тотНЕ QUEEN's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. May it please Your Majefty, T 10 accept of this Treatife, a Small Part of which being Preached in Your Royal Chappel, Tour Majefty was pleased to excufe the Printing of it then, that it might wait for the Publication of the Whole, which Tour Majefty was given to underftand I intended; which I now A 3 bum bumbly prefent to Your Sacred Majesty, rejoycing that I have Jo good an Occafion of Acknow. ledging Tour Great and Undeferved Favours to me and of profeffing, with all the Sincerity that the Subject of this Treatife requires, that lam Your MAJESTY'S Most Humble and most Obedient Subject and Servant, WILLIAM SHERLOCK. THE The CONTENTS. HE Introduction: containing a Diftribution of TH the Work, Sect. III. The External appearances of Providence Sect. IV. The Natural Prefages of Confcience prove a Sect. VI. The Improvement of this Doctrine in fome particular Inferences; as, I. To live as it becomes thofe who fhall certainly be judged. 2. To keep our Eye upon a Future Judgment for the Govern- ୨୦ Sect. VIII. Fourth Inference: To refer all Difficulties СНАР. |