50 and 60, 27 60 and 70, 22 70 and 80, 10 80 and 90, 4 90 & 100, 2 348 There is nothing particularly worthy of remark in reference to the bill of mortality for the month of April, The general amount of disease prevailing in the City and Liberties, is rather under than above the average of the years immediately preceding. With the excерtion of the Scarlet Fever and Measles, which prevail to a limited extent, and a few cases of Small Pox, our city remains free from the presence of any epidemic. Catarrns, Pleurisies and Rheumatisms, are generally very prevalent at this season of the year-being produced not only by the wet and variable weather with which it is accompanied, but, also, by the imprudence of most individuals in changing too soon their winter for summer cloathing. Deaths in APRIL, from 1807 to 1830. 200 390 162 1827 130 145 275 178 1828 185 173 133 318 THE MARBLE CURIOSITY. To the Editor of the Pennsylvansa Inquirer. SIR: Much has been written and much more has been said upon the subject of my marble slab; but nothing has transpired that has given satisfaction to my mind.That the characters are Hebrew, is now generally admit ted by the learned in that language. It would seem that they must have been either placed where they are now found since the stone was taken out of the quarry and cut, or have been engraved upon the rock at some ancient period of time, and have been buried in it by the gradual accumulation of its particles, or they are fossil remains in the natural formation of the rock, -or they are a lusus naturæ, a mere freak of nature, the effect of chance. Now, let us examine each of these in their order. Have the letters been put there since the slab was sawed? If so, by whom, and with what motive? The foreman who attended the sawing, is a young man of excellent character, and he is willing to make an oath that they were discovered by him as soon as the pieces were separated, and he immediately called several respectable persons to witness the phenomenon. The testimony of two or three gentlemen is already before the public. He had no motive to practice a deception, the block did not belong to him. Mr. Ramsey, the former owner, is a gentleman of the first respectability, esteemed by all who know him. He presented it to me. Besides, an examination of the slab convinced Mr.. Strickland and Mr. Peal, and would convince any competent person, that there is no mark of a tool nor any recent mark of art whatever having been used: the surface of the indentation as well as that of the letters is semi-vitrified. It cannot therefore, be credited, that these letters have been put there since the block was 180 353 quarried and the slab cut. 178 170 348 Total of Births for three months-1819. We cannot receive this as the absolute amount of Births during these months, but only so far as reports have been received at the Health Office; many Physicians, it is believed, have not furnished statements, and it is well known that numerous births annually occur, of which no reports are ever received. We may safely add at least 100 to the total amount given here, in order to obtain the proper number which have occurred. State of the Thermometer, at the Health Office, for April. Have the letters been engraved at some ancient period of time, and have they been buried in the rock by the gradual accumulation of the particles of matter?The first part of this proposition appears probable, from their being in the form of well known characters, -from the regular shape of the indentation, from the position of the letters, they being nicely disposed of, at equal distances from the top and the bottom of the indentation or entablature, from the equal and proportionable thicknesses of the letters themselves and from their being placed at a proper distance from each other: all these, I say, would lead us to believe that they were the work of man; but here the probability of the proposition ends, for one cannot conceive how the particles of this, which is a primitive limestone, could have accumulated so as to have buried the inscription in the solid body of the rock 60 or 70 feet deep, where it was found. Shall we get rid of the difficulties by adopting either of the other suppositions? I fear not. It does not bear the appearance of a fossil; besides, as I said before, the rock in which it was found is primitive, in which no fossil remains are ever found: no plant, leaf, shell, nor any thing of the kind have ever been discovered in a work of this character. To say that it is a lusus naturæ, is 58 | giving very little information; but even this little it is 3 58 59 difficult to affirm, for it implies that it was the effect of chance, that is to say, that chance composed two Hebrew characters of equal sizes!-chance made for their reception a beautifully formed entablature just large enough to receive them!--and chance disposed of them therein, in order, at equal distances from the top and| bottom of the table and from each other! It may be so, but it is not easy of belief. