KING Henry the Sixth. Humphry Duke of Gloucefter, Uncle to the King. Cardinal Beauford, Bishop of Winchester, great Uncle to the King. Duke of York pretending to the Crown. Duke of Buckingham, Duke of Somerfet, "} Of the King's Party. Earl of Salisbury, Of the York Faction. Lord Clifford, of the King's Party. Lord Scales, Governor of the Tower. Young Stafford, bis Brother. Alexander Iden, a Kentish Gentleman. Young Clifford, Son to the Lord Clifford. Edward Plantagenet, Richard Plantagenet, Sons to the Duke of York. Vaux, a Sea Captain, and Walter Whitmore, Pirates. A Herald. Hume and Southwel, two Priests. Bolingbrook, an Aftrologer. A Spirit, attending on Jordan the Witch. Thomas Horner, an Armourer. Peter, bis Man. Simpcox, an Impoftor. Jack Cade, Bevis, Michael, John Holland, Dick the Dame Eleanor, Wife to the Duke of Gloucefter. Gloucefter. Wife to Simpcox. Petitioners, Aldermen, a Beadle, Sheriff and Officers, Citizens, with Faulconers, Guards, Mellengers, and other Attendants. The SCENE is laid very difperfedly in feveral Parts of England. King HENRY VI. ACT I. SCENE I. The PALACE. Flourish of Trumpets: then, Hautboys. Enter King Henry, Duke Humphry, Salisbury, Warwick, and Beauford on the one fide: The Queen, Suffolk, York, Somerset, and Buckingham on the other. A SUFFOLK. S by your high imperial Majesty' The Second part, &c.] This and the third part were firft written under the title of the Contention of York and Lancafter, printed in 1600, but fince vaftly improved by the author. PoPE. The fecond Part of K.Henry VI.] This and the Third part of King Henry VI.contain that trouble fom Period of this Prince's Reign, which took in the whole Contention betwixt the two Houfes of York and Lancaster: And under that title were thefe two Plays first acted and published. The prefent Scene opens with K.Henry's Marriage, which was in the 23d Year of his Reign; and clofes with the firft Battle fought at St. Albans, and won by the York Faction, in the 33d Year of his Reign. So that it comprizes the Hiftory and Tranfactions of 10 Years. THEOBALD. 2 As by your high, &c.] Vide Hall's Chronicle, Fol. 66. Year 23. Init. POPE. It is apparent that this play begins where the former ends, and continues the series of tranfactions, of which it presupposes the first part already known. This is a fufficient proof that the fecond and third parts were not written without dependance on the firft, tho' they were printed as containing a complete period of hiftory. To marry Princess Margret for your Grace; In prefence of the kings of France and Sicil, In fight of England and her lordly peers. Deliver up my title in the Queen [Prefenting the Queen to the King To your moft gracious hand; that are the fubftance Of that great shadow I did reprefent; The happiest gift that ever Marquefs gave, The fairest Queen that ever King receiv'd. K. Henry. Suffolk, arife. Welcome, Queen Margaret; I can exprefs no kinder fign of love, Than this kind kifs. O Lord, that lend'ft me life, If fympathy of love unite our thoughts. Q. Mar. Great King of England, and my gracious The mutual conf'rence that my mind hath had, 3 3 The mutual conf'rence] I am the bolder to addrefs you, having already familiarifed you to my imagination. mine alder-lieveft Sovereign;] Alder lieweft is an old English word given to him to whom the fpeaker is fupreme ly attached: Lieveft being the fuperlative of the comparative, levar, rather, from lief. So Hall in his Chronicle, Henry VI. Folio 12. Ryght hyghe and mighty Prince, and my right noble, and, after one, levest Lord. WARBURTON. And |