The Latin Americanist: The International Review of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies, Volumul 50,Ediția 1Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies, 2006 |
Din interiorul cărții
Rezultatele 1 - 3 din 4
Pagina 23
... Backward Glances . Durham : Duke UP , 1998 . Turner , Victor . The Ritual Process : Structure and Anti - Structure . Chicago : Aldine Publishing , 1969 . Key words : THE TEATROS COLÓN OF BOGOTÁ AND BUENOS Laura Senio Blair 23.
... Backward Glances . Durham : Duke UP , 1998 . Turner , Victor . The Ritual Process : Structure and Anti - Structure . Chicago : Aldine Publishing , 1969 . Key words : THE TEATROS COLÓN OF BOGOTÁ AND BUENOS Laura Senio Blair 23.
Pagina 100
... Duke University Press , 1999 . Céspedes , Augusto . El dictador suicida : 40 años de historia boliviana . Santiago de Chile : Editorial Universitaria , S.A. , 1956 . Choque Canqui , Roberto . La masacre de Jesús de Machaca . La Paz ...
... Duke University Press , 1999 . Céspedes , Augusto . El dictador suicida : 40 años de historia boliviana . Santiago de Chile : Editorial Universitaria , S.A. , 1956 . Choque Canqui , Roberto . La masacre de Jesús de Machaca . La Paz ...
Pagina 174
... Duke Uni- versity Press , 2005 , p . 400 , $ 24.95 . Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the idea of political culture and its usefulness in the field of Latin American history . This edited volume - which forms part of ...
... Duke Uni- versity Press , 2005 , p . 400 , $ 24.95 . Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the idea of political culture and its usefulness in the field of Latin American history . This edited volume - which forms part of ...
A Tale of Two Theaters | 25 |
The Concept of Development in Catholic Social Teaching | 49 |
Drept de autor | |
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Alió años Archivo Ardila Argentina bishops Bogotá Bolivia Buenos Aires capital Carlos Carpeta Catamarca Catholic social teaching Chaco Chile Chilean Chillihuani chola cholos Claudina Colombia Concepción del Uruguay Costa du Rels Costa Rica cultural decade Decreto democracy Dorfman economic Educación election elite encyclical Entre Ríos province Escuela Normal exile families Gustavo Gutiérrez Gutiérrez Historia del Teatro human identity indigenous Itapoan Jefe Joaquín John Paul José Latin America Legajo liberation Match Ball Matías Memoria ment mestizaje mestizo Miskki Simi narrator national college national government Nicaraguan normal school normal school scholarships normal school training novel opera Papst Paraná party pesos Pietro Cantini political Populorum Progressio primary provincial government Puebla racial Recopilación de Leyes Ríos Saavedra Santa Fe Santiago del Estero Sarmiento school teachers Spanish teacher training Teatro Colón term theater Tierras hechizadas tion Tomo voting women wrote