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, If I recollect right, Mr. Browne, in his first letter, (which I have not before me,) presents the following as the relics of primitive rocks found in this district, commencing at Philadelphia and proceeding up the Schuylkill river, viz: gneis mica slate, hornblende, talcose slate, primitive clay slate, and primitive lime rock. But upon turning to Eaton's Geological Nomenclature for North America rocks, founded upon his geological surveys, I find he gives a different enumeration, vizgranite, mica slate, hornblende, talcose slate, granular quartz, and granular lime rock. Argillite, which Mr. Eaton divides into wacke and clay slate, he places in the transition class. I will also call your attention to an observation made by this geologist in page 19 of the same work, where he says "we have no primitive argilite in our district, if organic remains form the characteristic distinction: neither do I believe there is such a rock as primitive argillite on this globe." In what I am about to add, Mr. B. and I can have no difference of opinion. If the argillite which he quotes as primitive, is clearly proved to be transition, and the lime rock in which his curiosity was found reposes upon the argillite, the lime rock must also be transition; and if the lime rock is transition, then that which has been considered Hebrew characters upon it, may be the fos. sil remains of some unknown animal. Sed quere. WERNER. To the Editor of the Pennsylvania Inquirer. Sir-I observed in your paper of Thursday last, a piece signed "Werner," in which the writer suggests, that the rock from which my marble slab was taken, may be transition, and that what has been taken for Hebrew characters, may be the fossil remains of some unknown animal. To give countenance to suggestion, reference is made to the works of Professor Amos Eaton, of Troy, N. York. In justice to this distinguished geologist, I will ask the favour of you to publish the whole passage from which "Werner" has made the extract. "The argillite under which the granular lime rock passes near the Massachusetts line is (says Mr. Eaton) certainly the very same continuous rock which forms the Cohoes falls, and the bed and bank of the Hudson at Baker's falls to Newburgh near the Highlands. All the intervening rocks lie in a kind of inclined trough in the argillite. We have no primitive argillite in our district, if organic remains form the characteristic distinction. Neither do I believe there is such a rock as primitive argillite on this globe. This is Bakewell's opinion; though I have often changed mine, I now believe he is correct, and that the vassetting edges of the same rocks present a mere primitive appearance in all cases, and that this fact has led geologists into ruinous error."Geological Nomenclature, 1828. It is obvious from the above passage, that Professor Eaton has pronounced the argillite near the Massachusetts' line to be transition, for no other reason than be cause he thinks he has indentified it with the argillite of the Cohoes falls and the bank of the Hudson; but professor Dewey says that the Williamstown slate appears to him clearly to be primitive. See 2nd vol. Silliman's Journal, 248. In page 31 of Professor Eaton's Geological Survey, published in 1824, he describes primitive argillite; and in page 62 of the same work, observes that he had long been a follower of Bakewell in placing argillite in the transition class, but that after six years' examination made along more than 200 miles of the range which crosses the section west of Williams College, assisted by his pupils, he discovered no petrifactions nor anthracite coal, and that he had yielded to the authority of Professor Silliman and Col. Gibbs, (good authority) in placing argillite in the primitive. "Werner" judges rightly, when he concludes that I will not dispute his position that if the lime rock in which the slab was found reposes upon a rock clearly transition, that the lime rock must also be transition. Had I been endeavouring to prove that the lime rock was primitive, by the single circumistance of its reposing upon the argillite, this observation would have carried with it weight. But this writer, who is endeavouring to establish that there is no such thing as primitive argillite, has omitted to notice, that if the lime rock is clearly proved to be primitive, and it reposes, conformably, upon the argillite, that the primitive chatacter of the argillite is thereby clearly established. Now I did not assert that the primitive character of the lime rock was established by the mere circumstance of its reposing upon the argillite: I say that the lime rock bears internal evidence of its primitive character, and I rely, among other things, upon its crystalline structure; upon the total absence of fossil remains; upon its colouring matter being mineral, known by its resisting the power of the blowpipe; and upon the talco-micaceous slate