And where two raging fires meet together, They do consume the thing that feeds their fury: Bap. Well mayst thou woo, and happy be thy speed! But be thou armed for some unhappy words. Pet. Ay, to the proof; as mountains are for winds, That shake not, though they blow perpetually. Re-enter HORTENSIO, with his head broken. Bap. How now, my friend? Why dost thou look so pale? Iron may hold with her, but never lutes. Bap. Why then thou canst not break her to the lute? Hor. Why, no; for she hath broke the lute to me: I did but tell her, she mistook her frets, And bowed her hand to teach her fingering, Frets, call you these? quoth she; I'll fume with them; As on a pillory, looking through the lute; And,-twangling Jack; with twenty such vile terms, Pet. Now, by the world, it is a lusty wench; O, how I long to have some chat with her. Bap. Well, go with me, and be not so discomfited. Proceed in practice with my younger daughter; She's apt to learn, and thankful for good turns.Seignior Petruchio, will you go with us? Or shall I send my daughter Kate to you? Pet. I pray you, do; I will attend her here, [Exeunt BAPTISTA, GREMIO, TRANIO, and HORTENSIO. Say, that she frown; I'll say she looks as clear Then I'll commend her volubility, And say, she uttereth piercing eloquence. When I shall ask the bans, and when be married. Enter KATHARINA. Good-morrow, Kate; for that's your name, I hear. Kath. Well have you heard, but something hard hearing; They call me Katharine, that do talk of me. Pet. You lie, in faith; for you are called plain Kate, And bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst: But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate-hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all cates; and therefore, Kate, Take this of me, Kate of my consolation; Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, Thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauties sounded, (Yet not so deeply as to thee belongs,) Myself am moved to woo thee for my wife. Kath. Moved! in good time; let him that moved you hither, Remove you hence. I knew you at the first, You were a movable. Pet. Kath. A joint-stool. Why, what's a movable? Thou hast hit it; come, sit on me. Pet. Kath. Asses are made to bear, and so are you. Pet. Women are made to bear, and so are you. Kath. No such jade, sir, as you, if me you mean. Pet. Alas, good Kate, I will not burden thee For knowing thee to be but young and light,Kath. Too light for such a swain as you to catch; And yet as heavy as my weight should be. Pet. Should be? should buzz. Kath. Well ta'en, and like a buzzard. Pet. O, slow-winged turtle! shall a buzzard take thee? Kath. Ay, for a turtle; as he takes a buzzard. Pet. Come, come, you wasp; i'faith, you are too angry. Kath. If I be waspish, best beware my sting. Pet. My remedy is, then, to pluck it out. Kath. Ay, if the fool could find it where it lies. Pet. Who knows not where a wasp doth wear his sting? In his tail. Kath. Pet. In his tongue. Whose tongue? Kath. Yours, if you talk of tails; and so farewell. Pet. What, with my tongue in your tail? Nay, come That I'll try. [Striking him. Pet. I swear I'll cuff you, if you strike again. Kath. So may you lose your arms. If you strike me, you are no gentleman; Pet. A herald, Kate? O, put me in thy books. Pet. A combless cock, so Kate will be my hen. sour. Kath. It is my fashion when I see a crab. Pet. Why, here's no crab; and therefore look not sour. Kath. There is, there is. Pet. Then show it me. Kath. Had I a glass, I would. Well aimed of such a young one. Pet. What, you mean my face? Pet. Now, by Saint George, I am too young for you. Pet. Kath. 'Tis with cares. I care not. For thou art pleasant, gamesome, passing courteous; Why does the world report, that Kate doth limp? As hazel-nuts, and sweeter than the kernels. Kath. Go, fool, and whom thou keep'st command. And then let Kate be chaste, and Dian sportful! Kath. A witty-mother! witless else her son. Kath. Yes; keep you warm. Thus in plain terms:-Your father hath consented Bap. Now, Seignior Petruchio, how speed you with My daughter? Pet. How but well, sir? how but well? It were impossible I should speed amiss. Bap. Why, how now, daughter Katharine; in your dumps? Kath. Call you me daughter? Now, I promise you, You have showed a tender, fatherly regard, To wish me wed to one half lunatic; A mad-cap ruffian, and a swearing Jack, That thinks with oaths to face the matter out. Pet. Father, 'tis thus:-Yourself and all the world, That talked of her, have talked amiss of her; If she be curst, it is for policy; For she's not froward, but modest as the dove; And Roman Lucrece for her chastity; - And to conclude, we have 'greed so well together Kath. I'll see thee hanged on Sunday first. Gre. Hark, Petruchio! she says she'll see thee hanged first. Tra. Is this your speeding? Nay, then, good night our part! Pet. Be patient, gentlemen; I choose her for myself. If she and I be pleased, what's that to you? 'Tis bargained 'twixt us twain, being alone, That she shall still be curst in company. I tell you, 'tis incredible to believe How much she loves me. O, the kindest Kate!- Bap. I know not what to say; but give me your hands; God send you joy, Petruchio! 'tis a match. Gre. Tra. Amen, say we; we will be witnesses. I will to Venice; Sunday comes apace. We will have rings, and things, and fine array; Tra. 'Twas a commodity lay fretting by you. Tra. And I am one that love Bianca more |