whoever the teacher may

be, or whatever may have been his expe- been made, no one can perform the durience, he will need the hearty co-opera- ties of parents and officers in addition to tion of the District generally, and partic- those of teacher. His zeal and untiring ularly of the District Board. It some efforts may do much; but he needs the times happens, however, that the teacher influence, the help of others. To whom meets with decided opposition from a part shall he look for this? Every person of the Board, or others in the District, owes a duty to the school his children owing to some disagreement. attend. How rarely do we find this duty

But a few days since the writer of this performed! Men engaged in the eager was informed of an instance where the strife for riches, do not stop to inquire opposition was carried so far, that, during their duty with reference to the education the excitement intentionally produced, of the youth of our land; and when their the teacher was removed without time duty is pointed out, they often reply, being given for a trial of ability to teach; "We employ competent persons to look thus breaking up the school to the regret to these things, and they have only to of the district when time for reflection make out their bills and we are ready to was taken. foot them." It does not change the facts The conduct of another district con- to say this; it should not be. People, gentrasts strongly with the above. It was erally, do not give teachers that aid supposed that there were serious object-which they might, and which they are in ions to the person employed to teach.--duty bound to give. To whom, we again The matter was investigated, persons ask, shall the teacher look for this assisgoing to the Teacher, and talking with tance to be promptly rendered that the him a second time before being satisfied school may early feel its benefit, if not to withdraw their opposition. They did to those who employ him? It is not withdraw it. He taught the school, and only their moral duty to see to this work, last winter the district were anxious to but it is a duty self-imposed by accepthire him again, offering additional wages ance of office, and which they should conThe first course has led, as it always sider themselves solemnly pledged to perleads, to animosity of feeling among the form. inhabitants of the district; the other re- If they would know what assistance is sulted in no ill feeling, because what was needed, let them frequently visit the done, was done in no spirit of opposition school-room. Unless the school-houses but because the objectors were satisfied to give a fair hearing and a fair trial.

of our State and their fixtures have been greatly changed within a short time, many It is manifestly the duty of the minori- will be the physical wants which they ty to cheerfully acquiesce in the decision will be able to supply. But neither this of the majority, in the selection of a nor the counsel which they will be able teacher, as opposition must necessarily to give the teacher will be the great good hinder the progress of the school, if it resulting from such visits. Teachers, should not entirely destroy its usefulness. and especially young teachers, need the But this is not sufficient. There must be endorsement of the district; not that siwork done by others, as well as by the lent endorsement exhibited by the indifteacher. ferent; but an endorsement manifestHowever well the choice may have by the action of at least the Dis

trict Board, and which will be felt, if LAWS OF SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE. properly rendered, by every member of the school. The teacher will not be then an isolated being, attempting a work in which none feel an interest, and which "Teacher." It is one in which teachers

THE subject of School Architecture is eminently appropriate to the pages of the

and pupils, parents and children are all
interested. Its leading principles and
important details should therefore be
studied by every one who is to instruct
in our schools, or to have a vote or in-
fluence (and who has not the latter?) in

the scholars may justly suppose unim-
portant. But there will be an influence
united with his to quicken every recita
tion, to strengthen every tendency to the
right, and to enable him to carry out ev-determining their accommodations.
ery requirement necessary to the success
of the school.

Fond du Lac, Wis.

W. V. N.

[For the Journal of Education.] GIVE US YOUR EXPERIENCE.

What is requisite to constitute a good school house? What must be its properties and characteristics? In the first place, it must have the appropriate conveniences for study, recitation, and good order on the part of the pupils; and for instruction, care and good discipline on the part of the teacher. Secondly, it Let every teacher in Wisconsin give must have every provision and arrangeschool-room experience-sparks from the ment required for the physical comfort of the pupils during the time which they furnace, fresh and glowing. Be not anx-must spend in or about the school house; ious to weave some fine spun theory, in and this time, it should be kept in mind, which the imaginary outstrips the real, is, with many pupils, no less a portion of but come right to facts-real, every day the day than seven or eight consecutive hours. These provisions and arrangeoccurrences--such as go to make up ev-ments, if the prime end of education is ery school teacher's life. not to be sacrificed, must be so made as I am sure the teacher whose whole soul to be in perfect consistence with proprieis in his labors—the real, living teacher -who is not content with merely satisfying his patrons-but whose tangents from the bark mill tread, are many and effective, has no right to the exclusive benefit of his experience.

ty and delicacy-with propriety the most exact, and delicacy the most scrupulous. Thirdly, the house must have room for visitors, especially on occasions of school examinations or exhibitions; and in our rural districts, if we respect immemorial usage, must be an appropriate place for educational and other meetings. FourthWe have in Wisconsin, a vast number ly, it must have a healthy pleasant locaof real, practical, efficient teachers--those tion, readily accessible, without being who are bright and shining lights to the exposed to the dust and noise of a thronged thoroughfare; and attractive circles in which they move. Now, what grounds, sufficiently ample for the sports is demanded, is, that such should enlarge of childhood, without giving annoyance their circle-give the rays a broader to neighbors or travelers, or perilling the limbs or lives of young children in the scope. Let the pages of the Journal be the medium, and from this time forth, give to us freely from the book of lifeschool teachers' life.