that occurs upon its cleavage. I appeal to "Werner" whether these are not irrefragable proofs.As regards the observation of Professor Eaton, that he does not believe that there is any such thing as primitive argillite on this globe, I would remark that in this district we have a clay slate corresponding precisely to the primitive argillite which he describes in page 31 of his valuable work, which I would be very happy to show him; confident, from what I know of his candour, that if convinced of an error, he would feel no hesitation in withdrawing the above, which was at best but a mere opinion. I am, Sir, your ob'nt. serv't, P. A. BROWNE. Mr. Kennedy, the superintendent of this division, represents that about 50 miles of this canal is complete, with the exception of a few sections that will require trimming-about 10 or 11 miles are more backward, and being heavy sections, will require three months to finish them.. Of 25 locks on this canal, all are finished except four, which are not begun-one of these, the tide lock at Bristol, will be expensive and tedious. There are nine aqueducts; three of which must be re-built, part of one of them having already fallen down, and the three are so badly founded and so unskilfully pile planked and puddled, that they will soon (probably) fall, unless they are taken down the remainder of the aqueducts are alike defective in pile planking and puddling, so that this part of the work must be done over again before the water is let into the canal, or great damage will be done to the works. The dam at the head of the canal, is in as much forwardness, as is consistent with the safe navigation of the river. Mr. Kennedy, the intelligent superintendent of this division, appears very confident that this canal will be ready to receive the water in August. Middletown and Clark's Ferry Division. This canal although reported to be ready to receive the water nearly two years ago, and has been almost useless ever since, is believed to be in little better condition than it was at that time-the great defects consisted of insufficient pile planking and puddling at the aqueducts, culverts, waste wiers, &c. and in some places bad foundations for the stone work-also, in the embankments, mitre sills of the locks and in the construction of the aqueducts and waste wiers. Although several attempts have been made to repair these defects and much has been expended on them, yet as they have been under the direction of inexperienced engineers, little or no improvement has been made, and although the water is at this moment letting into the canal, it is not believed that much reliance ean be placed on the permanency of the navigation until a radical change is made in the defective parts of the work. It appears that the owners of some of the grounds, are making encroachments by digging out docks and building up ware-houses on the line of the canal and its embankments which may be very injurious to the public works. By what authority this has been done, your committee have not been informed, and they are surprised that it should have been done under the eye of the board of commissioners without observation. The dam at the head of this canal was repaired at a great expense during the last summer; but was again washed away by the late spring freshet, insomuch that when the water falls to what is called low water mark, little or no water will pass into the canal. The dam at that place must be re-built in a very different manner and of different marerials to be of any permanent advantage-although this dam was carried away whilst the board of commissioners were in session; yet with a knowledge of this fact they adjourned until the 24th of May, without taking any order for re-building it-as the season will then be so far advanced that it will be very difficult if not impracticable to procure timber for rebuilding it this season. It is doubtful whether it can be re-built until another season after the present. Canal from Duncan's Island to Lewistown. Mr. Petrie, the principal assistant engineer on this canal, states that it is in good order the whole distance, except three sections of about half a mile each, and those parts which are contiguous to the aqueducts, waste wiers, &c.--the first are defective from the deceitful manner in which the banks are constructed and the insufficiency of the puddling-and the latter from the water getting round the pile planking of the aqueducts, &c. and thereby washing the embankments away. The aqueducts, &c. are all defective from the circumstance of the trunks being too short and the pile planking being very bad. Mr. Petrie thinks the aqueduct over the the Juniata will be completed by the last of May, when this canal will be opened for navigation. Cannl from Lewistown to Huntingdon. Mr. Parker, the principal assistant engineer on this canal, reports that the work progresses rapidly, and that unless something not foreseen should happen the water will be let into this canal by the first of November next. Susquehanna and West Branch çanals. Mr. Rawle, the engineer on these canals states, that 303 the water was let into the Susquehanna canal, but of shallow depth only and some defects were discovered, which have all been repaired, and the water would be let in the beginning of April, and would be fit for navigation if the pile planking and puddling of the aqueducts did not fail-as this part of the work was done before he had the direction of this canal, he is ignorant of its construction or sufficiency. This engineer says that the canal to Muncy ripples will be completed in three months. 