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occurs, and the besotted wretch is too often left, even in his sober moments, pitied indeed, or justly despised, but unaided and unwarned, to abandon his guilty career.

stand me not. At present I am sowing upon | United Kingdom. With this vast amount the highway; they hear the Word, but of glaring immorality in operation, how is afterwards Satan comes and takes it out of it possible that the labours of devoted ministheir hearts, lest they should believe and be ters of God can be attended with success? saved." "'* "There are those," says an old Their several spheres of exertion are surdivine, (Watson, 1662,) who steep sermons rounded on all sides by obstacles of a disin drink; they drink away convictions, and, couraging and insurmountable nature; while like the wounded deer, run to drink. The temptations are unceasingly held out to tavern bell, I fear, does more hurt than the allure the unsuspecting and unwary from the church bell does good." paths of righteousness, temperance, and peace. This almost universal source of ministerial The habitual drunkard is seldom induced grief and unfruitfulness, is not confined to to enter the house of God. He refuses to any denomination of Christians, or portion hear the word of divine truth, opposed, as of the world, as the following examples will he is aware it is, to the soul-destroying vice sufficiently demonstrate. A minister of of sensual indulgence. Thus the opportunity the Established Church, in Dublin, thus to admonish the drunkard to escape from writes:-October 20th, 1833, Sunday night. his horrible and degrading slavery seldom "Never since I entered this city, did I witness such an outrageous and open violation of the Sabbath, as I did this evening, on my way to and from divine service! All the dram shops and whiskey shops appeared to The cause of religion and morality, howbe open and illuminated; they were filled ever, does not suffer only from the personal with besotted creatures, who were shouting degradation of those wretched victims of and huzzaing, to the great terror of the intemperance, whose individual cases, peaceable inhabitants, and annoyance of the lamentable though they be, are in fact, less female passengers, going to their respective to be mourned over, than the destructive places of worship. It is almost in vain for and pernicious influence which they exercise us to preach peace and soberness, if this on society. Every drunkard or sensual soul-destroying vice of drunkenness be en- character, paradoxical as it may appear, couraged by legal enactments. It would presents a dangerous source of temptation really appear this night, without exaggeration, to the neighbourhood in which he resides, that the flood-gates of hell were opened in and in particular to the family among whom our city, so fiendish, so tumultuous, and so unhappily he is domesticated. The devirulent were the wicked votaries who issued moniacal sin of drunkenness produces effects from these shops." + characteristic of all sinful habits, namely, In London, and other large towns, similar those who are enthralled in it having scenes may be witnessed each returning a tendency to draw others into the same Sabbath. Multitudes of wretched creatures melancholy and enslaving snares; hence eagerly enter those splendid Juggernauts of every drunkard presents a vortex of tempour land, the modern gin-palaces, and swallow tation to the more temperate members of with avidity the fiery poison which is pre- society, who are placed within the sphere of pared for their use. "Sunday," remarks a its attraction, and in whom the grace of God graphic writer, "is especially devoted to the does not prevail as the proper and efficacious worship of this great Spirit (Gin); and antidote. when the early Sabbath bells announce the The example of the drunkard, is indeed, arrival of that day, then do the lower orders at all times, calculated to excite the keenest begin to shake off the beery slumbers of the feelings of reprobation and disgust, in the midnight pay-table, and wander forth in minds of reflecting and pious men; yet, in maudlin, unwashed multitudes, to the the present day, the vice of intemperance temples of the great Gin; and there you has become so familiar to the eye, that it may see them, the aged and the infant of a appears to have lost, even to Christian conspan long, old men and maidens, grandsires templation, some of the most revolting and grandams, fathers and mothers, hus- shades of its awfully degrading character. bands, wives, and children, crawling and If this were otherwise, it can scarcely be jostling, and sucking in the portion of the imagined that a vice so opposed in all its spirit, which the flaunting priestesses of the bearings to the principles and practices of temple dole out to them in return for their Chistianity, and so destructive to all moral copper offerings." + respectability and worth, would be viewed This picture, heart-rending and lamentable with such apparent unconcern by the great as it may appear, is but a correct represen-majority of the Christian community. tation of scenes which present themselves to Christian observation, each coming Sabbath, in almost every large town throughout the

*The Life and Persecutions of Martin Boos.

