Y HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY UNITED STATES SENATE SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. J. Res. 161 A JOINT RESOLUTION TO AID IN STABILIZING SEPTEMBER 15 AND 16, 1942 Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking and Currency CONTENTS Bittner, Van A., assistant to the president of the United Steel Workers of America, Congress of Industrial Organizations. Brown, Edgar G., director of the National Negro Council, president, 204 Franklin, Mitchell, Tulane University Law School, New Orleans, La., ✓ Goss, Albert S., master, National Grange, Peoples Life Building, 225 Hagan, Andrew J., Cleveland, Ohio--- 250 13 Kennedy, Edward E., director of research, United Dairy Farmers Division, District 50, United Mine Workers of America_ Marlatt, Ralph H., national director of organization, and Edward E. Kennedy, director of research, United Dairy Farmers' Division 50, United Mine Workers of America Marsh, Benjamin C., representing the People's Lobby, Washington, / O'Neal, Edward A., president, American Farm Bureau Federation, Reed, Hon. Clyde M., United States Senator from Kansas_ 240 107 216 200 ✔Sheets, Dr. E. W., secretary, United States Live Stock Association, 193 Sullivan, Francis M., acting director, national legislative committee, 202 D. C...... 175 M228905 |