28 50 Account of articles that passed on the Union Canal from the 23d to the 30th of April, in 88 boats.-46 empty boats passed during the same time to Middletown, for loading. 2,824 barrels of Flour, weighing *10,435 bushels of Wheat, 188 barrels of Whiskey, 887 bushels bituminous Coal, 309,700 feet of Lumber, 391,000 Shingles, 211 barrels of Fish, 2,590 bushels of Salt, Merchandize, Sundries, consisting of Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, Rags, Cement, Tallow, Leather, 204 51 CloverSeed, Marble, Limestone, &c. Tons, 0 6 1578 17 2 22 *There were four boats, each of which carried upwards of 1000 bushels of wheat, included in this amount, which puts at rest the report, that no more than 800 bushels can pass through in one boat.-Price Current. Pennsylvania Canal.-During the past week this canal has been in excellent order, there have been from Friday the 23d, up to Thursday, the 50th April, inclusive, 29 arrivals and departures. The amount of tolls received in that period was $162 55. Har. Rep. Susquehanna Trade. By a statement furnished us by our fellow-citizen, Mr. John Bigler, who was careful to Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Company, Chesnut Hill & Spring Hill Turnpike * This Bank also declared an extra dividend of 10 per cent. The Sunbury Beacon of Monday the 26th April, says: "Not less than from four to five thousand SHAD were caught on Saturday last within a quarter of a mile below the dam. Upwards of five hundred were taken by one dip-net-and several others averaged two and three hundred each. We understand that several hundred were caught with dip-nets yesterday." The Village Record says "When one of the editors of the Record commenced his career, as publisher of the Correspondent, in Bucks-there was no other newspaper printed in Bucks, Chester, or Delaware; and but one in Montgomery! Now, in these four counties, there are eighteen weekly Gazettes." Printed every SATURDAY MORNING by WILLIAM F GEDDES, No. 59 Loenst Street. Philadelphia; where, and at the PUBLICATION OFFICE, IN FRANKLIN PLACE, second door back of the Post Office, (back room) subscriptions will be thankfully received. Price FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable annually by subscribers residing in or near the city, or where there is an agent. Other subscribers pay in advance. THE REGISTER OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEVOTED TO THE PRESERVATION OF EVERY KIND OF USEFUL INFORMATION RESPECTING THE STATE. VOL. V.-NO. 20. EDITED BY SAMUEL HAZARD. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 15, 1830. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. III. Having said thus much on the constitutionality and expediency of an incorporated National Bank, the only question which remains to be examined by the committee is, the expediency of establishing 'a National Bank founded upon the credit of the Government & its revenues" It is presumed to have been the intention of the Pres ident, in suggesting the inquiry as to a bank founded upon the credit and revenues of the Government, to be understood as having allusion to a bank of discount and deposit. Such a bank, it is taken for granted, would have branches established in various parts of the Union, similar to those now established by the Bank of the United States, and co-extensive with them. The great object of furnishing a national currency could not be accomplished, with an approach to uniformity, without the agency of such branches; and another object, second only in importance to the one just stated, the 1 NO. 124 at places remote from the point where it is issued, and not connected with it by a regular commercial intercourse, there will not exist that easy and prompt convertibility which is so essential to the credit of bank paper. When bank bills are confined to their appropriate sphere of circulation, a redundant issue is certainly and immediately followed by a run upon the bank for specie. This timely admonition is as useful to the bank as it is to the community: for it enables the directors to avoid, with unfailing certainty, an excess equally injurious to both, and which no human sagacity could anticipate or prevent, by calculation merely. Whatever, therefore, in a system of bank circulation, prevents the reflux of redundant issues, necessarily destroys the only adequate security against these injurious, and ruinous