FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT I. SCENE I. London. A Room in the Palace. Enter King HENRY, WESTMORELAND, Sir Walter BLUNT, and Others. K. Hen. So shaken as we are, so wan with care, Find we a time for frighted peace to pant, And breathe short-winded accents of new broils1 To be commenc'd in stronds afar remote. No more the thirsty Erinnys' of this soil Shall daub her lips with her own children's blood; No more shall trenching war channel her fields, Nor bruise our flowrets with the armed hoofs Of hostile paces: those opposed eyes, Which,-like the meteors of a troubled heaven, All of one nature, of one substance bred,— Did lately meet in the intestine shock And furious close of civil butchery, Shall now, in mutual, well-beseeming ranks, 1 Find we a time for frighted peace to pant, And breathe short-winded accents of new broils-] That is, let us soften peace to rest awhile without disturbance, that she may recover breath to propose new wars. JOHNSON. * No more the thirsty Erinnys-] The fury of discord. March all one way; and be no more oppos'd As far as to the sepulcher of Christ, (Whose soldier now, under whose blessed cross Whose arms were moulded in their mothers' womb But this our purpose is a twelvemonth old, Therefore we meet not now: 3-Then let me hear West. My liege, this haste was hot in question, 8 Therefore we meet not now: :] i. e. not on that account do we now meet;-we are not now assembled, to acquaint you with our intended expedition. this dear expedience.] For expedition. And many limits Limits for estimates; or perhaps, outlines, rough sketches, or calculations. K. Hen. It seems then, that the tidings of this broil Brake off our business for the Holy land. West. This, match'd with other, did, my gracious lord; For more uneven and unwelcome news Came from the north, and thus it did import. At Holmedon met, Where they did spend a sad and bloody hour; And shape of likelihood, the news was told; K. Hen. Here is a dear and true-industrious friend, Ten thousand bold Scots, two-and-twenty knights, To beaten Douglas; and the earls of Athol, And is not this an honourable spoil? 6 Archibald,] Archibald Douglas, earl Douglas. 7 Stain'd with the variation of each soil-] No circumstance could have been better chosen to mark the expedition of Sir Walter. It is used by Falstaff in a similar manner: "As it were to ride day and night, and not to deliberate, not to remember, not to have patience to shift me, but to stand stained with travel." 8 Balk'd in their own blood,] Either bath'd, or piled together in a heap. A gallant prize? ha, cousin, is it not? It is a conquest for a prince to boast of. K. Hen. Yea, there thou mak'st me sad, and mak'st me sin In envy that my lord Northumberland Should be the father of so blest a son: A son, who is the theme of honour's tongue; Of this young Percy's pride? the prisoners," you, West. This is his uncle's teaching, this is Worcester, Malevolent to you in all aspects;' Which makes him prune himself, and bristle up "the prisoners,] Percy had an exclusive right to these prisoners, except the Earl of Fife. By the law of arms, every man who had taken any captive, whose redemption did not exceed ten thousand crowns, had him clearly for himself, either to acquit or ransom, at his pleasure. 'Malevolent to you in all aspects;] An astrological allusion. Worcester is represented as a malignant star that influenced the conduct of Hotspur. Which makes him prune himself,] The metaphor is taken from a cock, who in his pride prunes himself; that is, picks off the loose feathers to smooth the rest. To prune and to plume, spoken of a bird, is the same. The crest of youth against your dignity. K. Hen. But I have sent for him to answer this; Cousin, on Wednesday next our council we [Exeunt. The same. SCENE II. Another Room in the Palace. Enter HENRY Prince of Wales, and FALSTAFF. Fal. Now, Hal, what time of day is it, lad? P. Hen. Thou art so fat-witted, with drinking of old sack, and unbuttoning thee after supper, and sleeping upon benches after noon, that thou hast forgotten to demand that truly which thou would'st truly know. What a devil hast thou to do with the time of the day? unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping houses, and the blessed sun himself a fair hot wench in flamecolour'd taffata; I see no reason, why thou should'st be so superfluous to demand the time of the day. Fal. Indeed, you come near me, now, Hal: for we, that take purses, go by the moon and seven stars; and not by Phoebus,-he, that wandering knight so fair. And, I pray thee, sweet wag, when thou art 3 Than out of anger can be uttered.] That is, "More is to be said than anger will suffer me to say: more than can issue from a mind disturbed like mine." |