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Will as usual be on hand with his Superior Improved Strain of Italian Bees and Queens for 1906. When you buy stock of Quirin you get the qualities which tend to make bee-keeping a success. The editor of this journal, in observing the handling of our bees, remarked that such stock would be in great demand. Business established in 1888.

A Few Unsolicited Testimonials

Our folks say that your queens are extra fine.

The A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio.

We have good reports from your stock from time to time. George W. York & Co., Chicago, Ill. On every hand I hear good words of Quirin's queens. B. S. K. Bennett, Los Angeles, Cal. Your queens did finely. It was from one I purchased last year that I received over 600 pounds of honey. J. L. Gandy, Humboldt, Neb. The breeder is surely a very fine one; her daughters do grandly.

Campbell & West, Hartstown, Pa. I had a queen of you last year which produced bees that beat any thing ever seen in this part of the country E. L. Messenger.

53 Townsend Ave., New Haven, Conn.

The nuclei you sent J. A. Adams did just splen-
did. Each colony stored at least 75 pounds of honey.
F. P. Merritt, 13 Breckenridge St., Lexington, Ky.
A few years ago I bought a queen from you which
proved to be the best I had for years.

H. C. Shirley,
Cashier of Liberty Bank, Liberty, S. C.

[blocks in formation]

I have had the pleasure of seeing the results of your queens at Mr. George W. Stanley's apiary, at Scuffletown, Ky., and that is why I am ordering this half dozen. C. W. Brenner, Newburg, Ind.

I bought a queen from a neighbor last year who said he got her from you. She made me 193 sections of honey after July 4th-the best my other queens did was 64. C. E. Woodington, St. Anne, Ill.

With great respect I write to you in regard to your dealings and queens. If you want any references you can refer to me, as I can't recommend you too highly. Your queens are the best I ever saw. I have one hive of bees among my 45 colonies containing a queen from you that $50.00 will not buy. Morris Coon, Route 2, Locke, N. Y.

The two-frame nucleus you sent me was put in a hive May 25th. In July I brushed a swarm; had a swarm in August, and took 75 boxes of honey. I consider this a wonderful record. I had four nuclei from different parts of the country, and yours was far superior to any of them. They are very gentle, easy to handle, hustlers to work. All bees and queens needed by me will hereafter come from Quirin the-queen-breeder, Bellevue, Ohio.


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If a queen is wanted with nuclei or colonies, add the price of whatever grade stock is wanted. Can furnish bees on Danzenbaker or Langstroth frames. We guarantee pure mating and safe delivery. Queens not satisfactory may be returned any time inside of 60 days, and another will be sent gratis. Full instructions for introducing with each queen. We begin shipping queens in April; nuclei

S. A. Peck, Box 124, Northumberland, Pa.

about May 10. We employ four to five hundred swarms in rearing queens; and knowing the difficulty experienced in getting queens promptly. it is our intention to keep 500 to 1000 queens on hand ready to mail.

Our Northern-br d Italians are hardy, and give you results. A dollar invested in a queen may mean five to fifteen dollars' worth more honey in the fall. Our stock has improved wonderfully within the past year or two, and would be pleased to have all bee-keepers give us an order for at least one queen, and be convinced. Free circulars. Send in your orders early as possible. Save this advertisement, as you will not hear from us again till April or May.

Address All Orders to



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Our 25 years' experience in the manufacture of ALL KINDS OF

Bee Supplies

enables us to furnish them at BOTTOM PRICES and of SUPERIOR





than any other manufacturer of Bee Supplies in the world. If you have ever used our goods you KNOW their superiority. If you have never used them, one trial will convince you.


Our large illustrated catalog and price list and a copy of


Station M, JAMESTOWN, N. Y.



Manufacturers of and Dealers in *



Seven per cent Discount during December on all Orders Accompanied by Cash

Send for Our FREE

New Illustrated Catalog and Price List

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Furnishes everything in the line of BEE-KEEPERS' SUPPLIES and BEES.

12-ounce round jars, NICKEL CAPS, $3.75 per gross. No. 25 jar, nickel or porcelain cap, $4.50 per gross. 1-pound square jars, with corks, $5.00 per gross. Catalog free.

Salesroom--105 Park Place. Apiaries, Glen Cove. L. I.

Sections and Hives!

No. 1 sections, $3.75; No. 2, $3.25. 12-story 8-frame L. hive (rabbeted), 95 cts.; Dovetailed, same, $1.25. Foundation at reduced price. Dittmer's Michigan agent. Send for my 24-page illustrated catalog free. W. D. SOPER, Rural Route 3, JACKSON, MICH.


Honey - Specialist 10 VINE STREET


has made practically a life study of the chemical analysis of all honey-flows, having traveled from ocean to ocean and as far south as Central America, getting the honey direct from the bees, and analyzing it for record, his research being at present on file in the Department at Washington. Analysis to determine purity only.

Two samples
Quantitative analysis....

Something New in Honey-jars...

$ 3 00

5.00 10.00

Cook's Square Jar combines a new feature that improves the package and reduces the cost, and is the best and cheapest 1-pound glass package made. Send for circular and full catalog of hives, bees, and useful implements..

J. H. M. COOK, 70 Cortlandt St., New York

The Oldest Supply-house in the East, and
only Reliable goods sold. 10 cents brings
sample jar by mail. :

Now's the Time to Order

Your bee-hives, sections, shipping-cases,
berry-boxes, and crates for the coming
season. By sending us a list of goods
wanted we can save you money.

If You Want the Bee-book Sheboygan: Fruit-box: Company

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Sheboygan, Wisconsin

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

M. H. Hunt & Son, Bell Branch, Mich.


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