CONTENTS. Sect. 1. Happiness the principal object pursued by mankind; how it is to be attained. §. 2. Of the Deity. -Proofs of his existence. He reveals himself to man by his Holy Spirit, and also by the Holy Scriptures. §. 3. The Scripture account of the creation of the world. Of the creation of irrational animals, and lastly of man. §. 4. Adam's fall from the image of God in which he was created. Its effects upon himself and his posterity. §. 5. God has compassion on fallen man, and provides a Saviour to restore him.-Jesus Christ is this Saviour. §. 6. That God did, previously to the coming of Christ, reveal his will to man, 1st. By the Patriarchs: 2dly. By the Law: 3dly. By the Pro- phets: also universally by the Spirit of Christ. §. 7. Of the Patriarchs-Abraham leaves his native country in obedience to a divine command-His faith in the A CHAP. II. Sect. 1. God reveals himself to the children of CHAP. III. Sect. 1. The prophecies concerning Christ fulfilled. Christ offers himself to mankind as a Saviour from sin, by kis Spirit, by the Scriptures, and by his servants. Faith, what it is-The New Birth necessary to salvation. §. 3. Of Repentance-Forgiveness of sins or Justifica- tion-Sanctification or Justification to be experienced falling away from a state of grace. §. 4. Faith made manifest by good works-Of good works, what they are-Faith and works inseparable, and necessary to Justification, but not the cause of it-this to be ascribed to the New Birth Of Perseverance. §. 5. The differ- ence between the spiritually-minded man, and the CHAP. IV. Sect 1. The nature of true Worship-the public wor- ship of God a duty-the advantages that result from it-Prayer and praise a part of divine worship-their nature. §. 2. The qualifications of a gospel minister- the benefits attendant on a gospel ministry. §. 3. Of the Baptism of Christ Of Water Baptism-the latter which Christ ate with his disciples the night before his Page 83-111. CHAPTER I. §. I. 1st. Question-What is the principal object sought after by mankind? Answer-Happiness: all their pursuits, however various, may be traced to it as to a central point. 2d Q. How is true happiness to be attained? A.-True happiness is only to be found in loving God, fearing to offend him, and obeying his commands. Psal. xxxiv. 9. O fear the Lord, ye his saints; for there is no want to them that fear him. 10. The young hons đo lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Psal. cxxviii. 1. Biessed is every one that feareth the Lord, that walketh in his ways. 2. Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Rom. viii. 28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. 4 Cor. ii. 9. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things that God hath prepared for them that love him. 10. But God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit. §. II. 3d Q-Who is God? A. God is the infinite, eternal, and in B |