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While the Minister is reading the following Sentences, or such a portion of them as may be convenient, the Wardens shall collect the usual Alms for the Poor.

you, even so do unto them; for this is the law and the prophets. Matt. vii. 12.

Not every one who saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the

he who doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matt. vii. 21.

LET your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matt. v. 16. Lay not up for your- kingdom of heaven; but selves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust do corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for your selves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. Matt. vi. 19, 20.

Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto

He who soweth little shall reap little; and he who soweth plenteously, shall reap plenteously. Let every man do according as he is disposed in his heart; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. ix. 6, 7.

While we have time let us do good unto all men, and especially unto those who are of the household of faith. Gal. vi. 10.

Godliness is great riches, if a man be content with that he hath; for we brought nothing into the world, neither may we carry any thing out. 1 Tim. vi. 6, 7.

Charge those who are rich in this world, that they be ready to give, and glad to distribute; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may attain eternal life. 1 Tim. vi. 17, 18, 19.

God is not unrighteous, that he will forget your works and labor that proceedeth of love, which ye have showed for his name's sake, who have ministered unto the saints, and yet do minister. Heb. vi. 10.

To do good, and to distribute, forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Heb. xiii. 16.

good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 John, iii. 17.

Give alms of thy goods, and never turn thy face from any poor man; and then the face of the Lord shall not be turned away from thee. Tob. iv. 7.

Be merciful after thy power; if thou hast much, give plenteously; if thou hast little, do thy diligence gladly to give of that little; for so gatherest thou thyself a good reward in the day of necessity. Tob. iv. 8, 9.

He who hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and look, what he layeth out, it shall be paid him again. Prov. xix. 17.

Blessed is the man who provideth for the sick and needy; the Lord shall deliver him in the time of trouble. Psal. xli. 1.

I have shown you how that ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord

Whoso hath this world's Jesus how he said, It is

more blessed to give than to receive. Acts, xx. 35.

justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of

Then the Minister shall true religion and virtue.


Let us pray for the whole

church of Christ.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who by thy holy apostle hast taught us to make prayers and supplications, and to give thanks for all men; we humbly beseech thee most mercifully [to accept our alms, and oblations, and] to receive these our prayers, which we offer unto thy Divine Majesty; beseeching thee to inspire continually the universal church, with the spirit of truth, unity, and concord; and grant that all they who do confess the name of Christ may agree in the truth of thy holy word, and live in unity and godly love. We beseech thee also to bless all christian rulers and governors, and grant that all who are placed in authority over us may truly and impartially minister

Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all Ministers of thy holy gospel, that they may, both by their life and doctrine, set forth thy true and lively word, and rightly and duly administer thy holy ordinances. And to all thy people give thy heavenly grace; and especially to this congregation here present; that with meek heart and due reverence they may hear and receive thy holy word, truly serving thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of their life. And we most humbly beseech thee of thy goodness, O Lord, to comfort and succor all those, who in this transitory life are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity. And we also bless thy holy name, for all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear; beseeching thee to give us grace, so to follow their good examples, that with them

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We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins, Which we from time to time most grievously have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy Divine Majesty, Provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; The remembrance of which is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father. In the name of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, we beseech thee to forgive us all that is past; And grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newand glory, through Jesus ness of life, To thy honor Christ our Lord. Amen.

ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all those who with hearty repentance, and true faith turn unto thee; have mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from

all our sins, confirm and the propitiation for our

strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Then shall the minister


HEAR what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith unto all who truly turn to him;

Come unto me all ye who labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you


So God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, to the end that all who believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Hear also what St. Paul saith ;

This is a true saying, and worthy of all men to be received, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.


Lift up your hearts.
Answ. We lift them

up unto the Lord.

Min. Let us give thanks unto our Lord God. Answ. It is meet and right so to do.

Min. It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God;

Here shall follow the proper Preface, if there be any specially appointed; or else immediately shall follow,

THEREFORE with Angels, and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name; evermore praising

Hear also what St. John thee, and saying, Holy saith;

If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is

holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth. are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord, most high. Amen.

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