The rev'rend sire with her request complies; She heard the blessing crav'd upon his food; The time's arriv'd, the prophet must depart; His word she ponders, and his word construes, Her teeming mind no longer holds its own, She to her husband makes the matter known; What she observ'd and heard she'll now declare, That he, her other self, might have a share. ، Behold,' says she, 'the things that I perceive, And with compliance my advice receive; Our transient guest, who Shunem's path has trod, Is, I perceive, an holy man of God. I find his stated circuit lies this road, And I'm inclin'd to build him some abode ; Let us, I pray, a little chamber make, Receive this servant for his Master's sake. • I've plann'd the building, furniture, and all, And think to fix it on that vacant wall; I'll set a table, candlestick, and bed, That he may have whereon to lay his head. 'And it shall be, whene'er he comes this way, • We'll entertain him, and we'll lodge him too, 'My mind's impress'd to make this preparation, The scheme approv'd, the chamber's quickly rear'd; The Lord directed him once more that way. The pious dame beholds the prophet come, They spend their eve, and then conclude with pray'r, The saint he follow'd where the matron led, The prophet ponders on the mystic scene, My Master's hand is in this woman's scheme, Shall servants travel at their Master's charge? I'll have her brought, to see what views she hath, 'And when she's come do thou accost her thus: What shall reward thy tender care for us? I do approve thy kindness done to me, And now demand what shall be done for thee. 'I wish to know from whence thy motives spring; Wilt thou that I commend thee to the king? I wish no friend of mine with blood to sport, Nor do I crave the pleasures of a court; In earthly pomp let those that choose excel, With my own people I'm content to dwell.' She gave her answer, and she then withdrew, The prophet wonders at her strange reply, He says; Gehazi, see this woman's care, Gehazi answer'd; 'she's a barren styl'd, A barren womb! her soul is barren too, I much suspect a work of faith begun, The pregnant promise, God to Sarah gave, Stands good to all who in the Lord believe; Upon this word a thousand hopes have stood, Which I'll repeat, and God shall make it good. The word and Spirit God reveals to men, The prophet now construes the matter plain, The servant calls her to the prophet's door, She answer'd, nay, my lord, thou man of God, If barrens bear, the world will think it odd ; Soothe not thine handmaid in a false disguise, Nor dare deceive, thou man of God, with lies. Thus unbelief appears with brazen brow, Shall unbelief thus triumph over faith, |