The machinery now in operation to promote the sale of intoxicating liquors, and the consequences thereby resulting to the community are truly appalling, and are calculated to alarm the minds of all sincere followers of

+ Letter from the Rev. Mr. Scott, of Dublin, the self-denying Jesus. At a moderate

curate of St. Andrews.-Saunders's News Letter.

Sunday in London, 1833.

calculation there are in England and Wales

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Suppose that the parish contribute to Bible, Missionary, and other similar societies The entire sum expended

not less than 100,000 of these establish- | Supposing that the whole
ments ; a number, which amounts to nearly of this sum was paid out of
one to every twentieth house. In Ireland the expense of whiskey, there
and Scotland, the number is often greater, still remains
and especially in the large towns. At a still
more moderate calculation, there are not less
than 500,000 or 600,000 habitual drunkards
in the United Kingdom, in addition to a
larger proportion of those, who, by the by the Sunday School Society
habits and practices of the nation, are gradu-on all Sunday Schools in Ire-
ally preparing to fill up the ranks of those land, only amounts per year to
individuals, who, by intemperance, have
been rapidly hastened, or are now on their

33,100 0

1,100 0



way, to a premature grave. In addition to Which being added to the former balance of this awful array of evil, may be included an £33,100, there yet remains out of the conincalculable amount of injury, resulting sumption of spirits in this single parish from the pernicious effects of evil example. £29,000.

In opposition to this vast amount of After bestowing a pension of £50 per hostility to the spread of the Gospel, may annum to each spirit seller in Belfast, to be placed not more than 20,000 places of prevent them from doing injury to their religious worship, and not more than 30,000 fellow-creatures, there would remain the individuals exclusively engaged in the pro- sum of £12,500 every year, which would mulgation of divine truth. Hence it will be be sufficient to give £1 to every head of a seen, that in the present day, the agents family in the parish, for any useful or chaactively employed to promote the kingdom ritable purpose.*

of Satan, are actually about four times more In the year 1830, says the Rev. E. numerous than the instruments by which Bickersteth, the aggregate sum given to all salvation is announced to multitudes of the religious institutions put together, averperishing sinners. With these facts in view, aged but sixpence a year for each individual! can it excite surprise that the labours of The bare duties on British and foreign Christian ministers and professors have spirits, amounted to "thirteen times as hitherto been so little commensurate with much!"

the results which might otherwise have been Not more than half a million sterling, anticipated? The contributions also made per annum, remarks Mr. Baker, is contriin support of the Gospel are trifling compared buted to the support of all the religious with the immense expenditure annually institutions of the present day, which are taking place on articles not only unnecessary designed to make an aggressive movement to mankind, but in the highest degree per- upon the empire of darkness and of sin. nicious and destructive to their temporal This is about a sixth part of what the inand eternal interests. habitants of London expend in Gin; a It has been estimated, that for the sixteenth part of what Ireland expends in period of twenty years after the establishment of the Church Missionary Society, there was collected for it throughout the whole nation £250,000; while during the same period in this country, there was no less a sum than £375,000,000 expended in the purchase of ardent spirits.

The following estimate is made by Professor Edgar, of Belfast:

At a moderate calculation the cost every year to the parish of Belfast, for distilled spirits alone, is £44,500.

The cost of four large charitable institutions for the relief and support of the destitute poor of Belfast, does not amount to more than..

The support of ministers of religion, and other religious instructors in the same parish, does not exceed

The expense of the Royal College, of which Dr. Edgar is one of the Professors, to Government, is


Whiskey; and not more than half of what the inhabitants of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Greenock, alone, devote to the same body and soul destroying poison ! †

During the last year, observes the same writer, the free contributions to the Religious Tract Society, amounted to little more than half the sum which is sometimes expended in the fitting-up and embellishments of a single Gin-palace. Exclusive of legacies, the sum contributed to this excellent institution was £5,741 4s. 6d.

In the three towns of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Greenock, there were expended in the year 1829 one million sterling in spirituous liquors alone. This amounts to twice the 5,400 0 sum expressly devoted to Christianize the world.

The police establishment of the metropolis of Christian England, costs nearly six 4,500 0 thousand pounds more than is given to support the six principal societies established in London for the extension of the Gospel in Foreign Lands.

1,500 0

£11,400 0

* Parliamentary Report, p. 88.
Idolatry of Britain, p. 81.
Idem, p. 81.

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and the name of the Saviour brought into contempt by sensual and lukewarm professors.