excesses. But a Government Bank without branches would be obnoxious to another objection which could not be obviated. Its loans would be confined to the District of Co extention of the commercial facilities of bank accommo-lumbia; or, if extended to the various parts of the Union dations to the different parts of the Union, could not be at all effected without such agency. If there should be simply a great central bank established at the seat of Government, without branches to connect its operations with the various points of the commerce of the Union, the promise to pay specie for its notes, whenever presented, would be almost purely nominal. Of what consequence would it be to a merchant or planter of Louisiana, or a manufacturer or farmer of Maine, that he could obtain specie for bills of the National Bank, on pre senting them at the city of Washington-a place wholly unconnected either with Louisiana or Maine by any sort of commercial intercourse, and where, consequently, these bills would never come in the regular course of trade? A promise to pay specie at a place so remote from the place of circulation, and where the bills would never come but at a great expense, and for the sole purpose of being presented for payment, would neither give credit to the notes, nor operate as an effective check upon excessive issues. Whatever credit such notes might have, at a distance from the place of issue, would not be because they were redeemable at the pleasure of the holder-for such would not be the fact; but principally because of the ultimate responsibility.of the Government, and of their being receivable in payment of all dues to the Treasury. They would rest, there fore, upon almost precisely the same basis of credit as the paper money of our Revolution, the assignats of Revolutionary France, and the Treasury notes of the late war. These were receivable in discharge of debts due to the Treasury, and Government was of course ultimately responsible for their payment; yet the two for mer depreciated almost to nothing, and the latter, tho' bearing interest, sunk to 20 per cent. below par. But -to say nothing of the inconvenience to which it would expose those at a distance who obtained accommodations-they would be unavoidably granted without any knowledge of the circumstances of the persons upon whose credit the Government would depend for re-payment. It would, in fact, be, for all useful purposes, a mere District Bank. These views of the subject have brought the committee to the conclusion, that, if a Government bank should be established, it would have at least as many branches as the Bank of the United States, and probably a much greater number. Few administrations would have the firmness to resist an application to establish a branch coming from any quarter of the Union, however injudicious the location might be, upon correct principles of commerce and banking. The Bank of the United States now employs five hundred agents, in the various parts of the Union where its offices are established. From this fact some idea may be formed of the very great addition which would be made to the patronage of the Executive Government by the establishment of such a bank as the one under consideration. But the patronage resulting from the appointmentthe annnal appointment of these agents, great as it would doubtless be, would be insignificant and harmless, when compared with that which would result from the dispensation of bank accommodations to the standing amount of at least fifty millions of dollars! The mind almost instinctively shrinks from the contemplation of an idea so ominous to the purity of the Government and the liberties of the people. No government of which the committee have any knowledge, except perhaps, the despotism of Russia, was ever invested with a pat the notes of a central Government Bank, without branch-ronage at once so prodigious in its influence and so dan es, would be subject to depreciation from a cause which constitutes a conclusive objection to such an institution. There would be nothing to limit excessive issues but the discretion and prudence of the Government or of the direction. Human wisdom has never devised any adequate security against the excessive issues, and, consequently, the depreciation of bank paper, but its actual, and easy, and prompt convertibility into specie at the pleasure of the holder. Experience has shown that, where the paper of a bank is, by any means, habitually circulated VOL. V. 39 gerous in its character. In the most desperate financial extremities, no other European government has ever ventured upon an experiment so perilous. If the whole patronage of the English monarchy were concentrated in the hands of the American Executive, it may be well doubted whether the public liberty would be so much endangered by it as it would by this vast pecuniary machine, which would place in the hands of every administration fifty millions of dollars, as a fund for rewarding political partizans. |