Imagini ale paginilor


ca lam'i ty

al lure'

en tice'

trick'er y se duce'

de coy'

re straint'

ut'ter ance


ap peal'


Secret anguish is one of the serious calamities of human life.

Pleasing appearances allure; flattery entices; false arts and trickery seduce and decoy.

"The frank man is under no restraint; his lips are ever ready to give utterance to the dictates of his heart; he has no reserve. Quintine.

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Tri bu'e re [tri bu'tus] = to give, pay.
Sig na're [sig na'tus] = to sign.

Cad' e re [ca'sus] (ch, cid) to fall, to happen.

sig'na ture


trib'u ta ry

de sign'

per chance'

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

"The tongue of a fool is the key of his counsel,

which, in a wise man, wisdom hath in keeping."

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

"The bee sits on the bloom extracting liquid sweets." — Milton.

Colognes are made from the odorous extracts of flowers.

"The hypocrite pays tribute to God that he may impose on man."

Things adjoining touch, and those adjacent are near each other.


'Bravery has no place where it can avail nothing." -Johnson.

"Brave actions require no eulogy; they carry their warrant with them."

"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."



Man'us a hand.

Mag'nus great.


Face re [fac'tus] (fic, fect, factur) = to do, make. Tor que're [tor'tus] (tor, tors, tortur) = to wrest,

[blocks in formation]

in'di vidꞌu al na'tion al

ac quit'

lar'ce ny law'ful

neu'tral ter'ri to'ry

hos til'i ty re veal'

di vulge'

as so'ci ate


"The sum of individual character makes national character."— Mann.

The jury acquitted the prisoner of the charge of grand larceny.

"It is not lawful to make neutral territory the scene of hostility or to attack the enemy within it."- Kent. Time reveals many mysteries and divulges many secrets.

"If you desire happiness, associate with the intelligent and good."

[blocks in formation]

cla'rus clear. am'plus-broad. sa'tis enough.


ra'tus fixed. pe'tra-rock.




fy (facere) to make.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ac com'pa ny

at tend'ant


es cort'

One may accompany another as a companion, as an attendant, or as an escort. A prince is attended by a considerable retinue when in public.

con sid'er a ble A body of militia will escort the

ret'i nue

mi li'tia

pla toon'

chap'er on

in ter'pret

rid'i cule

con sist'en cy

a'mi a ble

king. A platoon of police will guard the president.

The matron will chaperon the girls.

"Home interprets heaven."

"Ridicule is a test of truth."

"Consistency, thou art a jewel." "Be amiable that thou mayest be loved."

"The love of money is the root of all evil."
"Procrastination is the thief of time."

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