The facts adduced in this section, suffice to show that the use of intoxicating liquors 204,093 4 3 has, in all ages of the world, been the greatest of all obstacles to the diffusion of Christianity. Every lawful means, therefore, of removing this Anti-Christian curse ought immediately to be adopted, and 5 earnestly prosecuted by every sincere follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Personal 8 sacrifice, if required, should be brought to bear on this all-important question. The important duty of example among Christians carries with it immense responsibility; and 216,313 15 5 it is to this, in conjunction with their preceptive exhortations and authoritative influ

6,326 £210,419



5,894 8 9 ence, in subservience to the divine blessing, that the success of this great enterprise

The purity of the Christian church has

too long been impaired by the Bacchanalian must be indebted, if it should ever accompractices with which it has been associated, plish its glorious object.

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Mordaces aliter diffugiunt sollicitudines.*

That celebrated poet sounds the praise of
intemperance in the following manner :—
Ebrietas quid non designat? operta recludit
Spes jubet esse ratas: in prælia trudit inertem,
Sollicitis animis onus eximit: addocet artes.
Facundi calices, quem non fecere disertum?
Contracta quem non in paupertate solutum."
Ovid also thus wreathes the cup with
praise :-

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Vina parant animos, faciuntque coloribus aptos.
Cura fugit, multo diluiturque mero.
Tunc veniunt risus, tunc pauper cornua sumit,
Tunc dolor et curæ, rugaque frontis abit.
Tunc aperit mentes, ævo rarissima nostro
Simplicitas, artes excutiente Deo.'

I. Delusive notions of strong drink a cause of intemperance.—II. The praise of inebriating liquors by poets, a fruitful source of intemperance." III. Ignorance and poverty, toil and care, causes of intemperance.-IV. The sensuality and earthliness of the community considered as a cause. V. The association of indulgence with the social habits of life a prolific source of intemperance.VI. Festive indulgence a common cause of inThe odes of Anacreon are familar to every temperance.-VII. The practice of toasts and drinking healths, an occasion of intemperance. votary of Bacchus, and are constantly echoed -VIII. Emulation in drinking and erroneous in praise of wine. Athenæus, however, states, notions of hospitality considered as IX. The facilities afforded for the sale of intoxi- of the drinking songs of Anacreon, that he cating liquors and the allurements of publicans, feigned them, and that he lived in a common causes of intemperance. temperate manner.† His effusions, as well those of Horace, abound with glowI. INTEMPERANCE exercises a baneful as influence on national and individual welfare. ing encomiums on wine and its convivial An investigation, therefore, of the causes associations, but rarely, if ever, do they prewhich produce and foster this injurious sent to their readers a faithful representavice, is of paramount importance, especially tion of the reverse side of the picture. The to those who suggest remedial measures. poets of old unfortunately embodied in atA primary cause of intemperance will be tractive imagery, sentiments rather in acfound to consist in the desire to alleviate cordance with the vitiated notions of the bodily pain, or assuage mental anguish. age in which they flourished, than in unison virtue and Heedless of the consequences, the temporary with the pure principles of relief which they afford induce mankind, morality. The productions of modern poets are not on almost every ordinary occasion, to resort to the use of alcoholic stimulants. One less injurious in their tendency, and greatly prominent cause of intemperance is dis- contribute to the credit and support of this covered in the delusive notions which have popular fallacy. Some writers identify the obtained, in all ages of the world, in relation use of intoxicating liquors with the comfort to the beneficial properties of intoxicating and happiness of the more humble classes of liquors. These notions are not only mate- society, and delight to associate it with all rially strengthened by, but in a great mea- their festive occasions. Thus, by one writer, sure depend upon, the immediate and agree- it is described as the poor man's able effects which they produce on the "Sweet oblivion of his daily care," animal powers. Like the waters of Lethe, while a flattering illusion is cast over the they have been supposed to impart oblivion opposite picture of the endless miseries to the soul, and freedom from the anxieties which result from unlawful indulgence. and cares of life :

Animæ quibus altera fato Corpora debentur, Lethei ad fluminis undam Securos latices, et longa oblivio potant.*

* Virgil Eneid, lib. vi. v. 713.

Bloomfield, in his popular poem, "the Farmer's Boy," speaks of malt liquor as a "sovereign cordial;" and Goldsmith un

* Lib. i. ode 18.