Instruction becoming thus mutual, must be of vast importance to all concerned. V. B.

Kenosha, Wis.


In what precise way these requisites of a good school house can be best secured in each particular case, must be deterduly authorized building committee.mined by the town or district, or by the Still, amid the great variety of adaptations to differing circumstances, there are some general principles or rules of school ar

chitecture, which ought never to be lost enhanced, and the benefit of study still sight of. We beg leave to commend the more diminished, by the use of double inmost important of these to the attentionstead of single desks The difference in of our readers, and to their careful ob-expense between single and double desks servance, as opportunity may, from time in the Boston furniture for grammar to time, arise schools, about $1.25 to a pupil), is too 1. Every school house for young schol- small a sum to be taken in consideration ars, should have as many separate school- in the permanent furnishing of a schoolroom. The single desks occupy a little rooms, as there are regular teachers;except as the principal of a large school more room, but do not give to each pumay have an assistant to take charge of pil more space than is desirable for the his particular room, while he is visiting sake of good air and on other accounts.* other rooms. The military movements 3. A zone of blackboard, low enough of successive classes, forward and back- for the youngest pupils and high enough ward, between the main room and the re- for the eldest, should extend entirely citation rooms, however skillfully they around the room, except where interrupmay be ordered by nice tacticians, never- ted by doors or windows. The teacher theless cause disturbance and loss of who knows how various and valuable time. Discipline becomes more difficult and almost of necessity more summary Single desks." says Mr. Leash, (17th Report, p 85) are generally to be preferred to double ones.and severe, according as its subjects are The whole expense for room and desks is about aggregated in large masses. In the case twenty per cent more." If a proper width be assign ed to the aisles between the double desks, for these, of the young, it is of great importance, as used by two rows of scholars, need to be wider that the teacher to whom they recite, should be with them while they are stud-be still less. ying their lessons. This teacher only and faithful laborer in the cause of Public Schools, will know how to give the requisite direc-Hon. T. H Burrowes, just published in the State of tions, to answer questions, and to appor- doble desks,The former would be the most desirPennsylvanis, he says, in comparing single and tion assistance, watchfulness, and stimu-able in all cases." lus to the several members of the class. Mr. Philbrick, the Superintendent of Schools in Connecticut, in his last report, uses the following From the higher character of the instruc- language in describing the recently erected Union tion demanded from the principal, an es-School house in Norwalk:-"A single desk, mounted on an iron support, is provided for each pupil, and pecial loss arises, when his time is occu-each chair is supported by a single iron pedestal.pied and his mind distracted, in the Probably this is the best method of furnishing a midst of important exercises, by the ne- school-room that has ever yet been invented." And in presenting his ideal of a perfect school-house in the cessity of taking care of the immediate body of his report, he assigns to each scholar a sepapupils of other teachers. Other argu- rate desk and chair. We know that, when the ments might be added.

than those between single desks, the difference will In the work on School Architecture, by that able

Quincy School-house, in Boston, was furnished for the school under his charge. he was very earnest and used much effort to secure for the whole school the

opinion that the amount of time saved by it will be

2. In schools where most of the study-superior advantages of single dess. ing is done in the school room, each schol- Dr. Alcott, in his Essay on the construction of ar should have a separate desk. A doub-School-houses, to which a prize was awarded by the Americau Institute of Instruction, uses the following le desk is a screen for much quiet play; emphatic language:-"lu regard to the expense of it causes interference between the occu-erecting separate desks. I am most decidedly of the pants, and sometimes serious altercation; it is a powerful tempter to whispering and other communications; it leads to much unobserved assistance of one pupil by another; it renders those exercises in which writing is employed, and which are now so extensively and profitably introduced in our best schools, less valuable from the difficulty of a scholar's not seeing what his desk-mate is writing, and the tendency, with many, to copy this either verbally or virtually. The difficulty of government in school is materially

more than a sufficient compensation. Any thing which saves time, saves money, and I think time enough would be saved in three years by single desks, to amount, at the lowest possible estimate, to $100 including food, clothing and tuition,-for these are properly included in the estimate. The saving need be but fifteen minutes a day to each of fifty pupils. Let him who has had experience in the business of instruction say whether more than even this amount of time is not lost by the present arrangement of a majority of existing school rooms. My purpose has been to keep economy in view in every suggestion. Separate desks for each pupil I regard as absolutely indispensable. As to the increase of size which they give to the school room, it should be remarked, that the purposes of health cannot possibly be answered have proposed, whether we use single desks or not."

without an amount of space at least as great as I

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