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Names of Preachers. White Brow in mirror. Do come in Broughams. More bigot. No.

Rantipole, he!

Names of Actresses.

Nice scented veil.

Who more smart?

Silly, him in Guards.
Neat in the calf.




Transpose "Jos. Paxton, Knight, Gardener," and you may describe what he would have been if Mrs. Graham had smashed the transept with her balloon.


A transposition of one of the Prince of Wales's titles will give the three prettiest Christian names for ladies.


You may transpose a line in the second verse of the National Anthem, until you make something which Dr. Bull little dreamed of when composing it.


(Our own Riddle).


Take the year of the Plague, and the month of the Fire,
Take Phoebus-Apollo, with hand on his lyre,

Take a Jew's famous eye, and the eye of the Pope,
novices mope,

And a building where foolish young
And a sprat (but alive), and the name of a town,
And a greenhorn by sharpers done awfully brown,
A tree without bark, and a play without plot,
And that isle where as yet Uncle Sam reigneth not,
Take a maid who's had warning, a gun without powder,
The word that makes Englishmen prouder and prouder,
Pick from each but one letter-it lies in the middle,
You'll find what you'll be when you find out this riddle.



EPRESSION IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION.-In consequence of the opening of the County Courts, the undersigned begs to state that his charges will be found strictly moderate, and if his speeches be not approved of, the money will be returned. Come early. This is the shop for cheap

Law! Now's your time! No reasonable offer will be refused.


OHN TICK, Clockmaker to the King of Loo Choo (by appoint


ment), and Watchmaker to the heir apparent of the King of the Cannibal Islands (by appointment), begs to call attention to his Ne-plus-ultra never-say-die Watch. Goes for ever without winding up-the glass can't break-it strikes with a cathedral tone, and plays the Row Polka, and the Dead Waltz in Saul, every alternate quarter of an hour-never needs cleaning, and the general idea of the whole is so bright, that the dial can always be seen distinctly in the dark. N.B. This Watch would have carried off a Council medal, had it not been for the maker not sending it to the Exhibition.


URNISHED APARTMENTS, within five minutes' walk of the Bank, the Horse Guards, the Lambeth Union, and the Small Pox Hospital. The lodger would have the use of the mangle. Partial Board if required. Half a slice of bread for breakfast, and the run of the cruet-stand for dinner. No attendance, but the lodger will be allowed to ring the bell as much as he pleases. Apply to Mr. Smith, London.

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THE BENEVOLENT.-An appeal is confidently made on

only £100 a year until he does something for himself. The merest trifle-308. aweek-will be thankfully received, and gratuities above £20 will be acknowledged by a dinner at Verey's, to which the donor will not be asked, but at which his health will be drank. Address Hex Why Zed, Cyder Cellars.

(Not to be repeated.)

TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.-The thinnings of a rough young Birch Wood are on Sale. Also a cargo of Bamboos, just arrived from the Mauritius. Tawse of superior Leather, with the ends of the tails carefully burnt, are also constantly on Sale. Apply at Floggum Hall, Clapham.

NO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH DEAFNESS.-The Adverfering as above, in his own private family circle. The great advantage to be found in the arrangement will be, that neither he, his wife, his eight daughters, or his seven sons, ever say, or can be expected to say, anything.


Worth hearing-Address to the Office of this Newspaper. RENCH IN A QUARTER OF AN HOUR, AND GERMAN "Do you understand French ?" "I understand it, but do not speak it." How often do we hear this reply. Professor CRAM assures his Friends and intending Pupils that in fifteen minutes he will make them speak French as perfectly as they understand it.


THE shadow of a coming event has fallen upon the opposite page and stayed there. It represents the triumphal entry into Paris of M. Jullien, chosen as President of the Republic, Leader of its Armies, Composer of its strifes, Conductor of its Bands, and in general, National First Fiddle.

The French having tried all manner of governments and all classes of rulers, and not liking any of them, will naturally, in their pursuit of harmony, turn to one of its most celebrated professors. M. Jullien, on the 1st of April, will issue two public manifestoes, expressive of his political creed :-"The Universal Suffrage Polka, with ballot-box and kettledrum accompaniment;" and "The Liberté, Egalité, et Fraternité Quadrilles," in which all the second and third fiddles will play the first parts, the piccolos will produce the sound of ophicleides, and any instrument will be at liberty to play anything it pleases; all this in token of the equalization of society, and the freedom of action to be accorded under the new régime. The time in which this Quadrille will be arranged is the Good Time Coming, which may be reckoned a very slow movement, seeing how long it takes to arrive.

These magnificent political morceaux having been duly considered by the people of France, whistled by all the boys, and danced to at all the casinos-the cry of "Jullien for President" will become all but universal. The Elysée will be frantic, the Orleanists furious, and the Legitimists in despair. Louis Napoleon's friends will meditate a coup d'état, for the purpose of securing all the silver plate in France; but which will be defeated by the counter operations of a conspiracy for the abolition of taxes, and for giving every Frenchman, above the age of twenty-one and untainted by crime, a salary of 5000 francs per annum, to be paid quarterly by the government. In the midst of these conflicting movements of party, the grand day of election will take place, and the following will be the state of the poll:

[blocks in formation]

Each of the three latter gentlemen having voted for himself. France will be inmediately thrown into a state of rapturous delight, and the new President will land at Boulogne from four steamboats, the band playing the Row Polka, which will be adopted, till they get another, as the national anthem of France. What the triumphal entry into the capital will be, is made manifest on the opposite page. Welcomed by the universal voice of Paris, in one grand concert monstre-the democrats the basses, the quondam Buonapartists the tenors, the quondam Legitimists the counter tenors, and all their wives and daughters the sopranos and contraltosthen there will commence in France the harmonious reign of M. Jullien-the President without a precedent.

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The Triumphal procession of the new President of the French (Mons - Jullien) with entire new Politics & Polkas!!!!

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