+ Deipnost. x. 7.

fortunately supports the same delusion. | same nation, thus deplores the tendency of The latter writer thus laments the declining Burns' verses :

prosperity of the village ale-house :

"Low lies that house where nut-brown draughts inspired,

Where grey-beard mirth and smiling toil retired;
Where village statesmen talk'd with looks pro-

And news, much older than the ale, went round.
Obscure it sinks, nor shall it more impart
An hour's importance to the poor man's heart."

"Robin Burns, in many a ditty,

Loudly sings in whisky's praise;
Sweet the sang! the mair's the pity,
E'er on it he war'd sic lays."

III. Ignorance and poverty, combined with extreme toil and care, form a prolific and very general source of Intemperance. Ignorance and sensuality are ever united. A moment's reflection will convince the Men possessed neither of moral principle impartial mind of the injurious tendency nor of intellectual strength, are but too of sentiments thus conveyed in captivating prone to seek enjoyment in sensual gratificalanguage, no less false in their sympathy, tion. The transitory pleasures of sense than pernicious in their influence. In this often engage the attention, and captivate manner, however, the sanction of superior the affections, while the nobler and more talents is too often lent to perpetuate a vice durable enjoyments of intellectual cultivation, most odious in its character, and destructive are but too little estimated or relished. in its effects. Excessive toil and care form other powerThe poetry of Burns, the Bard of Scot-ful auxiliaries to intemperance. The lives land, has contributed, perhaps more than of a large proportion of the operative part any other of like nature, to perpetuate and of the community are, in general, passed in strengthen the practice of drinking. He mere animal exertion, with few opportunithus addresses whiskey, as the muse which ties, or even motives, for moral or intellectual inspired his lays.

"O, thou my muse! guid auld Scotch drink : Whether thro' wimpling worms thou jink, Or, richly brown, ream o'er the brink,

In glorious feam,

Inspire me, till I lisp and wink,

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To sing thy name!
The two succeeding verses contain strong
encomiums on this fell destroyer of human
happiness :-

"Food fills the wame, an' keeps us livin:
Tho' life's a gift no worth receivin',
When heavy dragg'd wi' pine and grievin' ;
But oil'd by thee,

The wheels o' life gae down-hill scrievin',
Wi' rattlin glee.

"Thou clears the head o' doited lear;
Thou cheers the heart o' drooping care;
Thou strings the nerves o' labour sair,
At's weary toil;

Thou even brightens dark despair
Wi' gloomy smile."

improvement. The habitations of this class are too frequently found devoid of those domestic comforts which other branches of society possess. The duty of providing for a numerous family often presses heavily upon them, while, in many cases, there is but a scanty supply of labour for furnishing still scantier means of support. It can excite little surprise, therefore, that in too many instances these unfortunate individuals resort to such attractive means of temporary relief from their distresses, as may opportunely be presented to their notice, and placed within their reach. Fascinating inducements to intemperance are held out at houses established and licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquors. At these seductive abodes, the infatuated votaries of strong drink, endeavour, for a few moments, to banish the cares and sorrows with which they are depressed. An intelligent writer observes, "that the moral inducements for drinking inebriating compounds, are much more prevalent than even the physical pretences." "The desire," he further remarks, "for oblivion of care, of irksome business and of laborious thought; expectation of drowning sorrow, and of repelling misfortune; the wish to feel ourselves prosperous, or to be flattered by pleasing hopes, are the chief reasons for desiring strong liquors.* Even individuals more elevated in the scale of society, it is to be feared, endeavour to obtain relief from toil and care by undue indulgence in sensual pleasure. It is a correct observation, that exhausting toils The writings of this poet abound with unfit the mind to withstand temptation, and delusive praises of strong drink; and it is a great portion of mankind are found but not unreasonable to suppose that thousands too willing to alleviate the ills of life with so of his countrymen, while admiring the soothing, but deceitful, an antidote, as is beauty of his language, have imbibed notions, presented to them in the form of intoxicating and adopted practices, which have proved liquors.

The next verse depicts in expressive language the estimation in which whiskey is held in his native land.

"Thou art the life o' public haunts;

But thee, what were our fairs and rants?
Ev'n godly meetings o' the saints,
By thee inspired,

When gaping they besiege the tents,
Are doubly fired."

Burns thus concludes,
"Fortune! if thou'll but gie me still
Hale breeks, a scone, and whisky gill,
And rowth o' rhyme to rave at will,
Take a' the rest,

And deal't about as thy blind skill

Directs the best."

injurious in their tendency, and fatal in their * Lecture on Fermented Liquors, by Sir A. Carresults. Hector M'Neil, a rhymster of the lyle.

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