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ably well said by one whose genius and character and devotion are a God-given fortune to the enterprise. Whether we read her pages or listen to her impressive tones we are led to think of Mrs. Booth as a sort of Deborah of our land and times.

IDYLS OF LABOUR. By JOHN GREGORY. London: Simpkin Marshall and Co.

Again and again the Toiler has been the Poet, the Mechanic and the Muse have been one. Nor is this a thing of wonder. For the Poet needs to know, as the true workman ever does, what is the practical meaning of the life with whose mere seemings the indolent are content. Here are the Songs of a Son of Toil. They are every one of them healthy and strong. Many also of them are sweet and tender. Most of them are tuneful in rhythm as well as thought. They are full of a true Poet's love of nature in its manifold aspects, of man in his rights and wrongs, his joys, sorrows, shames, and nobilities, and of God, the God about whom the true Poet is, by inner compulsion, ever constrained to sing. "The St. Agnes' Workmans' Club," who are responsible for the publication in this form of their fellow member's poems, have shown at once a true discernment and a chivalrous pride. They think it will be a service to many to learn "what are the thoughts of a genuine Working Man and of many of his class." We should like to quote freely from this little book, but would rather persuade our readers to purchase it, so that as a literary venture it may be a complete success. The first and last verses of a piece of sixteen verses-called "New Year's Musings," run thus :—

"Praise God from whom all blessings spring,
Another year is born; and now

To Love or Self, which shall we bow-
Which of the twain shall be our king?

"Do good, and break Self's iron rod;
Then shall this orb, with sweeter charms,
Be circled in a seraph's arms,

And Love shall bear us up to God.”

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Old Notation

REACH&BARNICOTT, Bridport. Tonic Sol-Fa

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Book of Praise.
2s. 6d.

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By the Late Rev. HENRY CRAIK.

The Popery of Protestantism.


Five Lectures on New Testament Church Order.

1s. 6d.

The Hebrew Language, its History and Characteristics; including Improved Renderings of Select Passages in our Authorized Translation of the Old Testament. Second Edition. 2s. 6d.

Principia Hebraica: An Easy Introduction to the Hebrew Language.

10s. 6d. Biblical Expositions, Lectures, Sketches of Sermons, New Rendering of the Song of Solomon, &c. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d.



(Compiler of the "Book of Praise.")

The Proprietors beg to call especial attention to this publication, which, they feel sure, will require merely to be known to be widely and deservedly appreciated. It contains 770 distinct Tunes, embracing arrangements suitable to the varied requisites of all the more recently published Hymn Books.

The selection not only includes all the Standard Tunes from English, German, and other sources; but also some of the more deservedly favourite English Tunes of the righteenth century, the best compositions from the large collections published of late years in America, the more striking of the Welsh Congregational Tunes, most of the popular English Tunes of the present day, and some Tunes of very considerable merit not before published.


Bevelled Cloth, red edges


Half Morocco, Cloth sides, red edges

Whole bound, Leather, red edges

Morocco, Antique, red edges


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WILLIAM MACK, 4, Paternoster Square, London; and 38, Park Street, Bristol.


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The Homilist, though taking a fresh start, will run on the old lines, and under the same catholic skies, freighted, as for the past quarter of a century, not with heavy timber, but with seeds and saplings, not with manufactured metal, but with virgin ore.

The Homilist will only have space on its pages for condensed and suggestive thinkings. For though we are enabled to reckon on the valued help of some of the ripest Scholars and Leaders of Religious Thought of our times, we shall prize all articles just as their pith and point may serve our readers. Ever our aim, cherished earnestly if humbly, will be the storage of spiritual and intellectual force,-such a storage of force as shall, under God, contribute to the light and life and progress of souls. Redland, Bristol. URIJAH R. THOMAS,

All contributions, which if in accordance with the preceding note, will be thankfully welcomed, to be forwarded to the Editor, as above.

Volumes I., II., III., and IV. of the current (Eclectic) series are now ready. Price 7s. 6d., cloth, red edges.

"The British Quarterly" says, of the New Series, "It is varied, vivacious, instructive. True to its title; almost everything bears on the pulpit. Throughout it is strong, suggestive, useful; the best of its class."

All correspondence on ordinary business or advertisements, and all Books for review, to be addressed to the Publisher.

Advertisements or Bills for insertion in The Homilist should be sent, not later than the middle of the Month, to Mr. C. WILKES, Advertising Agent, 60, Old Bailey, London, E.C., or to the Publisher, Mr. W. MACK, 28, Paternoster Row, London; or 38, Park Street, Bristol.


The Three Volumes, by Dr. DAVID THOMAS, on the BOOK OF THE PSALMS have already been issued. Price 10s. 6d. a volume. R. D. Dickenson, Farringdon Street, London.

THE MINISTERS' SEASIDE HOME, THE GRANGE, MORTHOE, NORTH DEVON, receives Ministers and their Wives (not children) of all denominations, on a scale of charges according to their incomes,-the special aim being to provide rest, or recreation after illness, for Ministers of limited incomes. All applications to be addressed to the Founder and Warden, Rev. URIJAH R. THOMAS, Redland, Bristol,

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